Ever since Dana Corbo was hired back in his old position or something to that effect, I had a gut feeling this type of stuff was going on.
Look at it as we are getting the old team back together type of thing.
Only part of that team does not live in the deep past and has learned to let it go and move on with there lives.
Thus you have the split you are seeing now.
I am not surprised about the holding back stuff. DB and Co was doing that stuff for years on end back in the day and everyone knew it. If you were not on the inside when it came to the moves and info,you were fucked.
Many in here could go into much greater deatail about it than I ever could. Maybe our good friend Mr Know It All will come in and tell us a story or two about it.
In the end I believe the true old guard whom is behind all this is trying to hold on/recreate something that really is not there anymore. Very hard to corner a market when that corner is in the deep past and no longer even exist in the way that it did.
Compounding this problem for them is the fact that the previous owners of a once elite property, completly and utterly, FUCKED IT UP. The mess they had to have found had to be well beyond what they were expecting in my opinion. In simple, there is positivly no way to get back the many thousands of clients DB lost when Liberty Media had it.
Compounding that problem for them is that the people LM let go are all the people whom WERE DB at one point,that knew all there was to know about how to operate it, are now running a BETTER, FASTER,MORE HONEST and CHEAPER line service than the old kings of the hill will ever be able to run.
That might sound naive to many of you, but its the truth.
And that ladies and gents is your view from the bottom.