Hey JJ, pass whatever you're smoking over here, it must be some good shit!
La Tica, the crime rate is much higher than it was in CR just a few years ago. It keeps getting worse. Everyone I personally know in CR has been robbed including myself. My place was cleaned out at 2 pm in the afternoon. Nice house in Rohmoser, not a bad area. The guard got paid off, he took a walk around the block and didn't see a thing. I know of two friends that have been car jacked at gun point (both Ticos). One of them TWICE!! They weren't driving 966's either. One was a jetta (got stolen twice, he got it back the first time) and the other was a Montero.
One of my friends (another tico) was outside his house when two guys drove up on a dirt bike. The guy on the back put a gun to his daughters (8 years old) head and said give me the chain (necklace).
I also saw a similiar occurance when two guys on a dirt bike stole a bike from a child. The guy on the back jumped off, punched the kid in the head, knocking him off the bike. He held the bike over his shoulders, on his back and they drove off. If I had my glock with me I would have shot them but I left it home that day.
Not to mention one of the head Western Union owners (tico also) stepped out of the bank one afternoon, again two guys on a dirt bike road up on the sidewalk. He was left for dead with a bullet in his neck, it hit his spine. I don't know if they pulled the life support plug on him yet but he is dead anyways.
These are not the same two guys. These types of hits are very popular in Columbia. Some Columbians have come to CR looking for "work". In other cases ticos have picked up on the technique. The guys that stole the chain were ticos because of the slang word they used for chain.
I won't even get into the rash of home invasions where they come into your house and tie you up, if you are lucky, bring in the moving truck and clean you out. If you are not lucky, they find your body a few days later.
Agian, most of my friends are ticos so I want to make it clear that they are street smart here, not wandering around drunk leaving the del rey.
All this aside, CR is still a better place to live than the US in my opinion. But don't try to close your eyes to what is going on here.
Pecheco sees it and he is trying rewind time about 20 years. I don't blame him. I do however think his plan for doing it is flawed.