Trying to get on track,but big plays are killing me.
NO, "what's killing you" is, you can't cap, don't know footbal, and have no MM skills at all, other than that you're doing a hell of a job. Are people actually paying for this garbage? P.t. Barnum was right!
Spoke with PT's grandson; in this day and age of computers and the speed of communication, PT's business philosophy has been updated to " born every second."
The psychiatrist is in, 5 cents please:
As far as the mistake that I see, the Rx has shown a remarkable lack of sensitivity by letting the Fraudfather post. Fraud; as his friends call him, is an incurable masochist and the Rx, by letting him post is enabling him to inflict constant pain upon himself as his losses mount. Although the RX will argue the pain brings Fraud pleasure and is not harmful; Fraudfather is selling his picks to unsuspecting custumers and using their pain, as their losses mount, for his own sick pleasure. Rx please reconsider your role as an enabler and send Fraud to the Site promotions Forum where he belongs, as the posters who enter that forum know the pain that lies ahead paying for picks.
How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb? One, but only if the lightbulb wants to change.