The other 22% are peaceful? They sure aren't vocal with their criticism of the "1%". As a matter of fact, you would be hard pressed to find virtually any muslim that will speak out against terrorism.
Do you remember the Palestineans cheering after 9/11? Something tells me that is more indicative of the "22%" that you speak of.
I'd be hard pressed to find virtually any Muslim that will speak out against terrorism? This post right here shows me your level of knowledge on this topic. I lived with 40 Muslims every single day for a year. Ate with them, worked out with them and trained together. Not one of them condoned terrorism. They described fanatics as "uneducated" and "in need of money." The Muslims I lived with were educated, motivated and trying to better their future. They prayed daily, read the Koran and observed Ramadan. We were all peaceful and lived together just fine. Your view is based on the fanatics you see on T.V. That's it.