In today's battle of the SBR stooge brothers born from different fathers but same mother, rattard was better than morono and jtroller/lang, winning his NFL pick and going 4-2 for the day - which isn't anything special but caused rattard to start bragging about being the big gay queen(big game king) of SBR again, imagine if this jackass would have went 4-0 in one day he would be ejaculating all over his keyboard with excitement
This puts the big gay queen record in this thread at:
5 - 3 = +1.7 air vitty units
Looking at his new SBR thread posted above, it's been funny how rattard loves to fantasise and build up his phoney online persona, and interesting to see just how many SBR posters help and enable this idiot to keep doing so - as SBR poster RoyBacon accurately posted in post #60, SBR moderators have to protect rattard.
Here are some of today's rattard gems, I especially like how he brags about his Philly mob ties ahaha:
Originally Posted by jjgold:
Vitter when was the last time you saw Joey Merlino or Stevie Mazzone?
A while since I’ve seen Joey but talk to him often. He’s still running Philly but lives in Florida most of the time. Lots of heat on him in pa. If he turns on red they will put him in prison here.
Sure rattard sure, you're an admitted internet forum rat assed informer but with ties to the mob, just like you say you bet more than everyone else combined and how you richer than everyone else combined and you only fuck 9s 10s 11s but never post any proof in over a decade posting on forums - but I guess you actually think you do all of that because you're tard talking to tard radio control inside your head every day ?
Let's end today's post thinking of tard famous words from his pathetic video to SBR posted above with his little fistful of dollars bragging about his office, "see this boys? This is real fucking money, this is real money, this is what winners is flourishing boys flourishing!"
Wow, and just imagine if it was $500 in that video instead of $300 and change...rattard would have wet his granny diapers...and I can't help but think of the many rattard nation strong at SBR, the many that are part of rattard client list the rattard email picks list, the many that post support for tard for whatever foolish shameful reason like fairy_assflow(fidel_cashflow) and bostoninformer(bostongambler) - all you hypocrites are forever associated with this lying geriatric phoney fraudulent informing rats ass goofy piece of shit, you are all forever remembered as clients of rattard, and thankfully post history will ensure that anyone wanting to assess the credibility of posters can easily search and see clearly who enables bad action and turns a blind eye or who spoke out against it.
Funny you all are clients of rattard email picks and put up with bad action because you think following tard will net you few extra units, yet you all won't follow tard SBR stooge brother morono who actually is winning more than tard this year in NFL sides - at least morono isn't informing on other posters like tard does, but hey for some reason rats like rattard get more likes at SBR, so at least we know birds of a feather really do flock together.
Even though rattard is up 1.7 air units and won't shut up about it, at least jtroller/lang lost which is actually more important, so it's still a good day - I should also track another lang loving jackass shoeshiner11(sunshine11), another thread abandoning air unit bragging SBR idiot...but let's see if rattard will keep fucking his own asshole over winning few air units tomorrow first.