The "REAL" FADE SBR stooge vitterd? Thread


Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
This thread is for people that want to FADE the SBR stooge known as vitterd/olive branch/air vitty/bitcherd/courtney/big gay queen/vitturd/vittard/rattard/tard/turd/etc.

If you don't want to FADE...FUCK OFF??

Photo of rattard with his sister that rattard claims he had sex with.

This thread will track rattard SBR pick thread he recently created: post already trying to cheat by bringing over a head start from another thread exposed in post #5)

In post #5 of the above link, rattard already exposed trying to cheat and get a head start by bringing over records from another source.

We will follow the advice of the SBR poster unde007 in post #5 from the above link and just let tard start his thread off:

1 - 0 = +1 air unit:popcorn:
Last edited by a moderator:

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Whoops...since tard won his first pick the above is him up, but the thread is down:

0 - 1 = -1.1 air units :popcorn:

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Just some videos rattard posted at SBR to brag about how much of a winning bettor he is:

Might as well post rattard links and records again just to prove that rattard records are actually worse than his SBR stooge brother morono NFL records not including props of course:
5-7 = 41%(abandoned thread after losing)
6-7 = 46% -1700(abandoned thread after losing)
14-16 = 46% -1810(abandoned thread after losing)
0-1 = 0%(cherry picked TEN +19.5 after game already tied in first half still lost in blowout then abandoned thread after losing)
128-106 = 54%(cried and begged moderators to close his thread so that he wouldn't have to post picks anymore)
(Post #320 moderator warns tard stop including plays posted elsewhere into record)
(Addressed to tard nation post #1027 same morono boom posts)
(wants everyone call him big game king or big gay queen) post already trying to cheat by bringing over a head start from another thread)

Might as well include the link proving rattard begged moderators to close his thread:

Also thread rattard created admitting to informing on other posters to try and get them banned:


Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Copied and pasted from across street:

rattard says:


Bills +3.5

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021

Copied and pasted from across street:

rattard says:


Bills +3.5

When SBR stooge brothers both born from same mother but also from different fathers, rattard and morono both pick BUF, but jtroller/lang picks TB - one of these stooges had to be the bigger loser today, and of course it was the SBR stooge brothers rattard and morono proving to be the bigger losers of them all losing by dramatic broken dick fashion in the last minutes:highfive:

This brings rattard losing record in this thread to:

1 - 1 = -0.1 air units:an_clap:

Currently, as proven by clicking on his thread above, rattard has ran away crying and very well could abandon his newly created thread - just like he ran away at the end of the Sixers game on November 29th 2021 when he knew he was supposed to meet me that night. What a fucking coward and lying pieces of shit rattard is was and always will be - MAY THE FADE BE WITH YOU:an_dance:


Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Well after an entire day of arguing and trying to include records from his previous thread to give himself a 30 win head start, which rattard claims is the winningest thread in SBR history, at least some SBR posters ain't buying it - and finally rattard puts out his coin flip picks which I've copied and posted from across street:

rattard says:


Pacers +4
Sixers -4
Wash +3.5
Clippers +2.5


Rams +3

Big card tonight

Interesting that on the NFL he chose to bet the opposite of his fellow air betting SBR stooge brother morono and also causing one of these stooges to be on the same side as jtroller/lang as well...which of all these loser will be the biggest loser tonight? Stay tuned after the game to find out.

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Looks like the battle of the stooges is rattard on RAMS vs morono and jtroller/lang on CARDINALS...rattard probably just got buthurt when Bacon told him to buy Arizona so he flipped to LA, maybe that'll work out for him since lang and morono and rattard all on same side loses for sure - so maybe rattard fading himself tonight after getting embarrassed on BILLS yesterday?

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
In today's battle of the SBR stooge brothers born from different fathers but same mother, rattard was better than morono and jtroller/lang, winning his NFL pick and going 4-2 for the day - which isn't anything special but caused rattard to start bragging about being the big gay queen(big game king) of SBR again, imagine if this jackass would have went 4-0 in one day he would be ejaculating all over his keyboard with excitement:thumbsdow

This puts the big gay queen record in this thread at:

5 - 3 = +1.7 air vitty units:popcorn:

Looking at his new SBR thread posted above, it's been funny how rattard loves to fantasise and build up his phoney online persona, and interesting to see just how many SBR posters help and enable this idiot to keep doing so - as SBR poster RoyBacon accurately posted in post #60, SBR moderators have to protect rattard.

Here are some of today's rattard gems, I especially like how he brags about his Philly mob ties ahaha:

Originally Posted by jjgold:
Vitter when was the last time you saw Joey Merlino or Stevie Mazzone?

A while since I’ve seen Joey but talk to him often. He’s still running Philly but lives in Florida most of the time. Lots of heat on him in pa. If he turns on red they will put him in prison here.

Sure rattard sure, you're an admitted internet forum rat assed informer but with ties to the mob, just like you say you bet more than everyone else combined and how you richer than everyone else combined and you only fuck 9s 10s 11s but never post any proof in over a decade posting on forums - but I guess you actually think you do all of that because you're tard talking to tard radio control inside your head every day ?

Let's end today's post thinking of tard famous words from his pathetic video to SBR posted above with his little fistful of dollars bragging about his office, "see this boys? This is real fucking money, this is real money, this is what winners is flourishing boys flourishing!"

Wow, and just imagine if it was $500 in that video instead of $300 and change...rattard would have wet his granny diapers...and I can't help but think of the many rattard nation strong at SBR, the many that are part of rattard client list the rattard email picks list, the many that post support for tard for whatever foolish shameful reason like fairy_assflow(fidel_cashflow) and bostoninformer(bostongambler) - all you hypocrites are forever associated with this lying geriatric phoney fraudulent informing rats ass goofy piece of shit, you are all forever remembered as clients of rattard, and thankfully post history will ensure that anyone wanting to assess the credibility of posters can easily search and see clearly who enables bad action and turns a blind eye or who spoke out against it.

Funny you all are clients of rattard email picks and put up with bad action because you think following tard will net you few extra units, yet you all won't follow tard SBR stooge brother morono who actually is winning more than tard this year in NFL sides - at least morono isn't informing on other posters like tard does, but hey for some reason rats like rattard get more likes at SBR, so at least we know birds of a feather really do flock together.

Even though rattard is up 1.7 air units and won't shut up about it, at least jtroller/lang lost which is actually more important, so it's still a good day - I should also track another lang loving jackass shoeshiner11(sunshine11), another thread abandoning air unit bragging SBR idiot...but let's see if rattard will keep fucking his own asshole over winning few air units tomorrow first.

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
:+money-8+ :+money-8+:+money-8+:+money-8+:+money-8+:+money-8+:+money-8+:+money-8+


Copied and pasted from across street after tard had already lost:

rattard says:

Nba: 12/14

Portland +1.5

Congratulations to RoyBacon across street who FADED tard today on tard favorite day:highfive:


This brings rattard air betting record in this thread to:

5 - 4 = +0.6 air units :popcorn:

Well well well rattard, Demon caught you trying to fudge your records little bit in post #131 like your fellow SBR stooge brother from another father morono, why you so quiet on your favorite day of the week ahahaha keep proving that you can't win any day of the week especially on your favorite day of the week - MAY THE FADE BE WITH YOU:an_dance:



Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Copied and pasted from the tard across street:

Nba 12/15

New Orleans -4.5
Twolves +4
Portland +2.5

This fucking jackass already threatening to stop posting picks and abandon his new thread already hahaha.

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021

Copied and pasted from jjgold across street in tard pick thread post #181:

<div><iframe width="300" height="60" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay"></iframe><br><a href="" title="Vocaroo Voice Recorder" target="_blank">View on Vocaroo &gt;&gt;</a></div>

Seems like tard wanted to avoid a losing day by sneaking in a last minute pick Utah State in his post #200 but that still only made him 2-2 = -0.2 and still a losing day for tardy tard tard and at least we know that tard likes to chase when he down haha:highfive:

This brings rattard air betting record in this thread to:

7 - 6 = -0.4 :party0037:air:an_laugh:vitty units:an_clap:

Hey rattard listen to gold you cocksucker you winning vittard you winning hahahahaha explain to the forum how your previous thread with 54% winning percentage makes it the winningest thread in SBR history again even your fellow SBR stooge brother morono hitting above 54% percent in one of his threads - MAY THE FADE BE WITH YOU:an_dance:


Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Whoops that's +0.4 not minus :party0037:air:an_laugh:vitty units you winning tard you winning you?

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Copied and pasted from rattard across street:

:party0037: air:an_laugh:vitty says:

Nba: 12/16

Sixers -2
Wash +9


KC -3

Might add ncaa later

Yeah, just like yesterday, tard will add games last minute if he loses the first set...fucking clown coin flipping goof big gay queen haha ?

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Man this thread is too good not to post hahaha:

:party0037: air:an_laugh:vitty bragging about his 62 email clients which means he has 6 email clients and 2 are his parents hahaha and he still trying hard to make SBR believe he's not a stooge like this brothers from other fathers - morono and shoeshiner11 and bostoninformer etc?

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Thank you to Pimpy in the Real FADE lang Thread for confirming lang a tang on RAMS...since rattard on KC, it'll be interesting to see which of these clowns takes it up the ass from the other tonight hahaha?

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021

Another losing day for rattard the big gay queen as he reminds everyone to call him losing both of his basketball picks and only winning his one football play because his fellow SBR stooge bother jtroller/lang bet opposite:highfive:

This brings rattard air betting record in this thread to:

8 - 8 = -0.8 :party0037:air:an_laugh:vitty units:an_clap:

When someone loses all their own picks and wins only what they faded from brandon big fraud lang you know they are full of shit and that's what everyone already knows about rattard the big gay queen. This week Tuesday wasn't his favorite day of the week since he lost as usual but maybe next Tuesday will be when he can coin flip a win for a change and keep trying hard to convince himself that he didn't run away from me after the game on November 29th 2021 - MAY THE FADE BE WITH YOU:an_dance:


Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Copied and pasted from tard pick thread across street post #172:

:party0037: air:an_laugh:vitty says:

Dummy. Baseball plays were based on the prices and those odds were always posted. That’s why the numbers aren’t even. Seriously, are you fuxvking retarded?

I get 106/108/110/112 sometimes. Football and basketball are graded at -110 because people were crying if I posted I had 105…. So I made all football and basketball-110. Baseball odds were always posted. My record is always accurate.

Jesus….it’s like dealing with a retard.

At least rattard admits he makes up his own lines and sets then at -110 for basketball and football because nobody believed the other lines he invented and posted.

Anyone who really bets knows that it isn't always -110, but even if it was always -110 tard could just post pictures of his tickets proving he always gets -110 no matter how unbelievable, but of course rattard has never posted any tickets not at SBR or Rx or any other forum he been at in all the years posters asking him to post tickets because of course he has no tickets to post he is only pretending to bet and only pretend to bet so he can try hard to fit in and lie to make friends online.

These desperate pathetic credibility rapists and fraudsters like rattard are similar to the biggest fraudsters such as brandon lang and steve stevens etc that keep bragging they have the winningest threads and the most money and whatever lines they say without ever posting any proof - yeah lang lines never change either it's always -110 and -130 when he buys extra half point, sound familiar rattard ya big gay queen?

In post #138 of above thread tard says no one will see him after 2022, probably because he'll find another online forum to promote his phoney online fantasy persona, but then again he said he'd reduce his SBR presence at SBR after November 29th 2021 the day he was supposed to meet me but instead ran away wee wee wee all the way home after the game ended without even waiting few minutes - the lesson is the same with credibility rapists and pathological liars like brandon lang/steve stevens/rattard, whatever they saying/posting never ends up being credible as same with everyone associated to them who supports them too.

Keep it up SBR rattard nation keep it up, you know who you are and post histories will forever be reminders of who you all are.

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
College football

Toledo -10.5

CCar/Nill over 62.5


Richmond -2


Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Copied and pasted from rattard thread across street:

:party0037:air:an_laugh:vitty says:

New Orleans-1.5
Minny +1

Wow rattard already tilting, GOGOGO MIL/LAL/CHA?

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Copied and pasted from rattard across street:

:party0037:air:an_laugh:vitty chirps:

5-1 today

266-223 (+3,099) overall

13-9 (+310) since return

Tuesday buried
Demonta buried
Knuckleheadz buried
Firedawg buried
All Faders buried

Big game king Vitterd!!

Too funny, big gay queen SBR stooge rattard still trying to include records from outside of his current thread and has one good day all week and is immediately running naked through the streets jerking himself off pathetically and desperately trying to tell the world about it, exact same scam as jtroller/lang perpetuates - exactly why this SBR clown is a worse piece of shit than his fellow SBR stooge brother morono, anyone that been gambling long enough knows that a 5-1 day is good but nothing to suck yourself off over, unless you're a lowlife air betting fraudster scumbag credibility rapist like rattard and jtroller/lang:thumbsdow

This brings rattard air betting record in this thread now to:

13 - 9 = +3.1 :party0037:air:an_laugh:vitty units?

No wonder rattard was banned from this site, his similarities to brandon lang are uncanny, both are massive lying blowhards that no decent person can stomach - even lang had consecutive winning days and months and so can any coin flipping retard, but what both rattard and brandon lang can't ever do is post proof they are actually betting what they say they are, so here's your chance rattard to prove you're not just another jtroller/lang all you have to do is just show us your tickets simple enough? Oh right, just like brandon lang has had years and never posted or proven a thing, so too has rattard had many years being told to show us proof and has never posted any proof, but has instead proven he is a forever fraud - just like brandon lang, oh they both have way less clients than they claim too.

With all due respect to SBR poster ThanksForTheFade, lying scamming pieces of shit like brandon lang and rattard never deserve any respect and are never due any props - because whatever phoney achievements they brag about whether real or made up, are always built upon their history and foundation of lies and deceit, which forever stains themselves with the putrid stench and filth of their own bile and vomit oozing out of their mouths whenever they open their shit filled mouths no matter how hard they try to pretend otherwise.

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