Notebook, thanks for your interested. Here is a good one for NBA 11/10/05
At Sunset Sportsbook Det Piston -2 Even
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=700 border=1><TBODY><TR class=SportGroupsSportHeader><TD noWrap align=middle>Conf.</TD><TD align=middle>Date Placed</TD><TD noWrap align=middle>Header</TD><TD noWrap align=middle>Bet Details</TD><TD noWrap align=middle></TD></TR><TR class=" betLinesOdd1
"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle>
63450</TD><TD align=middle width="10%">2005-11-10 22:46:19.0</TD><TD noWrap><TABLE width=255><TBODY><TR><TD>INTERNET: Straight Bet risk 247 win 247</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap><TABLE width=255><TBODY><TR><TD>705 Pistons -2 (EV) risk 247 win 247 (NBA)</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD style="CURSOR: hand" onclick="doPrintTicket('63450')" vAlign=center noWrap align=middle>
Print</TD></TR><TR class=" betLinesOdd0
"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle>
63446</TD><TD align=middle width="10%">2005-11-10 22:39:57.0</TD><TD noWrap><TABLE width=255><TBODY><TR><TD>INTERNET: Straight Bet risk 253 win 253</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap><TABLE width=255><TBODY><TR><TD>705 Pistons -2 (EV) risk 253 win 253 (NBA)</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD style="CURSOR: hand" onclick="doPrintTicket('63446')" vAlign=center noWrap align=middle>
At Pinnacle Phoen<TABLE borderColor=blue width=680 border=0><TBODY><TR class=tableText height=30><TD class=accountText vAlign=top noWrap>
</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap>7:41pm
</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap>7:35pm
</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap>Basketball
</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom align=left>Detroit Pistons vs
Phoenix Suns (+2) for Game</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right>+104</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right>247.00</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right>256.88</TD></TR><TR class=hidden id=pitcher1><TD class=accountText colSpan=2></TD><TD class=accountText></TD><TD class=accountText noWrap align=left>NBA</TD><TD class=accountText align=left colSpan=4><TD noWrap align=left colSpan=4></TD></TR><TR bgColor=black height=1 width="100"><TD colSpan=8></TD></TR><TR class=tableText height=30><TD class=accountText vAlign=top noWrap>
</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap>7:48pm
</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap>7:35pm
</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap>Basketball
</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom align=left>Detroit Pistons vs
Phoenix Suns (+2) for Game</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right>+104</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right>243.00</TD><TD class=accountText vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right>252.72</TD></TR><TR class=hidden id=pitcher2><TD class=accountText colSpan=2></TD><TD class=accountText></TD><TD class=accountText noWrap align=left>NBA</TD><TD class=accountText align=left colSpan=4><TD noWrap align=left colSpan=4></TD></TR><TR bgColor=black height=1 width="100"><TD colSpan=8></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>ix +2 +104
As you can see, I placed $500 on Det -2 to win $500
As the same time, I placed $490 on Phoenix to win $509.6
If Det win, I win $10
If Phoenix win, I win $9.6
Is this all clear to you?
You're absolutely right about there are much more trades daily, I don't have alot of money to put in every single books out there, so I just pass on. A lot of money being loss because I don't have a big capital.
You're also right about being a rep or not. Actually, it does not matter to me about that residual income cause I know I'm not that good of talking people into this. Besides, it take people who has the patient and understand how this work and can do the math of the compouding factor to appreciate the system. Anyway, you can be a rep and all you have to do is have people sign up under your name, pay the monthly fee and you'll start earning that residual income. But I'm not sure how that work cause like I said, I'm not really into that. What I'm interested is the shares in the pool as a member.