Cincy, I didn't post this thread 3 weeks ago, I posted it on 10/10/08. Of course, if you're smart enough to time the market perfectly, good for you. Let us know when it's time to buy.
TR, I didn't advise anyone to buy, although that is probably not bad advice today. I am advising everybody to live your life has you normally would, with a few exceptions of course.
If it took patience to make money, Wall St execs would be doing yoga all fucking day.
As it is now, Wall St. needs people like you to hold their shit stock. GM is $4 and change ... and I sold mine at $13 on September 19th. Now I can buy 3 shares of GM for every share I sold ...
Patience is bending over so I can get fuckt, Basehead ... Patience is acknowledging that the people who run that company know more than me ... you can do that if you wish, I won't.
"It's impossible to predict the bottom, and technical analysis is meaningless as panic and fear overwhelm the markets," said Jang Huh, managing director at Prudential Asset Management in Seoul.
Panic is a sudden fear which dominates or replaces thinking and often affects groups of people or animals. Panics typically occur in disaster situations, or violent situations (such as robbery, home invasion, a shooting rampage, etc.) which may endanger the overall health of the affected group. The word panic derives from the name of the Greek god Pan, who was said to have the ability to cause extreme, irrational fear, especially in lonely or open places. Panic is also known as Anxiety.
the panic selling is essentially a self fulfilling prophecy
I've seen 10 articles about panic in the markets, I just couldn't find them this morning, so I settled for the Asian guy.
Asian's are supposed to be smart y'know, it's not like he's from Kenya or something.
Anyhow, are you a racist?
If you want to play that game. This coming from someone admitting that he "settled for the Asian guy," and generalizing that Asians are "supposed to be smart."
So do you have something against Kenyans?