NASA Deception - Find Alien life in next Decade
NASA is claiming that it will find alien life in the next decade. Is this part of the end time deception coming upon the world?
I always thought NASA was a Civilian Space AgencyNASA Isn't Who They Say They Are ? ?
No way. Are you saying that the development of these rockets serverd a dual purpose and can be outfitted with nukes? Wow. What are you gonna figure out next? That water is wet?I always thought NASA was a Civilian Space Agency
It's NOT ....... it's a MILITARY agency
..I always thought NASA was a Civilian Space Agency
It's NOT ....... it's a MILITARY agency
Water's ?WetNo way. Are you saying that the development of these rockets serverd a dual purpose and can be outfitted with nukes? Wow. What are you gonna figure out next? That water is wet?
Bible called it Rapture and then the tribulation. George Orwell "1984"wrote in 1947. Crazy
Hi. @RXKarla ..... yes , after discovering that the Challenger Mission crew are actually ALIVE & NOT deceased as we are led to believe my eyes have been opened wide .Looks like someone is obsessed with NASA hehehe
I haven't bought into the FLAT EARTH theory ....... at least not yet anyway .I believe flat earth is a psy-op used to distract people from the lies we have been told about the nature of Earth and Space....when you research you will find so many things that dont make sense but the trend is to throw flat earth into the mix somewhere.....
No matter how good of an arguement people make about certain Nasa/Media/Govt deceptions over the years as soon as reference to flat earth theory is mentioned it turns people off.
.....and that is by design