If you are using hitting only for average as your argument for Jeter , lets look at the most overated hitter in the history of the game then Pete Rose .. who was the epitemy of "just hitting for average"
In 24 seasons , Rose hit more than 10 Homers , Eight times ( high of 16 )
His top 5 RB seasons are in this order , 82,81,76,74,70
You would think a guy with the nickname "Hustle" would steal a few bases here and there ... He had 198 in his career with a high of 20 ...
He had 10 seasons of 100+ runs in 24 years , Jeter already has 11 in 15 years ..
as for Jeters #s being satisfactory in the playoffs , last time I checked over .300 is considered above average, not satisfactory .. Considering the league as a whole has never averaged close to .300.
Jeter career average .316
Jeter Playoffs average .309
Jeter World Series average .302
I would say thats above average ...
As for Jeter being a shit fielder ?
he's won 3 golden gloves at that posisiton which only 4 guys in the history game have won more ...
Check your facts before you post out of your ass
Jeter is a shit fielder, and is the epitome of "overrated." Is he bad? Not at all, but to receive the praise this guy does you would think he's the best SS of his generation and he's not, he's not even close. He's not even the best SS on his own team, that's hitting or fielding wise.
The post-season stats are a farce, he's batted .400+ in 7 post-season series, that's great! He's also batted less than .250 in 7 p-s series, which is pretty awful if you ask me.
And as for being a lead-off hitter, and someone who hits for average, he hits into a shitload of DPs. Go look at those numbers, for someone who bats first or second every game, he should not hit into that many DPs. It's hard to hit into a DP, when at least 1-4 of your ABs every game come when no one is even on in front of you.
He's dubbed "Mr. November" because of his HR in the Novemer-2001 World Series. He also hit below the Mendoza line in that Series. Mr. November??? Come on.
Yes he has won gold gloves, and yes, he is still is an AWFUL FIELDER. His 2004 GG was a lie, in the 11 years before 2004, Vizquel and A-Rod were the only two players to win gold-gloves, the great Jeter, moved A-Rod to 3B, and Vizquel played through injury that whole year. The same can be said for '05 and '06 when Vizquel is shipped to the NL. Jeter won that GG and the others by default, not to mention the undeserving adulation he recieved for the "face first catch" he made in '04. Jeter wins a GG in 2004 because the two best fielders in the game were either injured or moved from their natural position, not to mention a catch where snags a tough fly ball, then takes three to four steps and does not trip into the stands, but voluntarily DIVES IN. But rather than winning by default, he also didn't deserve that award to begin with, he was outscored in Fielding % by three other players. Outscored in DPs by four other players. Look at Crosby and Tejada's stats in that season, they outdo Jeter enormously and yet he still wins the glove.
Great fielding SS??? in 2001, 02 and 03 Jeter was stasitically THE WORST FIELDING SS in the AL consecutively. He ranked dead last in Range and Zone. He's a great fielder? No, he's not, great fielders don't rank dead last for their position, sure they have bad years, but they don't rank dead last, and they don't do it THREE SEASONS IN A ROW!! You know when those numbers finally improve? In 2004, when A-Rod comes along. Jeter's range gets drastically higher, off the charts, almost as if someone to his right is covering a lot more ground. It helps to be a better fielder when you have a REAL gold glover standing next to you.
If you want to use gold gloves as a reason for being a great fielder, go right ahead. But if you look at the stats, and look at them as a whole, Jeter is completely sub-par. By "awards", he was the best in '04, '05 and '06. He was also THE WORST in the three years before that, that evens out to be pretty average. The stats as a whole, which are not judged by personal opinion like an award is, show that Jeter is not that good at his position.