<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 5600759" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>tiznow</TD><TD class=alt2>i'm not a gloomy guy the world is what it is
i just see gloom coming for the economy and world at large near term
and the "puppetmasters" having to deal with a dose of chaos </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
They are prepared for both scenarios.
(1) Avert chaos by - Concentration Camps. These camps are common knowledge to exist and are in working order and staffed. Laser weapons that burn through the skin at low power and suck the water out of your body and turn you into an instant corpse the size of a midget on High.
(Avert chaos by- silent weapon Capitulation to the massive brain washing experiment that is going on that will result in people being manuvered into being implanted by chips that will be ordered for your own benifit. They are already at the commercial stage and on TV .I saw one the other day. The woman lost track of her son- got frantic for a moment- then reached for a strange looking device with a reverse arrow showing the area the chip pulsated its tiny beacon from. She finds her son walking alone like nothing has happened. She smiles and all is well an good with the world because Duracell was there.
The Supreme Court-stacked with puppets not judges anymore will overturn the classaction lawsuit by the people against the Insurance companies. Making the implantation of the microchip at least from their perspective relative to mortality rates a requirement for health and life insurance.
Thats just one.
There will be room on the chip for hundreds of "pieces" that make up this chip for which to "help" you in some way that the implantation of the chip is the only requrement. Plastic will be phased out just like paper currency is today and the world of biometrics will begin. Get a chip for the banks security expenses or sorry you cant have acess to any bank. You wont need a key to get into your house or drive your car. You simply pass your hand over the door handle or the ignition. So for multiple reasons the chip will be implanted in everyone. And remember- whatever can be turned on can be turned off. they can turn you on. Poetic. They can turn you off. Tragic. Will they still call themselves free then?
"Aquiesce" is the word Tiz-to their hypnotic irrefutable logic that what they do is for you and for your safety and security only - and of course their fair right to make a small corporate busines profit. They truly believe they wont need Scenario #1.
The people will aquiesce instead. I can only hope they are wrong.