The Is Something Smelly Going On At OPU and it involves MC!!!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Fraud (play changing) at the OPU and it involves Madcapper!!!

First I want to say that I don't post here often just from time to time. I check in here often though and when I have posted the bulk of it was with Fishead and World Runner, we all had a common Iowa bond and talked a bit about High School Football. I do however post frequently across the street. I like this site and I wanted to give the folks here a heads up about something. What I'm about to say is true - I swear to Jesus and on my life, and I don't do that much and I'm not one to usually get mixed up in "wierdness", but I thought I need to say this for the good of anyone who can be affected.

A few weeks ago when Madcapper had a falling out over here I kind of followed him around. I saw him do a few things that were "unethical", but nothing so strong that I could point a finger at him and call him a crook. Hell, I actually heard he even even started to make ammends with on one of his debt. He didn't pay it all and he didn't pay what he promised, but it is a start. It is true that I know and am friendly with a couple of people he owes miney to, but he doesn't owe me anything. I just feel like his whole schtick is fishy and I thought if I checked in on him from time to time I would see that it was so. I was right.

After hearing of MC and several others that jumped ship to this place OPU, I thought I'd check it out and see what is going on. Just so happened to check it out last night.

This place (or himself) changed his plays and subsequently his total!!! I raise my hand to god on this. I checked his plays several times throughout the evening and saw his late plays that were under his plays for Thursday column. Here he made 4 plays on the late Wednesday night Dodgers game. He had the Dodgers -1 +? and the Dodgers -1 1/2 +?. I don't remember the exact figure, but I checked it several times and guarantee you the plays were on the Dodgers (the Dodgers are my favorite team and remember stuff like this specifically). I go back today and both those plays are changed to DBacks!!! And also there is no sign that the thread was "edited"!!! How and why did they do this? Again, I swear this to be true on a stack of holy bibles. If anyone here questions my integrity please ask any of the few folks around here that know me and or anyone across the street about me (MW). I don't get my kicks out of doing this, it is simply true and I feel it is necessary to inform any and all of the cyber sports gaming community about this.

As a side note. I even went as far as adding his totals yesterday. I didn't copy down all his plays, I just added them up on a notepad and added and subtracted them. I'm careful enough to know my math was probably right on. He lost -17.98 units yesterday and his season total should be -39.70 units before the days start. Even after the Dodger game you could go to OPU and see this. This shilling needs to stop and I hope someone else here saw what I saw and can back me up. I emailed someone about this last night before the change and am hoping they checked in before the changes were made and can verify this for me. I never in my wildest dreams imagined this kind of fraud. I've seen him give himself a unit or so on his math in the past, but this is insane!

This people is a travisty. Please, if anyone saw what I saw say so here.

Thank you.
Last edited:

New member
Mar 31, 2005
i dont have to see it to believe it. my guess is there is an agreement with the site owner...or he may even be the site owner, to do whatever it takes to drive the traffic to the site. imo there is no way he is really betting, and if he is it is sandwich money because you can not bet the amount of games he bets for the amounts that he bets at the number of outs he bets without a huge bankroll and doing that without paying people back what he owes, which is in the big picture just a few dimes. i hate to characterize people but this guy is a self eggrandizing (did i spell that right) f#$k. i t goes without saying that many gamblers love to brag about their successes, which imo is downright stupid because there is also a good amount of failure experienced by successful gamblers. the guy needs to be chased away from the forums. never before will you find a bigger egomaniacal attention whore.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
I thought something seemed odd myself, as someone sent me a link last night, with a smile on it, and when i clicked it, it was another day of losing picks for him..........

The self-proclaimed "best damn baseball capper-period", is now claiming that a "run-in" with a mod, caused him to leave the Rx....had nothing to do with the fact that people here wont put up with his welching, and stealing from other posters....He claimed to be leaving "to regroup" from his losing....only AFTER THAT did he proclaim he would be running a tracking service at the RX, which we put a FAST STOP to....that was when we had a run in, because he wouldnt take no for an answer, when we told him we didnt want him doing it.....

So his math doesnt add up there either.......

The thing i hate to see is people like JFS, because he is bitter with the RX, being dragged down with him....The guys running this new site are probably good guys, and JFS is a pretty good capper, but he is so worried about getting people there that he is touting MC as a "best baseball capper" etc....

JFS is a better capper in my opinion, because i believe he probably bets his plays, and is more selective....You will always see the same thing with MC, if he starts losing, the units start going up on EVERY GAME, to try and grab it back right the beginning here, everything was 1-2, maybe 3 units, and the record was posted IN THE TITLE of the thread every day....then when plays start going south, the "total units won/lost" dissappears from the thread title, and the units go up......when this person linked me to his plays for yesterday, every game was 3-4-5 units, and 3 unit runlines, 3-4 unit (5 inning) plays, etc.....No one is really betting like that, or if they are, a good reason they would end up owing people all over the net......

He may know baseball, which i think he does, but he does not know how to manage money, or be realistic with plays.....anyone can list 15 5-unit games a day, and just hope they hit....but people dont bet that way.....

The "Grandizing" is for attention, and once people start noticing those things there, he will be off to a "new" site, and blame it on them....

He even had the audacity to be bragging that he "won money" on their lotto there, while he owes people from MW.......not cool

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
bucsfan67 said:
I thought something seemed odd myself, as someone sent me a link last night, with a smile on it, and when i clicked it, it was another day of losing picks for him..........

The self-proclaimed "best damn baseball capper-period", is now claiming that a "run-in" with a mod, caused him to leave the Rx

Looks to me "the best damn baseball capper period" is alive and well here at the RX. And his name is Bucsfan67. Keep up the great work, Bucs!!

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
ego74 said:
Looks to me "the best damn baseball capper period" is alive and well here at the RX. And his name is Bucsfan67. Keep up the great work, Bucs!!

thanks John......

Hope you are working overtime saving up for the bash.....

Don't plan on traveling alone.....LOL

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
bucsfan67 said:
thanks John......

Hope you are working overtime saving up for the bash.....

Don't plan on traveling alone.....LOL

You're up over 40 units, Bucs. Thought you were financing the trip???

Hard work never killed anyone, but why chance it?
Jan 21, 2004
OPU is quickly becoming the Rx's Siberia. It's kind of funny to watch those guys interact. Head Guy thinks he's on to something. Oh well, he'll learn. Btw, have to agree. Bucs is the man.

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
NickyDeuces said:
OPU is quickly becoming the Rx's Siberia. It's kind of funny to watch those guys interact. Head Guy thinks he's on to something. Oh well, he'll learn. Btw, have to agree. Bucs is the man.

more like the RX's tabloid, LOL. Kinda like another place across the street.
I checked it out and it's like standing in line at the grocery store reading the national enquier. but instead of reading about Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, i'm reading about Bucs and J Man.

Sep 20, 2004
Madcaper is a seriously ill individual...I have spoken with him for the better part of the last year and at times he was an okay guy to chat with about sports...However at a point in time late last summer he got into serious debt, was tapped out and started literally begging me to lend him money, place bets for him on credit etc....

This WAS ALL BEFORE I FOUND OUT ABOUT HIM OWING SEVERAL PEOPLE...He's so pathetic , he lays a sob story on how his life is ruined , he will try any angle to get you to make a wager for him....its hilarious how different he is when you IM him, it was to the point I would sign on to AOL IM and he would instant message me 10 seconds after I signed on, almost every single day.... he admits he's a complete fvckup, who has gambled his money away, then 5 minutes later he's asking for money....

He has had countless ghosts here at TheRx, ghosts that he uses to bump his threads...I could go on and on about him...I stayed out of it because I considered him a friend , even after he tried to bum money from me.

Give BB 2.5k he makes it 20k within 3 months 99out
Dec 20, 2001

Did you ever give him any money?

Also where did you get that avatar? I sure would like a Superman one like that!

Sep 20, 2004
Hitman26 said:

Did you ever give him any money?

Also where did you get that avatar? I sure would like a Superman one like that!

No I never did, and that little whiney pu$$y tried like hell to get me to lend him, or just make bets for him...he used every lame excuse and sob story he could, finally I just stopped answering his Im's ...

Funny thing is everytime he asked me to bet a game for him, it would have lost.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
So Cal Baseball said:
First I want to say that I don't post here often just from time to time. I check in here often though and when I have posted the bulk of it was with Fishead and World Runner, we all had a common Iowa bond and talked a bit about High School Football. I do however post frequently across the street. I like this site and I wanted to give the folks here a heads up about something. What I'm about to say is true - I swear to Jesus and on my life, and I don't do that much and I'm not one to usually get mixed up in "wierdness", but I thought I need to say this for the good of anyone who can be affected.

A few weeks ago when Madcapper had a falling out over here I kind of followed him around. I saw him do a few things that were "unethical", but nothing so strong that I could point a finger at him and call him a crook. Hell, I actually heard he even even started to make ammends with on one of his debt. He didn't pay it all and he didn't pay what he promised, but it is a start. It is true that I know and am friendly with a couple of people he owes miney to, but he doesn't owe me anything. I just feel like his whole schtick is fishy and I thought if I checked in on him from time to time I would see that it was so. I was right.

After hearing of MC and several others that jumped ship to this place OPU, I thought I'd check it out and see what is going on. Just so happened to check it out last night.

This place (or himself) changed his plays and subsequently his total!!! I raise my hand to god on this. I checked his plays several times throughout the evening and saw his late plays that were under his plays for Thursday column. Here he made 4 plays on the late Wednesday night Dodgers game. He had the Dodgers -1 +? and the Dodgers -1 1/2 +?. I don't remember the exact figure, but I checked it several times and guarantee you the plays were on the Dodgers (the Dodgers are my favorite team and remember stuff like this specifically). I go back today and both those plays are changed to DBacks!!! And also there is no sign that the thread was "edited"!!! How and why did they do this? Again, I swear this to be true on a stack of holy bibles. If anyone here questions my integrity please ask any of the few folks around here that know me and or anyone across the street about me (MW). I don't get my kicks out of doing this, it is simply true and I feel it is necessary to inform any and all of the cyber sports gaming community about this.

As a side note. I even went as far as adding his totals yesterday. I didn't copy down all his plays, I just added them up on a notepad and added and subtracted them. I'm careful enough to know my math was probably right on. He lost -17.98 units yesterday and his season total should be -39.70 units before the days start. Even after the Dodger game you could go to OPU and see this. This shilling needs to stop and I hope someone else here saw what I saw and can back me up. I emailed someone about this last night before the change and am hoping they checked in before the changes were made and can verify this for me. I never in my wildest dreams imagined this kind of fraud. I've seen him give himself a unit or so on his math in the past, but this is insane!

This people is a travisty. Please, if anyone saw what I saw say so here.

Thank you.

Dont worry , it gets better SoCal.....just got alerted by someone to go look at their "daily tracking" that they are bragging about, so i did......

Madcapper had ANOTHER losing day yesterday, 1-3, yet mysteriously "those" plays didnt show up in the tracker thread.....they are supposed to be tracking the plays from those guys threads, but i guess since he is in last place of all "their" cappers, they figured that was bad enough, so the just "didnt count" his 1-3 yesterday....LOL

Funny, when he was here he had hours on hours to bump his threads all day, now he is there, where he gets 80 views or so, and he has "no time"....He said yesterday that he was in a hurry, had to post his plays "quick", no time to UPDATE his record....lmfao........But someone wished him luck, and 20 minutes later he was there to say "thanks", but no time to update the RECORD......

Same old thing.......

Seems like they have some good guys over there, and hopefully they will catch on to this stuff.........And in that case, they will probably do just fine....They were smart to give away money to get people there at the start, good strategy....The key is offering a good product so that they stay when the money stops.......The Sage guy, not sure who he is, seems like a pretty nice guy, Damian is alright as well, his internet persona comes across as extreme, but he is cool.....Alan Palmer is alright, and he is there, and JFS, is a pretty good guy, even though we have had our run-ins.....Chop is helping them by being there for that contest, (they knew what they were doing with that deal).......

New member
Sep 21, 2004
buscfan, thanks for telling me that. Peronally I don't really have any more time to care about this situation. It was just my hope that someone who could look into it would.

They do have some really good guys over there making plays. As a matter of fact most all of them are.

Yesterday someone named joeyl contacted me about the situation and is a pretty good guy. In no uncertain terms he said he was going to see over the situation and make sure it doesn't happen again. One thing I would like to know is if there is some type of internal way they can check and see if the post was edited. I think if at all possible it would be nice to be vindicated here for speaking up about an injustice. All I ever did was try and help. When posting the possibilites of what could have happened the first thing joeyl did say was "So Cal could be mistaken." I am not mistaken - period. I have absolutely nothing to gain from this. Only waste my time. I guess it's the old newpaper writer in me coming out. Unfortunately, you need to report the bad things in the world.

It is my hope that they look further into what happened, deal with it and state they have done so. So far 4 people have told me they saw what I did. To be honest, if he didn't have those plays in the thread for the next day I probably would have missed them. As I stated earlier, I had the browers up on my computer for hourrs and I even went as far as doing the math a to how much he is up or down. I cannot prove anyone other than MC was involved. Honestly I think someone else was, I just can't prove it. I have been told that unless MC is somekind of a computer wiz he would probably need the assitance of a mod or at least someone with the ability to change the thread without a trace.

Personally, I actually really wanted him to win the bets he lost. I'm a Dodger fan and just because MC picks them to win doesn't mean I want them to lose. It was just so glaringly obvious, and I hope that even more people who eventually see these threads that saw what I did speak up (if there are others).

I don't know how he can live with himself. Even though he had problems, he seemed "nice." However, he most certainly does have a crooked side and will go to any lengths to make his record look better. I have been betting games since the 70's, have read all the books, have done in depth mathamatical studies, etc., and you wont find one professinal (who isn't a tout) that would condone the chasing, correlating and monoploy money bets he throws out there. Any one can Martingale all day and on paper say they've made money. But did they really have the bankroll and outs to accomidate such action? I think you know what I mean.

Because there are so many good folks posting over there I hope the site addresses the situation. It wouldn't be fair to them if they didn't.

I wish the site well hope they stand up to what happened. It would be nice for them and their posters.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
I don't know how he can live with himself. Even though he had problems, he seemed "nice." However, he most certainly does have a crooked side and will go to any lengths to make his record look better. I have been betting games since the 70's, have read all the books, have done in depth mathamatical studies,

YOU say you have been wagering since the 70's

MADDCAPPER wasn't a SPERM, in his daddy's sack in the 70'


Rx Scrub
Feb 15, 2005
lets leave the opu and madcapper and jim and all them across the street.who cares what there doing as long as the rx is straight.good luck all.

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