<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 5852033" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>djmatt</TD><TD class=alt2>600 Billion went where bro? Do you have a source? </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Certainly- INFO sourced from:
2nd paragraph...
An Empire of Debt: $488 billion more for war
U.S. lawmakers are addicted to spending in the worst way. Just like heroin addicts, they will get their fix at all costs, regardless of the harm caused to their family, friends or countrymen. They will spend away all the money in the world, mindlessly, recklessly, without a second thought, as long as it keeps them in office for just one more term. Just one more hit…
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Last night, the U.S. Senate quietly passed a $600+ billion spending bill, which earmarked $448 billion in Pentagon funds (war money). This was all done under the cover of the much larger $700 billion financial bailout bill, which managed to keep people distracted from the $448 military spending bill. }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve quietly, and without any vote, magically created another $620 billion in money and flooded it into the banking system. There was no debate. No vote. No public announcement at all. Just endless, silent money creation at every turn, seemingly conducted without any awareness or concern of the consequences.
And there was certainly no warning of how this would erode the savings accounts and retirement funds of taxpayers. In fact, nothing resembling the truth ever makes it out of Washington these days. This $700 billion pork-barreled bailout scheme is being sold to the American people as a taxpayer benefit! The government is doing us all a favor, didn’t you know? And we should feel so fortunate that they’re doing it with our money, too.
The Government vs. the People
It’s often said that the first casualty of war is the truth. Right now, the U.S. Government is in a financial war, and amid all the propaganda, deception and manipulations of the mainstream media, there’s simply no room for something as big as “the truth.”
But what is the truth, really?
The truth is that you’re watching the boldest, most outrageous swindle that’s ever been conducted in the history of the world.
The truth is that you’re a witness to the last, sad chapter of a military empire that’s fast headed towards financial self-destruction.
The truth is that U.S. debt spending has now entered an escalating geometric progression from which no nation has ever returned in one piece.
Two weeks ago, it was a few hundred billion dollars in fake money and debt spending. This week, it’s been nearly a trillion dollars already. Next week, it may be another trillion. With each passing week, the crooks in Washington will tack on another trillion dollars (or more) to the national debt like heaving two-ton cars onto the back of a cripple who can barely walk to begin with.
It took the United States of America 230 years to accumulate roughly $5 trillion in debt. Washington has now doubled that in less than 30 days. We now stand at $9.8 trillion in national debt.
With the passage of this financial bailout bill, we will be facing — at minimum — $10.5 trillion in debt. And just to make sure we’re properly drowned in it, Senators are throwing out tens of billions of dollars more to companies that made really bad financial decisions, like Ford Motors, which is one of the recipients in a $25 billion automaker bailout just announced yesterday.
And don’t forget this juicy fact: These financial bailouts aren’t limited to U.S. companies, either! If the bailout bill passed, Treasury Secretary Paulson will have full authority to dish out hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out FOREIGN banks, too!