<table class="tborder" style="border-top-width: 0px;" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr title="Post 5821635" valign="top"><td class="alt1" align="center" width="125">Loren78</td><td class="alt2">Speak on it baby....they won't be laughing that much longer... </td></tr></tbody></table>
I listened to C-Span for about 15 minutes after the vote. They were fielding phone calls. The people are treating it like its the "right thing to do" likening it to "getting it done right this time". They think Congress made changes for them- didnt take no shit from "dem wall street honchos "and beat them into submission. People (to use McCains jab at Obama) just "dont get it". They dont understand the forces at work or the real game being played. On them.
They have no idea of the sums involved. They think its just about the real estate. Im no Tiznow but i do know that every sector of the entire banking industry has playing games with our illegal tax dollars for years. Derivatives- money markets- and the leveraging that was done puts the figure far beyond the paultry $700 billion. Its in the trillions. The Fed had been pumping 50 billion dollars in every time the Dow took a dive for the past few months. Their up to 370 billion and they want to be paid back with this bill. Thats all it is. Services rendered. They did as much as the could- LOL- for us but it cant be stopped. Market confidence is gone. no country in the world will ever trust the U.S. and the Dollar ever again. They know that. So you dump the thing by creating the conditions for this bail out two-bit holdup wait out the initial reaction of reluctance and then get what they want with a few adjustments. The most the IMF had needed to correct a downturn in the history of the Market was 40 billion.
This bird has flown the coup and is flying so high no country wants the dollar. The Iranians are not the only ones now who refuse to use dollars for oil. Our own in country banks wont lend to each other the fear is so prevalent in the industry. McCain is for deregulation huh?
I hope youre right about Obama. I hope he's been "annointed" by the Vatican to be the saviour. Besides a bad market by a republican President is usually followed by a democrat.
The Rothchilds are backing McCain at least Lady Rothschild is. It could be BS but a concern if you follow the money.
I wonder if I would step in and save the world from a new Dark Ages if I had $500 Trillion like they do. Because this wont just be this country in a depression. The Euro will follow shortly perhaps 2 or 3 months after the dollar is gone.
HaHa...Tell me -what does now being able to insure 250K instead of 100k going to do for the "people?"
Yeah Congress really twisted their arms to get that one. Now the CEO's holding $50 million dont have to make transfers to 500 different banks to stay under the magic number...
If we can make past 11/3 I hope Im wrong about how bad this is. I sincerely dont think they would wait till after the elections to pull any stunts. so this is the window they must use if they are going to make another atemp to do something outrageous to create the spark that will detonate this thing
I was thinking of a Naval Blockade of Iranian Oil but hey this thing will doom Israel too. without us they get overrun so they gotta be careful what they do too...
I hope Bush doesnt go all in with a pair of 2's with the little time in office he has left...
All I do know- is that these days...