I am all for DRASTICALLY reducing Defense spending, and reducing plenty of other spending, but Defense first and foremost.You realize that a 50% tax rate on people making over like 4-500k a year would fund the government for about 2-3 weeks right?
We spend close to 4 trillion dollars a year. Maybe we could spend less and reform our entitlement programs that are unsustainable.
We spend 400 billion a year on poverty programs and we're not effectively reducing poverty.
You gotta start reading the conservative think tanks Guesser, get some perspective my man.
Social Security would be sustainable in perpetuity going forward, with the removal of the FICA Wage cap, and means testing. I am also for a limited Voluntary c private investment by people of some of their FICA tax, but it must be Voluntary, not mandatory like has been proposed in the past.
I agree with you about Poverty Program spending. Must be much more efficient. One thing I liked about Clinton Was Workfare. What happened to that?
I can't stand reading about heavy economic theory. Aki loved that stuff. Just mentioning reading Think Tanks, be it Conservative, Liberal, In Between, bores me to tears. So that's what happened to you? Becoming indoctrinated by Conservative Think Tanks? I read your posts from years ago, and you were a different guy Politically.