jinn - you're justifying my statement with your own words "So then Bushs faith based initiatives are OK with you? If I'm Jewish or Buddhist or an atheist down on my luck, I should go get a dose of Christianity to go with my charity?"
Faith based means just that FAITH based! The Jews and Muslims and even Buddhists are as deep into this as are the Christians; generally speaking, they have a larger number of students as a % of their population than the Christian schools do.
My kids all went to Catholic schools (and I'm not Catholic), before faith based initiatives started - and they got a much better education than their public school counterparts. I particularly remember a friend of my daughter in public high school got into an argument with my daughter over the point that English was a foreign language - that we all spoke "American".
Faith based initiatives will allow many lower income kids to go to better schools - such competition will force the public schools to improve or die! The public school teachers unions don't want that, because many members might have to start living up to minimal teaching standards that they can't achieve without some sweat equity.
The left is doing everything it can to hinder faith based organizations from helping the needy as follows: "This month marks the fourth anniversary of President Bush's Faith-Based and Community Initiative. The administration has worked to put into place regulations to ensure that faith-based organizations are able to compete for federal funding on an equal footing with other similar groups. Faith-based groups, both with and without federal aid, have tremendous success in helping addicts, the homeless, and the poor. Unfortunately, not all the smaller state bureaucracies have gotten the message yet, and some have increased the red tape that stands in aid's way.
On the White House website for the Faith-Based Initiative, less than 20 states are represented as having liaisons to help faith-based groups compete for federal funds. Some of those listed are less than helpful. Louisiana's Gov. Kathleen Blanco, who is listed by the White House as the liaison for faith-based groups, recently issued an order that could prohibit Louisiana's church community from receiving any government contracts to help the poor. The order prohibits any "contractor" of the state from considering among other things, "religion" or "sexual orientation" when making decisions relating to "hiring" or "recruitment" of employees. This order can be used against many religious groups because of their stance on homosexuality and the sanctity of life while ignoring the tremendous good these groups can do for the community. Governors like Blanco should not use tax dollars as a stick to beat faith-based charities into submission to their liberal agendas. I urge the White House to do more outreach to the states to ensure that those who would sacrifice the neediest to advance their own agenda do not prevail."