ACEBB said Quote"
That isn't how the world works.
A plane hit the Pentagon. That is a fact." Sorry sir the hole that was made was too small for jet air liner and the debris from the supposed plane was so small you could pick it up in your hands! Ever see wreckage from any crashed airliner jumbo jet?
SCOTT i'm an an incomprehensible Moron Right....please Explain to me how supposed terriost pilots pass ports remained intact while heavier office furniture paper files weighing tons and everything else in that DEMOLITION was turned into dust!
EXPLAIN how thier were fires seperated hundreds of floors from where the planes hit with no fires in between in basement of elevator shafts report of witnesses INSIDE the building saw and heard explosions before the supposed planes struck.
EXPLAIN the miracle collapse of WTC 7 demolition style into it's own foot print in 3 secs that was not struck by any plane or anything else.
EXPLAIN WTC 6 core gone like it was pulled out by a crane while the skelton outside walls remained intact!
BOTH of those Buildings were 100's of feet away from both towers
Explain why that day 4000 jewish people reported out sick that day!
now explain that no witnesses heard either airliner approach it was dead silence until impact?
I'm pretty sure you heard huge airliners flying over head sometime in your life if you live near any airport even a small private jet will rumble your house football games have fly overs IF you have high amp surround sound type systems that will vibrate your whole body.
DOZENS of witnesses interviewed live that day said NO i didnt her any thing NO that did not look like passenger jet their were no WINDOWS NO markings of an airline company anywhere.
Witnesses said upon seeing the wtc's collapse That it was a bombs going off causing that collapse
IN history of world no fire no matter how large could cause any steel concrete buildin to collapse in it's own footprint completely melting the steel with concrete together like a volcanic explosion causes.
also try finding anywhere similar plane crashes into tall structures like the WTC anywhere in the world ......i tried to compare what would happen when a pssenger airliner made out of lighter aluminmum hits concrete and thick steel thats 14" thick or more to see what happens ummmmmmmmmmmmm none reported currently like what happened on 9/11!
FACT STONE COLD FACT every time any known passenger jet goes off radar or losses contact instantly within minutes defense air jets are deployed to investigate but that day 1/2 hr passed and the defense system was NOT employed that morning even after the 1st strike ???? Seriously people wake the fug up!!!
Again i would like to say YOU can fool some of the people some of the time BUT you cannot fool all of the people all of the time NOW read these strange facts
1) The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7
It is commonly known that the Twin Towers fell on 9/11, but did you know that a third World Trade Center high-rise building also fell that day? WTC Building 7, a 47-story steel-framed skyscraper located one block from the Twin Towers was not hit by any plane, but collapsed at 5:20 that evening, imploding in the exact manner of a professionally engineered demolition. It fell suddenly, straight down, at near freefall speed, and landed in a compact pile of rubble, barely damaging any of the surrounding buildings. These are but a few of eleven characteristics of Building 7's collapse that are consistent only with controlled demolitions. Further, the leaseholder of the three buildings, Larry Silverstein, said in 2002 on PBS that on the afternoon of 9/11 he suggested to the NYC fire department commander that they "pull" WTC 7. "Pull" is an industry term that means "demolish," but it normally takes a team of skilled people many weeks to design and implement large demolitions. Astonishingly, there is no mention of WTC Building 7's remarkable collapse in the 571-page 9/11 Commission Report.
| 2) Fire has never — prior to or after 9/11 — caused any steel frame building to collapse. The sudden, vertical, explosive, and total collapse of the Twin Towers at near freefall speed can only be explained by controlled demolition. |
3) The WTC steel, which if fully examined could have relvealed the effects of explosives, was quickly shipped overseas and melted down. This was an unprecedented violation of federal crime scene laws. |
| 4) Whenever contact is lost with any airplane, fighter jets routinely take to the air to investigate. This commonly occurs about 100 times per year in well under 20 minutes. But on 9/11 nearly two hours passed without any interception. |
5) The Secret Service broke established protocols by allowing President Bush to remain in a well-publicized classroom "photo op" long after it was known that the U.S. was under attack and he might well have been a target. |
| 6) Unidentified insiders made millions on the stocks of American and United Airlines and those of other corporations that were likewise impacted by the attacks. These "put option" bets were made just prior to 9/11. |
7) There were warnings of the impending attacks from at least eleven other countries. Also prior to 9/11, insiders such as John Ashcroft, top military officers, and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown were warned not to fly. |
| 8) In September of 2000, a group of neocon hawks, many of whom would become key officials in the Bush administration, wrote that their proposed massive military buildup would proceed slowly "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor." |
9) Some of the alleged 9/11 "suicide hijackers" are still alive and well, according to the BBC and The Guardian. At least five of the alleged hijackers may have trained at U.S. military bases, as reported in Newsweek and other sources. |
| 10) The Bush administration resisted the formation of the 9/11 Commission for 441 days. Similar investigations, such as those for Pearl Harbor, the JFK assassination, and the space shuttle disasters, all started in about one week. |
11) "The Jersey Girls" — four courageous 9/11 widows — finally forced the 9/11 Commission into existence and presented many questions, most of which were ignored. Under the leadership of Bush administration insider Philip Zelikow, the final report failed to address any of the evidence pointing to official complicity. |
| There are hundreds of additional facts that contradict the official story of 9/11. It is time for a truly independent investigation that addresses all the questions asked by the citizens' 9/11 Truth & Justice Movement! You can help bring this about by educating yourself and others about 9/11. Go to to learn more about these 11 facts, discover many others, and read about the many prominent authorities who support this movement. To find recommended books, magazines, and DVD's, and to obtain more of these cards, go to |