This is like putting on a hog...simply useless to answer...but since u insist.
The Elite who elected Obama as their puppet ( you will admit that during the election Obamas people basicily kidnapped the entire press pool that was following him so that he and hillary could fly off to a secret meeting that to this day they refuse to say where they i know u dont care im just making sure you wont say i made it up) dont give a damn about the working class American people. In fact they are in the way of what they want to do. They want illegals, minorities and anybody else who knows nothing but tyranny in their lives....They plan and are doing it as we speak to kill every freedom loving person in this country. You are useless to them in their quest to take over the world.....Look at the article i posted about Michelle yesterday... look at whos benefiting from the "bailouts". You STILL think these people are working for you ?????? These people are going to break you and make you a 3rd worlder who likes it or they are going to kill you. The climate change bill, the new bank regulations, the cap and trade tax and the corporate takeover of the Govt will complete their control of not only the govt but every facet of your life. You will not buy, sell, wipe your ass or take a drink of water that they wont be in control of and charge you to do....You would say i made it up if i told you their are proposals in the climate change bills to make rainwater that falls on your property federal govt property wouldnt you? Ofcourse you will...if its not on CBS evening news it cant be true right???
But again what differance does any of it make when u said bullshit after you read the 1st 4 words and are kneelling in front of your Obama poster right now praying for that change your waiting on.....I told you before the election that what he wants to change is the constitution of the U.S.....By the way am i making it up also if i tell you that their are proposals in congress right now to remove term limits on the Presidency ?????? Ofcourse you would.....
And i wouldnt be nominating anybody for much of anything if i was you Barman....Next to P.O.69 i dare say more posters on this forum think your the 1 with the loose screws.....I dont feel that way and im not roughing up a moderator here . im simply responding to what you wrote calling me a kook....
Now you prove Global warming is killing us, you prove that the stimulus is helping working people, you prove that 90% of working americans are getting a tax cut and THEN ill prove any thing i say on here....Until then as ive said in the past i post like a Democrat...because i say it it must be so....
Well said sir!