Texas Shooter Was Russian Spy


Jan 5, 2008
Breaking new photos shows the Mexican I mean white skinhead with Nazi Tats!!!

The most perfectly fresh all black Tattoos of the chest swastika, SS and of course Fort Worth Texas! Gotta be sure and put the state of Texas in there.

These pictures are proof folks! You can see them clear as day. Now his face isn’t shown nor is the neck tattoo which they must of forgot to replicate. When I think Nazi I think American history X!

This guy had a long string of social media doings with Russia also. He was pro Russia! Of course he was. We all know Russians love Nazis! He hated Jews, was an incel and hated women! I mean of course he did, this is typical Mexican Nazi ideology.

So for all the deniers thinking this guy was just a Mexican cartel guy. I suggest you take a close look at the faceless picture with the missing neck tattoo and look at the proof. You can see clear as day the crisp fresh black tats. All 3 of them. Because people who love Nazi ideology and tattoos always keep their ink work to a minimum of 4 or less pieces.

So remember folks!
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