System Sellers Exposed......Please Read


New member
Mar 13, 2005
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have just finished writing a 35 page document exposing the major (casino) system sellers on the internet. I quote their claims and use evidence and proof from system buyers/testers to disprove and discredit their systems and their intentions. I also cite specific examples when they were making false claims, misleading customers, and how they try to weasel out of accusations made against them. I am absolutely sick of these scammers taking money from people while promising big wins, fast cars, and a great lifestyle. These systems should be used only for entertainment value as they all fail in the long term, and most even in the short-medium term, although most are touted as long term winners.

I will take you from the worst scammer on the internet, down to sites that are interesting and perhaps even helpful, but still sell losing systems and should still be avoided. Most of the systems I list are even EXPLAINED in the links of evidence that I provide. So at the very least, you will get informatin about a certain system that you were curious about or even the bet selection and money management of it.

I wanted to post it here, but it was much to large. So instead of posting 50 times, and aggravating fellow posters, I thought I would ask that all interested in email me at: and I will send it as soon as possible.

I believe this document to be the most comprehensive of its kind to be made thus far. Perhaps it will inspire more of it's kind to be made and for people to think twice about buying gambling systems. That is my biggest motivation, that perhaps I will save someone some money and some frustration. So if you are interesting, email me.

Thank you for your time.



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