Syndicate NBA Heat/Pacers TV GAME


New member
Mar 7, 2005
PACERS +6. Sorry no NIT Final for you players. Record 29-13 Lets get this **** moving and in the winners circle. Final 4 game is set for saturday as contact has the right side inside the casino world.

New member
Mar 7, 2005
Don't Fucken Question My **** Wapner And Get Serious About Winning *******. You Wish You Had The Info And Could Win Big And Successful Son Of A ***** Tired Of This **** From Some Of You Jealous Fuckers.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Sportsbook had 6 earlier, not sure now. I had already played Pacers plus 5.5.

Casinoman, since I am so horrible, you may want to give your paying customers another game.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
Don't Fucken Question My **** Wapner And Get Serious About Winning *******. You Wish You Had The Info And Could Win Big And Successful Son Of A ***** Tired Of This **** From Some Of You Jealous Fuckers.


and how are you gonna respond to this comment JUDGE..:lolBIG:

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
casinoman said:
Don't Fucken Question My **** Wapner And Get Serious About Winning *******. You Wish You Had The Info And Could Win Big And Successful Son Of A ***** Tired Of This **** From Some Of You Jealous Fuckers.

YOu really should be in personnel at this "****-stain" business you want people to send money to.....

Its pretty obvious you are a "people" person.....

I think i will send 5 grand to someone who cant spell, cant punctuate, and cant put 2 sentences together without cussing, saying ATM cash machine, and repeating himself.....yeah good idea, but then again, i still think Panam will come around....:finger:

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
You are forgetting buc that for that small fee you can blow up books from coast to coast!


Casinoman, gladly will accept your resume and surely place you in a standup comedy position.

New member
Mar 28, 2005
this is absurd pick, but if the pick will win will be very interesting.


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
Vinc said:
this is absurd pick, but if the pick will win will be very interesting.

It's actually a good pick, I posted it also. I don't accept cash for my info though, so if it wins, please feel free to blow up something in my honor:


Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
t3a said:
It's actually a good pick, I posted it also. I don't accept cash for my info though, so if it wins, please feel free to blow up something in my honor:



People are missing the point....The guy has actually been hot for a "short period of time", the problem is, he is so obsessed with getting people to send him money, that he cant let the picks speak for themselves, he has to try and cuss, and berate people, and try to bully them into buying his picks....insulting anyone who doesnt fall in line.....All of this is callled a "hard sell".....which to me , means he is trying to get the money FAST, FAST, FAST......And the only reason i can see for that, is he fully expects that the run WONT LAST, and the more he loses, the harder it is to sell the product....therefore cuss, and rant, and try and belittle everyone into thinking you will quit posting your picks, and hopefully some poor sap sends his hard earned money to this guys basement, for his "picks"......

New member
Mar 7, 2005
thats fucken comical you people are a piece of work and the more you hate my games and bash the more I love it. fyi 98% casino money on heat moneyline love that ****. Record 30-13 and cash machine is full steam ahead despite your fucken ahole claims trying to make up lies and ridicule. Keep fading and lose your ass over again as nobody does it better.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Pat on the back casinoman for we did cash pacers tonight!

However, you are still a fukking idiot!


New member
Jan 14, 2005
bucsfan67 said:

People are missing the point....The guy has actually been hot for a "short period of time", the problem is, he is so obsessed with getting people to send him money, that he cant let the picks speak for themselves, he has to try and cuss, and berate people, and try to bully them into buying his picks....insulting anyone who doesnt fall in line.....All of this is callled a "hard sell".....which to me , means he is trying to get the money FAST, FAST, FAST......And the only reason i can see for that, is he fully expects that the run WONT LAST, and the more he loses, the harder it is to sell the product....therefore cuss, and rant, and try and belittle everyone into thinking you will quit posting your picks, and hopefully some poor sap sends his hard earned money to this guys basement, for his "picks"......

Are you kidding me? How many other people's threads have you seen this guy go into and "cuss, and berate people, and try to bully them into buying his picks....insulting anyone who doesnt fall in line". Some of you guys are really being rediculous. Yea, he's lacking in tact, but if you think for one minute that he hasn't been provoked into saying what he's said then you guys aren't being realistic. I'm just a regular guy that comes to the site with no axe to grind and no horse in this race and I can say without hesitation or reservation that those of you that don't like the way he addresses people are the same ones that come into his threads day in and day out and bash him. And for a moderator to participate in this rideculing does not reflect the professionalism deseved of a site of this quality. I'm sure some of you will jump on me now, but I guess if not casino, then me. If not me, then someone else. It appears to be a necessary ritual for some. I just wish some of you had better things to do.

Congratulations again casino. You've made me $6,470.00 so far.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Congratulations again casino. You've made me $6,470.00 so far.
I AM VERY HAPPY A POSTER FROM THIS FORUM MADE THAT MUCH MONEY ONE 1 MAN'S selection , now you have the power to buy his plays and increase your bankroll.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005

Hard for me to believe someone can bully someone online. Also, if they are that weak and ignorant, they are responsible for their actions.

Hey my lips..........**** OFF.........I will never send you money you fukking jackoff!

Break off a fat one chew on it a while and stick it up your ass you worthless fukk!



RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
Pro Ref's Picks said:
I'm just a regular guy that comes to the site with no axe to grind and no horse in this race and I can say without hesitation or reservation that those of you that don't like the way he addresses people are the same ones that come into his threads day in and day out and bash him. And for a moderator to participate in this rideculing does not reflect the professionalism deseved of a site of this quality.

For a guy with no horse in this race you sure spend a lot of time complaining about what other people do. Why aren't people free to post - pro or con - just like you are? I know you think people 'followed' him around, but it didn't really start until it got down here:

Anything goes in the Rubber Room - Flaming, Crying, and Temper Tantrums are welcome in here only. The place where the inmates run the asylum...

As far as the mods, Journeyman took the time for a Q&A and see where that went?

Now what we have here is a failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. I don't like it anymore than you men.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
Pro Ref's Picks said:
Are you kidding me? How many other people's threads have you seen this guy go into and "cuss, and berate people, and try to bully them into buying his picks....insulting anyone who doesnt fall in line". Some of you guys are really being rediculous. Yea, he's lacking in tact, but if you think for one minute that he hasn't been provoked into saying what he's said then you guys aren't being realistic. I'm just a regular guy that comes to the site with no axe to grind and no horse in this race and I can say without hesitation or reservation that those of you that don't like the way he addresses people are the same ones that come into his threads day in and day out and bash him. And for a moderator to participate in this rideculing does not reflect the professionalism deseved of a site of this quality. I'm sure some of you will jump on me now, but I guess if not casino, then me. If not me, then someone else. It appears to be a necessary ritual for some. I just wish some of you had better things to do.

Congratulations again casino. You've made me $6,470.00 so far.

I am allowed to express my opinion in the rubber room, just like anyone else wont see me commenting negatively to ANYONE in the sports forums, or anywhere else on the site.....I am allowed to have a little fun down here like anyone else........And this guy asks for it, by the way he posts, and trying to get people to send him 5,000.00...

And dont tell me he only acts this way in the rubber room, i have his emails to me, and they contradict your stance........(and by the way those emails were sent BEFORE I HAD EVER posted to him, or spoke of him on this forum..)

So dont give me the "u asked for it" crap....

He sent me emails speaking to me like a 3rd grader, telling me what i had BETTER DO, OR ELSE, and calling me "son" and other crap....

New member
Mar 7, 2005
glad you won some cash and you will double and triple that if you desire to and want it bad enough so you do what you have to do and jump on the money train as I will take care of anyone who wants major cash and serious about this business. I don't care what the **** people think or say **** make up lies whatever as al davis says "just win baby" and its a fucken cash machine steam rolling into the playoffs and bases as we head down the road to king football.

New member
Jan 14, 2005
I guess I do spend a lot of time (wasting it I'm sure), trying to get some of you to look at some things from a different perspective, but I'll give up. I can see when it reaches the point where it no longer matters. I can choose to avoid some of you guy's threads and skip the childish rhetoric, but I win money on casino's picks and I'm gonna continue to visit his threads. It just bums me out to have to wade through all the petty bs to get to the important stuff. Surely you guys don't believe there's anyone on this site that's going to spend $5K, so why do you bother? You're not helping anyone by pointing out the obvious. You're just being mean and sadistic. He's already banned from everywhere but the rubber room, so how are his posts here going to hurt anyone regardless of what he says. I do have an interest in this because eventually you guys are gonna run him off that's gonna cost me. Despite all your jumping up and down and screaming that the sky is falling the guy just keeps on posting FREE winners. If he loses, you bash mercilessly and if he wins you say so what or you had that pick too or he hasn't been around long enough or he charges for his picks when others are free or whatever. He's posted 30+ games and hasn't received a dime for those, so why not just ignore the hype and win some money? That's what it's about, right? OK...I'm keeping my mouth shut from here on out 'cause I do have better things to do, but I do wish some of you guys would spend a little time taking your own inventory rather than everyone else's. But hell, I guess if I'm always looking at your chit, I never have to look at my own, huh? Good luck.

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