Steam Maker


the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004
Guys,I'm going hard till that point I will make a final decsision.

I will pay Cruisin 100$ if he isn't at 50 units,and I will decide whether to hold off until playoffs and just ride lab.don't want to go into bases down big.

Let's stay strong till then.greed kills.I got hurt bad with it this year.

76ers -5 1/2 -115 12 units overnight
76ers way over 207 1/2 12 units

both plays.let's start easter off well

happy easter guys

adding Rockets -4 1/2 -115 on the buy **9** units
heat over 214 **6 units

north carolina -9 1/2 **71/2** units

Nov 28, 2004
Thanks, steam, you're one of a kind, and I'm with ya all the way. Weekend will roll big time.:party:

New member
Feb 14, 2005
Guys,just my 2 cents.i know how hard Steam works,and he is in a class by himself.

This season is killing him more than you can imagine.he's really more stressed than I've ever seen him.He will turn it around,I'm sure.

What hurts is that we were all up big at one point.A few of us at the office shut things down once our quota is met for the year.I met mine awhile ago,and have shut down till my strength NBA playoffs.Steam got greedy and went for the jugular.hindsight is 20/20

what's important now is that he rights the ship.the fact that guys bash him is beyond me.the guy posts daily,never bashes,and even when he's up huge never hypes himself.He only cares about doing well for his br and others.

he posts overnights all the time,and gives out inside info when he can.You are all lucky he sticks around and putrs up with all the BS.funny thing is,when he goes on his run,the bashers may stop,but will be waiting to bash's the nature of this internet beast.

Looking forward to bases guys.Got a guy Tyler at our office who may be the best mlb guy I've ever met.

anyways,keep your head up steam.those overnight middles are huge.I have a feeling we hit 1 or 2 tonight.

I'm officially on board with you the rest of the way.

My data has given me the following plays for what it's worth

76ers -6 **7** units
Rockets -5 **7** units
Bucks over 201 1/2 4 units
Knicks +5 1/2 4 units
Knicks ml +202 1 unit
pacers +9 2 units
celtics 1st half over 99 1/2**6** units
Raptors 1st half over 105 6 units
hope this helps.I'm on board now for tghe long haul.get me to NBA playoffs up 100 units steam.then I'll take over.

Syn,get intouch with me on messanger later.have info on CBB.

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Hey blacklab, you are a nobody...

Steam's in a class by himself alright....Hes the only guy who is down 300 Units and still thinks hes the man...LMAO

Blacklab = Steammaker.......sad......

the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004

how about a 1k buy in.for somebody down so much,I can still afford to lose 1k to talk such a big game.I've been in this biz longer than you've been sleeping with your sister(true story) which is a long time.:103631605

teach me a lesson boy.1k.piny holds the funds.starting whenever.

difference between guys like me and you is,I have balls.I'm willing to post my plays and take the bashing.I'm willing to have a 10k position on a game.and most importantly,I'm willing to bet you 1k(not 3 now) that you don't have the balls to step up to the plate against me.

Be a can hide behind a cpu,but can't even step up to the plate when it counts.Cowards like you will live the rest of your life being scared to death.that is why you'll never go anywhere.funny thing is,I've lost more $$ in the last week than you've made in the last few years working.Yet I'l;l be back tommorrow to fight another day and make $$.

last chance tough guy

the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004
Death.I'll post ice at 10 eastern

don't give up on hoops

76ers over

huge plays

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
JR, keep out of steams threads. I have asked you atleast 3 occasions. if you continue I will have to assure it doesn't happen.


Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Sorry Genny,

I am a little surprised that you guys have let this guy stick around. Regardless, you are correct that you have asked me at least 3 times, and I will be stick to that rule...The guy is a moron, no question, but arguing makes the forum look worse than his tout like rhetoric does..Sorry General, PRJ

New member
Nov 8, 2004
actually Pete, Brian Mac is down over 400 units since mid november and he thinks he's the man.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Pete Rose JR said:
Sorry Genny,

I am a little surprised that you guys have let this guy stick around. Regardless, you are correct that you have asked me at least 3 times, and I will be stick to that rule...The guy is a moron, no question, but arguing makes the forum look worse than his tout like rhetoric does..Sorry General, PRJ

As much as I hate to agree with the obnoxious and self-righteous Canadian calling himself PRJ, he makes a point or two !

Canadians are rumoured to be meek and submisive. They stop at a stop sign or red light if no oncoming traffic, USA peoples don't . In USA it be more like 3 cars go after red. The canada guy sits at a stop sign, waiting for it to flash green !

Truth is in the middle somewhere.

Oh yeah then dat Canadian anthem ! You guys couldn't do better than " Oh , Canada ? " Kinda like oh so what ! I like your monetary system.

Peace ,

God 5

I might change my handle !
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Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Doug J,

As much as I hate to agree with the obnoxious and self-righteous Canadian calling himself PRJ, he makes a point or two !

I wouldnt say OBNOXIOUS there Douglas...OBNOXIOUS refers to someone who would have no intelligence or anything to back his or her opinion up...

DJ SAYS:Canadians are rumoured to be meek and submisive. They stop at a stop sign or red light if no oncoming traffic, USA peoples don't . In USA it be more like 3 cars go after red. The canada guy sits at a stop sign, waiting for it to flash green !

Candians are also rumored not to have to wear bulletproof vests when taking out their garbage....Americans want to get thru the stop light because they are afraid of getting car-jacked or shot...Meek and submissive...I would tend to disagree..YES we dont start WARS for no reason but we are hardly submissive...NOT TO MENTION...the beer situation...3.5 % wtf is that?lol

DJ SAYS:Oh yeah then dat Canadian anthem ! You guys couldn't do better than " Oh , Canada ? " Kinda like oh so what ! I like your monetary system.

I would much rather see SHania Twain sing our Canadian Anthem, then watch Rosanne Barr sing the star spangled me obnoxious, but thats just my

Check out the town of Tofino, BC ........DOUGJ let me know if your opinion has changed about living in Canada..Dont fall in love too much, you wont be able to afford it, probably a little out of your league....

Executive Director of Canadian Relations for the,
Pete Rose JR...
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