While I expect tinco to make these erroneous generalizations which bear little resemblence to the truth, Buzzsaw, you should take your accepted responsibility quite a bit more seriously.
You both need to make retractions here.
For the question asker, stop by starnetc.com and see the licensees for yourself, there are a couple of the very largest sportsbook operations in the world. They didn't get there by stiffing.
The customer service issues are a bit of a trade off, you can have bhb, as mentioned, with no history, a brand new book with only a few customers, or you can have years of experience, larger operations, and the safety which comes with them.
I'd rather have the safety than some guy/gal holding my hand as they go belly up.
Btw, most of the service issues have come with people using credit cards to fund, the larger books generally require identity documentation to stem fraud.
-Oldfriend has touched on only a few of the starnet books.
-no they don't all use cookie cutter lines.
You guys should really stop regurgitating past rumours and innacuracies and do a bit of homework yourself.