
New member
Sep 21, 2004

I have an agenda here, and that agenda is to warn gamblers and make them aware about sportsbooks who will blackmail and stiff gamblers. I hope that is an acceptable agenda. I will be in any thread that has info about SPORTBET.COM or IBETCASINO.COM

Please preserve any audio tapes that you have where your representatives alluded to what I should post on The Rx or what I need to post on The Rx.

In ADDITION, please preserve any tapes where your representatives demanded that I post on The Rx that the situation had been "resolved" IN EXCHANGE FOR written confirmation regarding the status of my account.

Please post in this thread when and if you are prepared to address this issue.

Mods, please let me know now if you object to me bumping this thread until Jake responds.

Please let me know if you object to me bumping this thread to remind players that SPORTBET.COM and/or IBETCASINO.COM blackmailed and robbed me..the same way that we bumb Ken's SBG thread from time to time, and the same way that MFG bumped his Little Nasa thread...certainly gamblers have an interest in knowing about BLACKMAILING STIFFS like IBETCASINO.COM and/or SPORTBET.COM

Any poster who would like to listen to my tapes to confirm this, please email me at and I will be MORE THAN HAPPY to let you listen to my tapes.

I did try and mediate this with The Rx mods, including RPM and Pat McIrish. Unfortunately, mediation has failed.

[This message was edited by hamneggs on June 18, 2003 at 03:07 PM.]

[This message was edited by hamneggs on June 18, 2003 at 03:14 PM.]

Doin' the life thing...
Aug 20, 2001

As far as I know Jake is out of town on vacation. I think I read his post letting everybody know he was gonna be out for 2 weeks. He might not be around.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
can sportbet please let us know how to sign up with them? any book that doesnt let this jerk push them around i wish to sign up. it was dsi, bhb and now this. this dude has got serious issues to deal with. hes only wanting money and will post garbage until she makes a book scared and they pay him

any bonus offerring right now jake? i am nettelerring in 2dimes in about 20 minutez. good work amigos. sooner books stop cowerring to thse people better off all will be

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Let's see if you have the balls to email me and listen to the tape boy...until then shut it, kid.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
As I posted across the street.... Hate to say it but Breakfast is right on this one.

Just don't make the usual mess, keep your eggs fried , don't scramble them

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I will be setting up a special phone line come NFL SEASON where any poster can call up and listen to the blackmailing

I would like to see how honest JAKE and SPORTBET.COM are in finding all of their tapes where their rep(s) told me what to post on The Rx. We will see if they at least have the same tapes that I have.

Please let me know when you have your tapes in order, Jake. I look forward to comparing your tapes to the ones that I have.


Mar 20, 2001



Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>posted by Patrick McIrish

Hammy - frankly you and your little games with these sportbooks are getting out of line. This my friend is coming from what was once a long time Hammy supporter. Of course since then we have seen this guy go ape shit on book after book after book. Always a huge meltdown with him storming around and bashing any and everyone who gets in his way. He gets so furious and worked up it is almost scary only to offer up an apology moments later if a book makes a concession to him. In my opinion that is all this whole thing was about. So before I get started let me say this thread will probably get ugly, very ugly. Hammy's style is to "make you pay dearly" for ever taking him on or disagreeing with him. As long as he talks about the case it will remain open, once he gets into a pissing war (which is sure to come if he doesn't get paid) we will shut it down. My contact was Carl Tyson at Sportbet, I also made phone contact with Ham 'n Eggs as well.

Hammy played in the casino and lost his $1400 dollars. End of story. He was caught in not one but several lies. At first he swore to IBet he hadn't played in the casino at all, then later he changed it to say he had played but only before the NBA game. Yeah right. After that misrepresentation he claimed he was in bed by 1023PM that night. RPM mentioned above he had posted here after 12 yet besides that I still have an e-mail from him that same night - 1123PM. Again another lie unless he was sleepwalking somehow. This is just the beginning.

Then according to Hammy some poor soul stole Hammy's money while he was sleeping. Yep, he had $1400 dollars in his account yet it disappeared. After the complaint was made Sportbet checked IP's numbers. From the initial Hammy deposit which was by credit card and where he signed up it was always the same IP #. They asked if he had a wife, sister, brother anyone else who lived there? Hammy said no. They compared it to the sportbook wagers, and then from there compared it to the IP # losing the money in the casino. Each and every time it was the same computer. Even still Sportbet told us here at the RX his IP # (before we told them what his was) and what they gave us again is the same IP # as in all the other action they had plus the same one he posts with here at the RX. If someone lost that money they must have done it while the sleepwalking Hammy was posting here and sending e-mails. Though caught dead to rice on both issues Hammy is not quitting yet.

After he was caught on this situation he then asked for and received a complete log of all the action on his account. A complete breakdown of the blackjack hands. Immediately he noticed some of the numbers on the breakdown were 36 and up. This was his latest attack on Sportbet, how could there be numbers like 36 in blackjack? Again Hammy is trying to find something to hang his hat on or where he can say he was cheated. Then he can demand his money back. He raised a huge stink on this only for it to be explained that aces show up as 11 on these sheets. Once again there was a simple explanation. Beyond this if he had not lost the money playing blackjack and someone stole it as he alleges why call them out on the numbers now? Like I said, it was one lie after another in this whole thing. It became obvious this was a case of what defense lawyers use, throw buckets and buckets of mud along the side of a barn and hope something will stick.

Throughout all this Hammy has made their life a living hell over there. He has called and raised cane, made tapes of calls and threatend the whole time of what a big case this was and how he had Sportbet's balls in his hands. It was up to him if he squeezed and if they didn't resolve it Hammy was going to be on them for the rest of his life. Though everything Hammy said was a lie Sportbet knew he was a poster here and decided to give him his money back just so they could get rid of him. Like everyone else it is becoming clear what kind of guy we are dealing with. They went ahead and closed his account yet GAVE HAMMY HIS $450 DEPOSIT BACK!!! Case closed right? Well of course Hammy accepts the money but now he has decided he wants more. I see he posted over at MW he would have accepted $1000 but the $450 wasn't enough.

Frankly this has gone on too much with this kid. If I have a say this guy won't be around much longer. It is one thing after another, he needs a break. He has tried to tarnish the names of many books around here. Sometimes he does it quietly through e-mails that never make the forums but several books can vouch for what I am saying. He has dug up old posts from 6 months ago and tried to go back and hold a book up to see what he can get. I liked the kid but enough is enough. He lied about playing, he lied about being in bed asleep, he lied about the IP #'s, he lied about using the casino, he has lied repeatedly in this whole thing and still got his money back but is not happy. Now he is setting up 800 numbers to slam Sportbet because they didn't give him enough money? Of course he is slamming the Rx as well because we didn't do the 48 hour mediation or respond back to his 30 e-mails the way he wanted. I told him repeatedly I would do it but he needed to relax, mediation isn't a 2 hour process. Right now he will talk of a tape where someone angered him and that is his latest excsue for all this. That is his "reason" now for wanting more money, all the rest has fallen off or been exposed by now. Sportbet to their credit on that allegation said it is possible someone got irritated at him and said something out of line, they have over 100 employees. Anyone that has talked to Hammy knows he likes to scream and holler at clerks on the phone. In fact Carl said if someone was out of line with Hammy he would address that, he wanted to. However this big issue Hammy has on a book has shown to be bogus to date. This case fell apart quicker than a Boston Red Sox bullpen and this rude phone call is all that is left now. When I called he wouldn't even share the tape with me so hard for me to comment on that. All Hammy kept saying was for me to tell Sportbet how much trouble they were in and how much hell he is going to cause them if they don't pay him more than they have now. Yawn....

Thanks Sportbet for coming forward with all the information. They have gave him his money back and booted him. Same thing I think is going to have to be done here. The ony thing Sportbet did wrong in my eyes was be classy enough to give him his mney back. I hope they don't waste any more time on this. I am sure he will be looking to split hairs here and find a cointrary statement but the facts are easy to see. I wouldn't have given him a quarter had I been Sportbet. I will step aside so he can tell me I am a sell out for not taking his side and we are defending an advertiser. I am sure the lines are well rehearsed and that is part of this intense pressure plan he has in store for us. The game is getting old Hammy and we are close to the end of playing it with you.....

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