Gee.. Vitterd, a guy that actually worked for the DNC (how embarrassing)... wonder what side he falls on.
Here is one more. Try facts Zit.....they are pretty cool
Gee.. Vitterd, a guy that actually worked for the DNC (how embarrassing)... wonder what side he falls on.
As if there aren't people like that on both sides of the aisle, to paint that behavior as strictly "repub" shows how utterly brain dead you really
Gee.....Breitbart......wonder what side they will fall guys opinion piece or
big shock
I could continue posting different sources but that is not the point of this thread. Just answer the question!
Its always funny watching repubs believe everything , from anyone that fits their wacky narrative and dismiss fact checking.
No's how they live their lives.
Here is one more. Try facts Zit.....they are pretty cool
You posted a broken link dumb ass.
And, I know you're a bit dense, but I'm not arguing the birther issue, I'm pointing out that you painting
repubs as the ones that "believe everything , from anyone that fits their wacky narrative" is laughable.
And, you sir are a case in point.
Why don't you take your trolling back to the dungeon, where you belong.
You can't be serious! One conservative news channel as opposed to how many liberal media outlets!?!? Look I just provided clear proof of the liberal bias and yet you deny it! Just answer the question, How come virtually no one knew about the protester at Hillary's rally getting kicked out but when it happened to Trump it made worldwide headlines!
In case you haven't notice I'm from Canada, Barrie Ontario to be precise. Trump doesn't make the ctv news up here, but this incident did! No mention of the Clinton protester up here. And no it's not a conspiracy but a fact that the media is liberal and promotes liberal ideology. Here's fact number two! A unionville family sponsored six Syrian refugees in December. Last week the daughter was groped no media attention. Last week a cyclist pepper sprayed a group of Syrians in Vancouver, made national headlines even Truduh condemned the "attack" Have you caught on yet or need I go on?
In case you haven't noticed.....everything Trump does makes national headlines. It's because of who he is....not some big, liberal media conspiracy. That's paranoi from those on the right. Anything that gets eyes on their what tv media does and Trump brings viewers, which bring ratings, which brings ad dollars. Catching on yet?
You can cherry pick these stories to fit your narrative and many here will believe you.....but it's nonsense.
Conservatives often believe , if they don't see it, it isn't being covered. It's that same old thing I have to remind republicans about....just because you didn't hear about it.....doesn't make it a secret and just because you didn't hear about it, doesn't mean it isn't out there.
Your paranoi is showing. Fox, Breitbart, Drudge, Daily Caller, radio, books.......conservatives have plenty of media of their own.
Trump will always get the attention. Rubio had a protestor at Kemp Forum.....did you hear about that? Of course not , nobody did. It's Trump not the "liberal media"
start listening to me. I'm here to help.
Cherry pick!?!? Using an EXACT comparison to prove a point. Rubio to Trump is apples to oranges Trump is the leading candidate just like Clinton, Rubio is not in the same ballpark!
You only see what you wanna see. You're paranoid and delusional with this "liberal media" stuff. Conservatives are always crying about the media, either debate questions,coverage....always something. They use it to rally the moronic base and then laugh at you guys when you spread the narrative.
Trump gets coverage no matter what.....a lot of it. So does Hillary, I mean, I heard about the one Hillary protestor and she was actually a republican state rep. Prob a plant.....they do that a lot.
Not even close the coverage of the Trump protester vs the Clinton! My point is proven, no logical rebuttal