So speaking of ghosts..which one of u coward right wingers....

May 3, 2018
Which one of you coward right wingers created a ghost with no posts and sent me a private message saying, ''No Nig*ars allowed, get out'' (yes spelled with an a)

First of all I see the ghost is already banned. But clearly this was a ghost created by one of the right winger racist cowards. Typical isn't it? This is what I'm talking about when I say how hypocritical these racist, coward clowns are. They are those same cowards that attack Muslim women or elderly or defenseless minority kids. Or talk shit online but when they see a minority man in real life they seeth and grit their teeth and hurry and get home and type up some racist shit lol

Whoever you are coward, know that I'm not even black you clown. Even if I was who cares? You can think I'm black, yellow, brown green whatever. Lol. Second of all, I love it! I feed off of this hate and racism. It is one of many many things that has motivated me throughout life to succeed and stay hungry and ambitious. I love it.

Look in the mirror and ask yourself, not only the bitter coward that messaged me but the rest of you handful of racist, bigoted racist lowlife losers. I know Davevegas started a thread in the politics room that had the word, ''NEG*RO in it that, to the credit of the fine Mods was changed to black, and I commented about that before so maybe it was him? Just speculating. Maybe it was Zit because we know he hates me for some reason he is so obsessed with me or one of his lowlife friends that troll me around. I don't know.

This is what I see when I sign into theRX to talk about the big football games today. It's a shame.


Thanks for your fantastic work. You guys are great, fair and patient as fuck. But you Mods know there's a handful of extreme right wing/racist/bigoted posters on here. They want to use that N word and much more but hold back to avoid getting banned, but you know they push it as much as they can.

Mods you must acknowledge that these extreme right wingers are turning almost every offshore thread into a political shitfest no matter what the topic of discussion. The fact that they follow me around and troll me like drooling dogs is pathetic and ruining threads more than hurting me lol. Naysayers will say I bring it on myself but I keep that shit in the politics room. Also, I not only keep that shit in the politics room but I'm not a bitter, vindictive small man like these guys and troll and bicker or follow them around making snide remarks or trolling outside the politics room. It's always them. Every single time. In fact with some of those guys that trolled me for example greenbacks and another, I actually wished them luck or congratulated them for a good day in the NFL or whatever, after they just finished trolling me in the politics room. Talked sports with them etc and eventually greenbacks and that other poster who was he damnit became cool with me and stopped trolling me. So I'm not petty or a troll by any means. The politics room is what it is. I'm not creating drama in there anymore than the other guys and their outlandish views but these guys just aren't big enough to keep it in the politics room.

This private message sent to me was a desperate, cowardly last resort attempt by some well known extreme right wing bigot small dicked lowlife scum of society that just failed to get to me so he lashed out however futile it was.

Mods, I am here because I like therx and I like sports. We are sort of guests in your home and you should also be offended that somebody resorted to these cheap tactics in your house. I will ask you to, if possible, look into this poster/ghost that said those hateful racist words and using IP or other information, try to determine who it was. At the very least don't ban me for anything I've said in this post. Give me a warning/break. I'm just typing. Just woke up. I'm calling out the racist coward and if I said anything out of line or ban worthy give me this one. Don't ban me. Humble request.

Anyways, well, rant over lol. Damn that kind of hit me like a ton of bricks to see that private message but now that I think about it I'm not surprised and it's all good.

The hate here for Mexicans, blacks, minorities, gays (I know I've made homophobic comments and I have no excuse for that I haven't done that for awhile and don't intend to) Muslims, women, left wingers, is disgusting and some days I feel like I'm on the KKK site. Not really but you know what I mean. I mean some of you clowns would do better and feel more at home on the KKK sites where you can freely express your racism, bigotry and hate. Why don't you go there? You wouldn't have to say 'neg*o and have it changed, you can actually say the worse version and not even have it deleted. You can say all sorts of racism shit whereas here you have to cowardly and manipulately say shitstain or other words that won't get you banned cause you can cowardly claim that oh that's not racist I didn't mean it like that and you get away with it. But why be suppressed here? Go to the KKK site and let it all out you racist scum lowlifes. Scary that some of you have kids..hopefully they go to college and progress and broaden their horizons. I'm sure they will. This old timer, old school racism is dying out slowly but surely over the years in the U.S.A and part of the reason it's dying out is cause you old racist fucks are dying out. That's just facts.

Now the usual suspects of extreme right wingers will conduct their usual manipulative act and come in to try to defame, deny, deflect, distract from the original subject which was the coward racist who sent me the private message, somebody who is clearly a regular poster here, one of the ones that's always trolling me I'm sure, but as usual we all see right through your act. So bark away if you must...make me proud.


Oct 18, 2008
I received a post from someone with 0 posts that just said "Fuck You"

I'm assuming it was the same person

Jul 14, 2007
R2P it was GB, he sent a bunch of us the same shit under the name Chumptalk.

Not about politics or anything, just a sad, lonely, broken human being.
May 3, 2018
did not read all your mess, but ghost posts with the N word would be GB I'm sure.

Lol, it really is a rambling mess man. I don't blame you. Haha. Who the fuck has time for that. I just woke up, read that message and started typing.

I'm fully awake now. Ready for the game. GO SAINTS!
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
road the poster you are talking about has since been banned.

I explained to 3-4 others but they don't have the ability to comprehend that overnight we have extra help registering new accounts and not on top of things around here as BAS and I are. (not anyone's fault)

Any of us can create as many emails and accounts as we wish, even with a VPN, and if you don't know what you're doing when registering, it can get through.

Not a cakewalk like some finger-pointers make it out to be.

Sep 21, 2004
which one of you coward right wingers created a ghost with no posts and sent me a private message saying, ''no nig*ars allowed, get out'' (yes spelled with an a)

first of all i see the ghost is already banned. But clearly this was a ghost created by one of the right winger racist cowards. Typical isn't it? This is what i'm talking about when i say how hypocritical these racist, coward clowns are. They are those same cowards that attack muslim women or elderly or defenseless minority kids. Or talk shit online but when they see a minority man in real life they seeth and grit their teeth and hurry and get home and type up some racist shit lol

whoever you are coward, know that i'm not even black you clown. Even if i was who cares? You can think i'm black, yellow, brown green whatever. Lol. Second of all, i love it! I feed off of this hate and racism. It is one of many many things that has motivated me throughout life to succeed and stay hungry and ambitious. I love it.

Look in the mirror and ask yourself, not only the bitter coward that messaged me but the rest of you handful of racist, bigoted racist lowlife losers. I know davevegas started a thread in the politics room that had the word, ''neg*ro in it that, to the credit of the fine mods was changed to black, and i commented about that before so maybe it was him? Just speculating. Maybe it was zit because we know he hates me for some reason he is so obsessed with me or one of his lowlife friends that troll me around. I don't know.

This is what i see when i sign into therx to talk about the big football games today. It's a shame.

To the mods!

Thanks for your fantastic work. You guys are great, fair and patient as fuck. But you mods know there's a handful of extreme right wing/racist/bigoted posters on here. They want to use that n word and much more but hold back to avoid getting banned, but you know they push it as much as they can.

Mods you must acknowledge that these extreme right wingers are turning almost every offshore thread into a political shitfest no matter what the topic of discussion. The fact that they follow me around and troll me like drooling dogs is pathetic and ruining threads more than hurting me lol. Naysayers will say i bring it on myself but i keep that shit in the politics room. Also, i not only keep that shit in the politics room but i'm not a bitter, vindictive small man like these guys and troll and bicker or follow them around making snide remarks or trolling outside the politics room. It's always them. Every single time. In fact with some of those guys that trolled me for example greenbacks and another, i actually wished them luck or congratulated them for a good day in the nfl or whatever, after they just finished trolling me in the politics room. Talked sports with them etc and eventually greenbacks and that other poster who was he damnit became cool with me and stopped trolling me. So i'm not petty or a troll by any means. The politics room is what it is. I'm not creating drama in there anymore than the other guys and their outlandish views but these guys just aren't big enough to keep it in the politics room.

This private message sent to me was a desperate, cowardly last resort attempt by some well known extreme right wing bigot small dicked lowlife scum of society that just failed to get to me so he lashed out however futile it was.

Mods, i am here because i like therx and i like sports. We are sort of guests in your home and you should also be offended that somebody resorted to these cheap tactics in your house. I will ask you to, if possible, look into this poster/ghost that said those hateful racist words and using ip or other information, try to determine who it was. At the very least don't ban me for anything i've said in this post. Give me a warning/break. I'm just typing. Just woke up. I'm calling out the racist coward and if i said anything out of line or ban worthy give me this one. Don't ban me. Humble request.

Anyways, well, rant over lol. Damn that kind of hit me like a ton of bricks to see that private message but now that i think about it i'm not surprised and it's all good.

The hate here for mexicans, blacks, minorities, gays (i know i've made homophobic comments and i have no excuse for that i haven't done that for awhile and don't intend to) muslims, women, left wingers, is disgusting and some days i feel like i'm on the kkk site. Not really but you know what i mean. I mean some of you clowns would do better and feel more at home on the kkk sites where you can freely express your racism, bigotry and hate. Why don't you go there? You wouldn't have to say 'neg*o and have it changed, you can actually say the worse version and not even have it deleted. You can say all sorts of racism shit whereas here you have to cowardly and manipulately say shitstain or other words that won't get you banned cause you can cowardly claim that oh that's not racist i didn't mean it like that and you get away with it. But why be suppressed here? Go to the kkk site and let it all out you racist scum lowlifes. Scary that some of you have kids..hopefully they go to college and progress and broaden their horizons. I'm sure they will. This old timer, old school racism is dying out slowly but surely over the years in the u.s.a and part of the reason it's dying out is cause you old racist fucks are dying out. That's just facts.

Now the usual suspects of extreme right wingers will conduct their usual manipulative act and come in to try to defame, deny, deflect, distract from the original subject which was the coward racist who sent me the private message, somebody who is clearly a regular poster here, one of the ones that's always trolling me i'm sure, but as usual we all see right through your act. So bark away if you must...make me proud.

May 3, 2018
road the poster you are talking about has since been banned.

I explained to 3-4 others but they don't have the ability to comprehend that overnight we have extra help registering new accounts and not on top of things around here as BAS and I are. (not anyone's fault)

Any of us can create as many emails and accounts as we wish, even with a VPN, and if you don't know what you're doing when registering, it can get through.

Not a cakewalk like some finger-pointers make it out to be.

I understand. No complaints. You guys are fantastic. I'm over it now.

Hache Man, said it before I'll say it again, you're the best Mod that I've seen on any forum. Keep it up!

Peace guys. I'm over it I guess. It is what it is. Let's enjoy the games. Hache Man if you want to delete this thread go ahead. I don't want this to reflect on therx which is an excellent site. Can't help what type of people sign up or what they post or send in private messages. You can only moderate and try to stay on top of things.

Time to watch some football. Have a good rest of the weekend guys. Thanks for the message Hache Man. Peace.
May 3, 2018
U should apologize to all the right wingers

It was one of them, of that I'm sure. I will not apologize. Some random guy didn't decide to make an account and say that to me. Let's be sensible and logical.

Still, it's ok. It is what it is and I'm over it.

Especially when a regular poster on this site has used the word Neg*ro before it was promptly changed by a mod, and based on other things I've seen here, it's not far fetched of me to believe what I believe.

No apologies from me StevieRay. But if your point is that I'm insinuating all right wingers are racist or cowards or bad people then no, to clarify I don't think that. There's just as many scum on the left as there are on the right. I know that.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
R2D2 should be happy, somebody gives a shit
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I understand. No complaints. You guys are fantastic. I'm over it now.

Hache Man, said it before I'll say it again, you're the best Mod that I've seen on any forum. Keep it up!

Peace guys. I'm over it I guess. It is what it is. Let's enjoy the games. Hache Man if you want to delete this thread go ahead. I don't want this to reflect on therx which is an excellent site. Can't help what type of people sign up or what they post or send in private messages. You can only moderate and try to stay on top of things.

Time to watch some football. Have a good rest of the weekend guys. Thanks for the message Hache Man. Peace.

Thanks Much (<)<
Jan 12, 2019
Not me

hache don’t pin this on me. Haha

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Which one of you coward right wingers created a ghost with no posts and sent me a private message saying, ''No Nig*ars allowed, get out'' (yes spelled with an a)

First of all I see the ghost is already banned. But clearly this was a ghost created by one of the right winger racist cowards. Typical isn't it? This is what I'm talking about when I say how hypocritical these racist, coward clowns are. They are those same cowards that attack Muslim women or elderly or defenseless minority kids. Or talk shit online but when they see a minority man in real life they seeth and grit their teeth and hurry and get home and type up some racist shit lol

Whoever you are coward, know that I'm not even black you clown. Even if I was who cares? You can think I'm black, yellow, brown green whatever. Lol. Second of all, I love it! I feed off of this hate and racism. It is one of many many things that has motivated me throughout life to succeed and stay hungry and ambitious. I love it.

Look in the mirror and ask yourself, not only the bitter coward that messaged me but the rest of you handful of racist, bigoted racist lowlife losers. I know Davevegas started a thread in the politics room that had the word, ''NEG*RO in it that, to the credit of the fine Mods was changed to black, and I commented about that before so maybe it was him? Just speculating. Maybe it was Zit because we know he hates me for some reason he is so obsessed with me or one of his lowlife friends that troll me around. I don't know.

This is what I see when I sign into theRX to talk about the big football games today. It's a shame.


Thanks for your fantastic work. You guys are great, fair and patient as fuck. But you Mods know there's a handful of extreme right wing/racist/bigoted posters on here. They want to use that N word and much more but hold back to avoid getting banned, but you know they push it as much as they can.

Mods you must acknowledge that these extreme right wingers are turning almost every offshore thread into a political shitfest no matter what the topic of discussion. The fact that they follow me around and troll me like drooling dogs is pathetic and ruining threads more than hurting me lol. Naysayers will say I bring it on myself but I keep that shit in the politics room. Also, I not only keep that shit in the politics room but I'm not a bitter, vindictive small man like these guys and troll and bicker or follow them around making snide remarks or trolling outside the politics room. It's always them. Every single time. In fact with some of those guys that trolled me for example greenbacks and another, I actually wished them luck or congratulated them for a good day in the NFL or whatever, after they just finished trolling me in the politics room. Talked sports with them etc and eventually greenbacks and that other poster who was he damnit became cool with me and stopped trolling me. So I'm not petty or a troll by any means. The politics room is what it is. I'm not creating drama in there anymore than the other guys and their outlandish views but these guys just aren't big enough to keep it in the politics room.

This private message sent to me was a desperate, cowardly last resort attempt by some well known extreme right wing bigot small dicked lowlife scum of society that just failed to get to me so he lashed out however futile it was.

Mods, I am here because I like therx and I like sports. We are sort of guests in your home and you should also be offended that somebody resorted to these cheap tactics in your house. I will ask you to, if possible, look into this poster/ghost that said those hateful racist words and using IP or other information, try to determine who it was. At the very least don't ban me for anything I've said in this post. Give me a warning/break. I'm just typing. Just woke up. I'm calling out the racist coward and if I said anything out of line or ban worthy give me this one. Don't ban me. Humble request.

Anyways, well, rant over lol. Damn that kind of hit me like a ton of bricks to see that private message but now that I think about it I'm not surprised and it's all good.

The hate here for Mexicans, blacks, minorities, gays (I know I've made homophobic comments and I have no excuse for that I haven't done that for awhile and don't intend to) Muslims, women, left wingers, is disgusting and some days I feel like I'm on the KKK site. Not really but you know what I mean. I mean some of you clowns would do better and feel more at home on the KKK sites where you can freely express your racism, bigotry and hate. Why don't you go there? You wouldn't have to say 'neg*o and have it changed, you can actually say the worse version and not even have it deleted. You can say all sorts of racism shit whereas here you have to cowardly and manipulately say shitstain or other words that won't get you banned cause you can cowardly claim that oh that's not racist I didn't mean it like that and you get away with it. But why be suppressed here? Go to the KKK site and let it all out you racist scum lowlifes. Scary that some of you have kids..hopefully they go to college and progress and broaden their horizons. I'm sure they will. This old timer, old school racism is dying out slowly but surely over the years in the U.S.A and part of the reason it's dying out is cause you old racist fucks are dying out. That's just facts.

Now the usual suspects of extreme right wingers will conduct their usual manipulative act and come in to try to defame, deny, deflect, distract from the original subject which was the coward racist who sent me the private message, somebody who is clearly a regular poster here, one of the ones that's always trolling me I'm sure, but as usual we all see right through your act. So bark away if you must...make me proud.

knowing road2pedophilia you created the ghost account yourself, sent the PM to this new pedo account, then hit "REPORT" to get your 4th ghost account banned so you could then come here to create a political hate-filled, race-filled, liberal-talking-point rant

did i pretty much nail that pedo? how many accounts are you on here? I'm still on #1 because I can speak rationally and don't become unhinged every time I can't find a safe space
Sep 21, 2004
knowing road2pedophilia you created the ghost account yourself, sent the PM to this new pedo account, then hit "REPORT" to get your 4th ghost account banned so you could then come here to create a political hate-filled, race-filled, liberal-talking-point rant

did i pretty much nail that pedo? how many accounts are you on here? I'm still on #1 because I can speak rationally and don't become unhinged every time I can't find a safe space

Nailed it

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Doesn’t he start far left wing threads in the Political forum. Lol

at least he does post plays and convo in sports forums

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