Definitely does. My gf has an analyst job for a large grocery chain. Part of her job is to analyze shrink, or things that rot or go bad on the shelf before being sold. She said it's hard to factor in thieving with this, but it is definitely factored in as a loss, and it most certainly affects prices, sometimes substantially...
There is a reason why your high priced razors and such are locked up in all stores now...
Yeah...many things locked up nowadays...behind secured displays or even "chained" to the displays, walls...
There was a time when you could go to a Walmart type store and grab a new backpack from the school supplies or hiking/camping section stroll around the store fill it with the most expensive stuff (best for resale on eBay or Amazon) then choose a Brand New Bicycle from that section walk it towards the registers then jump on it and barrel-ass out the door, as fast as you could, on the bike...with the filled up backpack.
Not meaning "you" like: YOU or even....them....or me but...the "General "You"".
This is a dramatically changed planet, during our lifetimes. I know every generation saw change, transformation within their times but I think that no generation has ever seen changes as dramatic as we've lived through.