Smokey Wins/ Chuck Luck Busted


shoot the moon baby
Feb 20, 2001
the legend of chuck luck is offically over. he's been having a tough yr but he always had a gimmick up his sleave. he started posting at the rx to gather in some victems. i must say he did win me some money during that hot streak and i bought into rushing stat plays and wiseguy moves and all that stuff.

funny thing i noticed that when he had a losing week he would disapear untill the nxt wk, but when he won u could not get rid of him. then he would have a very bad week but hit a big gm and thats all u would hear, about that one big win, not that u killed everybody else that week. i found that kinda strange but still believed in him.

then he would say

'gotta big gm i'm posting later on' he said this many of times but he never posted the play. then when questioned on it he always had an excuse..every fvking time. not by computer, power went out, out for dinner etc.

this year the man just flat out sucked. he's killed his clients every week and 2 weeks ago he won something and he had the balls to hype that one win. after he made most of his clients go broke, he's acting like he's a winner. that got my attention, but i figured, hey he's having a tough year.

but like i said he always has a gimmick, an ace up his sleave, and it was "hey i get this inside info on the totals play on monday night, but i don't get it until hank starts to sing" its like only lost 4 times in a 100 yrs kind of crap. funny thing is, most books close up at 9:00 hank doesn't untill 9:03 cutting it kind of close. but hey its inside info, its worth the risk of not getting the play in.

i check out his web site tonight and i see at 8:53 a guy posts chucks play as the under. wait, hank hasn't sung his song guess what chuck ur ass is and b-mac. can't release the super secret play untill hank sings. you already have the play ,but you guys need a gimmick.

i must admit u guys were good, had me and many others here suckered, thank God i never paid to get ur picks. ur legend is gone.i'm sure u and bmac will go invent another person or gimmick....i got one for u guys, why don't u say u go down to elvis's grave and he talks to u and gives u plays. that might work for 6 months or so.

i think if you guys were straight up w/people, even thou ur having a bad yr they still could respect you. after what i saw tonight you get zero respect from me...never mind the under play lost by only 40....

hey chuck ...busted....HOLLAA..OR HOW EVER U SAY IT.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i was a big supporter of chuck in the beginning but towards the end of college basketball last march i found his statements very perculiar to say the least and called him out on them. his bullshit statements of hitting 65% and never have a losing november caused me to realized what a joker i was dealing with. he had the nice run last year during the playoffs and he sucked some people in thats for sure but its time to move on guys.

remember, if this guy has been producing winners for 20 years, why is he so desperate for clients.

now his buddy mac had a great baseball season but this is the time of the year he always buries his clients and this year seems no different. he dumped over 44 units on saturday which should equal a refund for the month in my opinion but we know that aint happening but feel free to use your passcodes another day (LOL)

that jackass the manager might be the biggest fraud out of them all. he had the audacity to come out with 2 GOY's on the same day and they werent even close. why anyone would play anything from that ******* is beyond me. just so you guys no his inside info bullshit has a losing record over the last year despite what you might hear.

i could go on with this garbage but i need to do a few things, however dont ever deal with that clown capone either, his "killer moves" have been just that for the bookies and im sure he is getting a nice piece of that dsi pie. i dont know what is worse that jackass, randy (aka, the manager, LOL) sending you to the M&M sportsbook which is about as low as you can go, or charlie (aka *********) reaping 40% of all his clients net losses from the Capone book DSI.

wow, i rambled on for awhile but i think you get the idea

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Anyone who believes, in this day and age of the internet and super information highway, that some tout has "inside" info, L.O.L. The players don't know, the coaches don't know, all you can do is work hard, control yourself, and wait for good situations. If you think you will find some pied piper who will lead you to the promised land of winners, wake up and face reality. You are a compulsive looking for any way possible to stay in action and win back some of your losses. all the best---

Oct 20, 2003
mos eyesly said:
Anyone who believes, in this day and age of the internet and super information highway, that some tout has "inside" info, L.O.L. The players don't know, the coaches don't know, all you can do is work hard, control yourself, and wait for good situations. If you think you will find some pied piper who will lead you to the promised land of winners, wake up and face reality. You are a compulsive looking for any way possible to stay in action and win back some of your losses. all the best---

shoot the moon baby
Feb 20, 2001
i cap my own plays but i always keep my eyes on a few people who i respect/hot to see who their playing. i was getting a little nervous when i would see a gm he liked that i liked too. he not only lost a lot of gms ,his big plays got crushed big time.

i had the over big last night and i saw he came in w/ the under as the play, i kinda felt better about my play. a loss is a loss but missed the under by 40 pts.

sad...he's due to win a few and he'll be back on here telling u " this is my time of the yr to win" he'll pick up a few more suckers. he'll have an excuse, "i did not release that play untill hank sings, that guy was full of crap...whatever..ur i said with truly i'm done w/ this topic.

not wasting my time when these guys r laughing all the way to the bank.

u guys are smarter than u think when it comes to picking gms. gather all the info you can get,make ur own plays...never pay to play....HOLLA!!!

Aug 20, 2002

you still tracking truely?

i think hes gone for a while now after last saturdays college foots.

shoot the moon baby
Feb 20, 2001
not wasting my time w/ truly, he will reappear and talk crap when he wins a gm, but when they lose ,u don't hear a peep out of them.

he will crash and burn and then reinvent himself again...he will be another 700 club member. i called him out but the mods got on me instead, go figure....its up to them to control.

shoot the moon baby
Feb 20, 2001
guys check out chucks site and read the post by heismen in the nfl thread. very sad if true. very interesting story developing here. not one reply by chuck fluck

Sep 21, 2004
LMAO....i go to chucks site(after the game)....on the main page is his picks for tonight....KC and OVER.

Having the time of my life!!
Sep 21, 2004
Highdaddy said:
LMAO....i go to chucks site(after the game)....on the main page is his picks for tonight....KC and OVER.
Posted b4 the game!!!...whats so funny?......should he have taken it down after game over???:icon_conf :icon_conf :icon_conf :icon_conf

New member
Dec 23, 2004
Been betting sports for 29 years.

I can spot a con. Just look at that clowns picture on *********.com He said he was a financial advisor in his day job. Let me tell you the only financial advice he ever gave anyone was on his used car lot when he told someone they should buy the 88 Monte Carlo instead of the Camero. I got this guy game. He is a used car sales man bet he does not own the small lot he works on and books bets for the owner of the lot. I did win almost $10,000 fading him the last 6 weeks. His Bowl record is terrible. Chuck not going to shut down the site even if it only has 5 people on it each day. That is his baby. I bet he took in $50,000 on his scam. By the way he won the first few bowl games today so I knew he would lose the rest today. His late games 10 units Texas so I took Michigan $1500. Pittsburgh 5 units I bet Utah $750 Pitt over 10 units I bet the under $1500. PITT/UTAH still playing but watch him drop both. His GOY OKLAHOMA so I will bang USC cause he can't hit it. Fading that guy is a goldmine for all of us. You guys are stupid for not doing it. His picks are on a recording Bowl Games call 678-318-1389 and NFL 678-318-1311. Fade CHUCKY CHEESE and never lose again.

New member
Dec 23, 2004
Had Auburn 10 units and OU AS GOY.


Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
if chuck luck picked VT and USC....I am a loser just like him...I like(d) both of those teams....Hopefully chucky lucky f ucky has a big day today.......

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