<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width=35>
</TD><TD vAlign=top width=426><!-- _______________ BEG MAIN CONTENTS _______________ -->
<TABLE class=directions cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=bottom align=middle width=137>The Legend "Texas Dolly"
</TD><TD vAlign=bottom align=middle width=135>"The Mad Genius of Poker"
</TD><TD vAlign=bottom align=middle width=132>"WSOP Champion"
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>
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</TD><TD align=middle><SCRIPT language=JavaScript>// this is where BJ changes the date every weekTargetDate = "5/11/2006 6:00 PM";BackColor = "white";ForeColor = "42320E";CountActive = true;DisplayFormat = "%%D%% Days, %%H%% Hours, %%M%% Minutes, %%S%% Seconds.";FinishMessage = "The Bounty Tournament Returns Next Thursday!";</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="/js/countdown.cfm"></SCRIPT>The Bounty Tournament Returns Next Thursday!<!-- THREE STEPS TO INSTALL DIGITAL COUNTDOWN: 1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document 2. Add the onLoad event handler into the BODY tag 3. Put the last coding into the BODY of your HTML document --><!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document --><SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!-- This script and many more are available free online at --><!-- The JavaScript Source!!
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The Story Behind The Bounty Tournament
The bounty tournament is a weekly multi-table tournament in which an absolute maximum of 999 players vie to be the last one at the table. Every week you can square off against Doyle Brunson, Mike Caro, Todd Brunson and other weekly pros/celeb guests.
For the average guy or girl who doesn't have the extra time or money to try their luck at a world series poker championship, this is a chance to play face to face against some of the absolute best. The bounty gives any contender with a passion for cards, a way to try their luck against the legends of poker. Due to the fact that anyone can learn from, play against, and chat with Doyle and his crew, the bounty tournament spiraled into a world famous event practically overnight.
You can always find out who's playing in the next bounty by checking the images above on this page. The three players shown above will be playing in the upcoming bounty. This page is always up to date so you can always check back to see who the new bounty players are.
Every bounty tournament also has one or sometimes two guest players who join Doyle and Mike to complete our team of bounty players. Someone new every single week! Remember to check above for this week's new bounty players.
Click here to see our full line up of bounty players.
Click here to see our full list of bounty winners.
The beauty of the bounty tournament is that everyone has a chance to play with a legend. You only need three things to play, and getting your full one time rebate is instant and easy, so it costs you nothing for a chance at $25,000!
A free working Doylesroom.com account - all this means is that you have created your player screen name and have downloaded the poker software.
If you don't have an account yet, you can sign up for one right here on this page. It's free and will take you 2 minutes to set up, see the directions at the very top of page, then fill in the sign up poster on the top left.
Deposit at least $27.50 into your account. If you haven't opened a real money account yet, then click on the Cashier Tab in the poker room, click on the Open Real Money Account button and fill in your personal information. Next, click on the Make a Deposit Button and chose any one of our easy deposit methods. If you need help with this click on the Manager Chat button in the poker room or call our friendly customer service department (888-762-4192)and they will walk you through the process.
Reserve your seat before the start of the tournament. Simply click on the bounty tournament link in your poker software to confirm your intent to play.
After you have played in the bounty for your first time, make sure you come back to this page and click the bounty rebate page button and get your full and
instant rebate of $27.50. As we said the bounty is 100% free!
Click to learn more about the rebate process.
It starts out with around 800 players and 90 tables. A few of these players happen to be Doyle Brunson, Mike Caro, Todd Brunson, and sometimes other guest pros and celebs. These players are the bounties!
It's a standard multi-table tournament with standard rules..
It’s the same kind of fast-action tournament competition you see on TV.
If you knock out all three bounties out, you win $25,000, plus your share of the regular tournament prize money.
If you knock out two bounty players you
win $10,000
If you knock out just one bounty player you
win $250
As players get knocked out, the number of tables decreases. Everyone is trying to win and move on, but more than that,
everyone is trying to eliminate Doyle Brunson or one of the other bounties. As everyone gangs up on Doyle and the other bounties, they hold on for dear life.
Finally the championship round: Only 1 table and 9 players left... and
one of them just happens to be Doyle Brunson...are you ready?