LOl...what would Mccain fight forus? Can't even fight for physically or mentally. he's physically handicapped and mentally challenged. putin would whoop HIS ass i a sec. BO however would pound the shit out of him physically and mentally. He's does't talk the talk like McCain he wlks the walk. LOl 5 years in a POW camp. ID rather die than that. PUSSy plain and simple.
OP was spot on. If the Democrats nominated a slightly conservative candidate in the vein of a Bill Clinton, the negatives for the GOP would have made this election a rout.
The with Move-On and the extreme left controlling the party, candidates like Obama or Ned LaMont rise to the top, as the extremists try to defeat any candidate that doesn't hate 24/7 on every issue.
Lieberman won the GE, and McCain will likewise. A northern liberal has not won since 1960, and JFK could hardly be confused with a modern day liberal. Most northern liberals actually got whipped in since then.
Thats BS and you know it... If they nominated a slightly conservative candidate Your Brainmasters would still call him a LIB blah blah blah... and You like a LEMMING would believe them... The election will be OBAMA in a Rout... Move-on is the Anti-Fox..