Piece of shit Turkish Muslim
I really don't watch the news much nowadays, haven't for years, the only thing I can stomach is the weather. Seriously, they're a bunch of agenda driven lying idiots. Intellectually dishonest to their very core (with maybe a very few exceptions)
If this story is not getting widespread condemnation / coverage, then it's being done for political purposes. Like everything they report (or not), it's all about their political agenda, especially during a presidential election cycle.
If this shooter is Muslim or Mexican, it doesn't serve their purpose. If he's a democrat, party affiliation irrelevant. If he's a Hillary supporter, no need to mention that.
If a white man did this in a black community, non stop coverage about racism. If he were a republican, that fact is part of the headline above the fold. If he were a member of the NRA too, it's even more nonstop newsworthy
They tell us what's important, they create the news, they create their own narrative, they distort the truth. What's funny is I did a college paper on the media creating the news and media sensationalization (?) when I was a democrat still (it wasn't as much about politics as it would be today)
Their souls will rot in hell (if there is a hell)