SIA is improving...



RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
Used SI for years

I have never had any problems with them EXCEPT the site will be down or just not work at some busy times like just before 1 PM on NFL Sundays. Agree they do have lines that are 'off' a lot of times, so I think they are a good out if you like shopping especailly for dogs or on money lines.

BTW, I have never had any probs with getting paid, first on credit cards, then when that got shut off by the credit card companies I use Swiftpay , never had a problem. Also use Firepay but they charge 3.99 per trans, Swiftpay is free. I had a NetTeller account but cancelled that I had probs with THEM processing things, so maybe NetTeller is at fault

New member
Sep 21, 2004

My issue with them was not payment, they always paid me quickly & fully.

No, it was one of honour - would they honour my bets at the prices I struck them at? Their behaviour on the 2003 Wimbledon prop, paying out 32 to 1 bets at 8 to 1 14 days down the line was disgraceful. I was not personally affected but it's the sort of bet I would have snapped up if I'd seen it, it's more likely an unseeded player will make the final there than any other Grand Slam due to the unpredictable nature of grass.

THEFT. Pure & simple.

I do not do business with thieves. So until there is a management or ownership change I don't do business with SIA.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
My Neteller withdrawal request from Tuesday Jan 4th has not been paid yet.


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I believe they are selectively slow paying certain accounts. I think it's an attempt to oust individual players that have won there, not a NT fault. Just boot us, if you want us gone !

I'm not worried about payment, just don't like the way they are handling business. I'll definetly stay away until next season. If reports improve, I'll return. They've never been this slow before !

How many others are waiting ?
Feb 20, 2002
From Pinnacle i was late paid

From Pinnacle i was late paid. Got paid several business days after
the max limit they gave me for a wire. After years of these kinds
of things from books i've just learned to live with it. Life goes on,
even if they screw up, & what are you going to do about it. SIA
don't want sharps anyway, so don't advertize at places like this.
My screw ups have cost me a lot more than these relatively minor
annoyances, which occur daily in various facets of a human being's

New member
Sep 21, 2003
very peculiar indeed.....

what I find most peculiar is that you guys have received the 'payment receipt' from TINA. Yet the funds are not in your NETELLER account?:WTF:

weird because every time I have received that email in my inbox..... the money is always in My Neteller account. I have never received that email without the funds being there as soon as I check.

furthermore, I have requested at least 20K in withdrawals via SIA Neteller in the past 60 days & they have all been timely....

I guess they have me pegged as a square?:icon_conf

fine with me :toast:
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New member
Sep 21, 2004
I got paid today as well. No explaination. It took almost 7 days.

I will keep playing at SIA though. Lines are too good not to.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
isn't Bodog's square line very close to SIA? and Bowman's too??

they both pay a lot quicker than SIA, I wouldn't play there or anywhere that takes more than half a day to pay neteller

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Bodog doesn't allow Canadian players. Bowmans gives you the square line until you bet on an underdog and it wins.


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
BAUS said:
I got paid today as well. No explaination. It took almost 7 days.

I will keep playing at SIA though. Lines are too good not to.

What lines are sweet, except NFL ? I don't see anything I can't match in hoops, and there's nothing else to bet now, at least nothing I'd bet at SIA.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
NFL and MLB are excellent. Their lines on other sports are average, but they are slow to move them sometimes, creating real time scalps.


"It's great to be alive and ahead by seven" Mort o
Feb 2, 2002
My second SIA withdrawal for 2500 just hit my Neteller acct. I have been lucky in that I have never had a problem. And OBTW, I don't think that I am a complete square. LOL! LT
Feb 20, 2002
BAUS said:
NFL and MLB are excellent. Their lines on other sports are average, but they are slow to move them sometimes, creating real time scalps.

It used to be that there were opportunities in just about every sport,
especially MLB, HKY & FBL. But this may have changed since i was
allowed to wager there.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
BAUS said:
NFL and MLB are excellent. Their lines on other sports are average, but they are slow to move them sometimes, creating real time scalps.

Baus : No arguement about NFL lines. I know enough about their imcompetence to avoid anything open to interpretation. I don't think steaming them is good for longevity, but they may not know what steam is ? It seems you win a certain amount there ( 15 k ?), and they don't want you, no more, even if you're just balancing their action, which seems their goal. That's gotta be a book that moves on action ? Hang your damn number, who cares who balances your books ?

I despise imcompetence ! They operate like a small-time local that wants balanced action.

With MLB and 15-cent lines, I don't find much value there, on occasion if betting against a team like NYY, but not huge. Totals are worse !

SIA will pay you, but I'm boycotting them until next NFL season, as a personal protest.

The guy about tennis made a good point.

SBR is about right D+ is what they deserve. There is room to improve this rating greatly. I liken it to a smart kid doing poorly in Algebra. Some help he do well.

SIA should merge with a better run joint.
Feb 20, 2002
DougJ said:
With MLB and 15-cent lines, I don't find much value there, on occasion if betting against a team like NYY, but not huge. Totals are worse !
I used to find about 5 decent MLB scalps there a day
throughout the entire season. Sunday nights were
often the best. I remember one where SIA had like
+170 on the dog while Pinnacle was around -130 on
the fav. Usually scalps possibilities presented them-
selves w/i an hour or so before gametime, often within
a few minutes of the first pitch. And if i didn't keep a
close watch on their lines & move fast, the opportunity
was gobbled up by others.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
X-Files said:
I used to find about 5 decent MLB scalps there a day
throughout the entire season. Sunday nights were
often the best. I remember one where SIA had like
+170 on the dog while Pinnacle was around -130 on
the fav. Usually scalps possibilities presented them-
selves w/i an hour or so before gametime, often within
a few minutes of the first pitch. And if i didn't keep a
close watch on their lines & move fast, the opportunity
was gobbled up by others.
X: OK , but I usually leave them alone with bases. I like my other outs better. I'd surely bet the SIA side first. I'll concede they can have a good baseball line for a scalp, I just don't like the book a whole lot right now. Business practices irritate me. In short they pissed me off, for chump change. Re-enforced that they are a third rate book.

I'd like an explanation why NT took 6 days ! Not quite a shvt book, but there is big room to improve here.

Rarely does one read complaints about Pinny, Oly, Grande, CRIS, Skybook. etc.

SIA still needs to improve C/S. Why be sub-standard, when you can strive to attain being average ? My kid gets a C in math, no big deal, A D is bad, praise for a B. I have no kids, example only.

I'd like to hear some BS excuse why nearly a week is fine here.

New member
Dec 20, 2002
DougJ said:
X: OK , but I usually leave them alone with bases. I like my other outs better. I'd surely bet the SIA side first. I'll concede they can have a good baseball line for a scalp, I just don't like the book a whole lot right now. Business practices irritate me. In short they pissed me off, for chump change. Re-enforced that they are a third rate book.

I'd like an explanation why NT took 6 days ! Not quite a shvt book, but there is big room to improve here.

Rarely does one read complaints about Pinny, Oly, Grande, CRIS, Skybook. etc.

SIA still needs to improve C/S. Why be sub-standard, when you can strive to attain being average ? My kid gets a C in math, no big deal, A D is bad, praise for a B. I have no kids, example only.

I'd like to hear some BS excuse why nearly a week is fine here.
If you haven't figured it out yet, THEY DON'T CARE.

You need them more than they need you. You know it, I know it, every other EX-SIA player who has already gotten the boot knows it, and most importantly SIA knows it. So it's no point in wasting your time complaining about it.
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Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Halifax: I can't argue with that much. They don't care. Seems accurate to me. I'm not booted , but feel I have a sign on my back... " that say's kick me."

SIA seems like a chick you bring home for a one-night stand, then she gives you a false phone number. It doesn't last !. The slut can't take back the one-nighter, much like SIA isn't a virgin, and pays like a divorced father with child-support payments, perhaps late.

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