I dont know. As soon as I signed on, I got this PM from Count saying that if two Admins agree someone should be gone then they are no matter what. That no longer do "friendships" mean anything, because we are all pathetic and that the site has become nothing more than a playground for us. He went on to say that he works 50 hours a week :eyeroll: and that he doesnt have time for this stuff. So I prompty ripped off a 500 word post slaying those losers. Thats where it ended for me. I know Ws buddy was upset but Mello is playing by the rules. I didnt see anything from Six, but he wont stick around with us not there. That site now offically has NOTHING to offer. The only forum in there that made money was the NBA and today they banned two of the three people that made money in there. Miz wont go there either. That site will become even more of a joke, and will eventually be just a platform for that loser Count to go tout on.