Was the bright side of covid. At lest this shit had stopped. So much for that.
You’re an emotionally manipulated pussy that believes this shit happened daily because the media tells you it did.
The media tells you cops target black men, eat that shit up too I’m sure.
It’s sad you’ll live and die never actually becoming a man. Just a puppet with Don Lemon’s fingers up your ass making you believe whatever he damn well wishes.
You’re an emotionally manipulated pussy that believes this shit happened daily because the media tells you it did.
The media tells you cops target black men, eat that shit up too I’m sure.
It’s sad you’ll live and die never actually becoming a man. Just a puppet with Don Lemon’s fingers up your ass making you believe whatever he damn well wishes.
Like i have stated previously i am starting to come around on you. i don't like when you lie about me saying things i never said(especially things that have to do with gambling), but posts like this are pure entertainment and help you redeem yourself in my eyes.
Good work and carry on. w-thumbs!^