Female tactic: use the word 'sex' anywhere and you're more likely to get more attention.
I mean, you're here, right? So help a girl out....with my pick.
I'm in a small Upset Pool
--Straight up pick. Not just ATS...my pick has to win
--Team has to be the underdog
--Any FBS game
--Spread = number of points I get
--Can change my pick up until kickoff
You know I really appreciate it. Gimme your biggest and best dogs of the week, gentlemen.
I mean, you're here, right? So help a girl out....with my pick.
I'm in a small Upset Pool
--Straight up pick. Not just ATS...my pick has to win
--Team has to be the underdog
--Any FBS game
--Spread = number of points I get
--Can change my pick up until kickoff
You know I really appreciate it. Gimme your biggest and best dogs of the week, gentlemen.