It has to be that I am black. Because no white person has this knowledge right? And this point of view. That's basically what you guys are admitting. Right???
But that's where I differ. They actually do have that point of view. More white people think with open hearts than you guys know. I love everything about being white. Nothing I appreciate more. But that in return makes me more grateful, more understanding of other backgrounds. Not just by spending time with good people who live in those areas of whatever race. Because there are good people of every race.
But some people like you's the opposite. I don't need to act afraid that people with a different background will take away my white privilege. When it has never happened and impossible of happening. I'm not that stupid and ignorant. Like I said, my grandmother is like that. And she's 100% white. Her daughter, my mother, is like that. I was raised differently. Not saying you guys weren't raised right. But, clearly not as open and accepting as I was. And I admit I am a little bit racist. But you guys take this shit extreme. No need to be paranoid about white privilege vanishing. And I know deep down, maybe in different terms, that is all us whites are unrealistically worried about. As far as race.