Originally Posted by rza
regardless of the outcome budin and lovell and all the other bitch touts should be shot for making this game such huge plays. this game was and is a toss up.
Im sorry but this is a VERY dumb comment..
I'm glad.. Budin is smart..
People don't get it. This game has gone for the Bucs ALL DAY... Refs, fluke plays, lucky turnovers..
And look at the score. In the 4th, We're up 7. THAT is why its a big play.. We had such an advantage that they can get this lucky ans were STILL looking good.
If we have that TO differential, its 34-10..
Big plays should be in the game NO MATTER WHAT.. And this as TERRIBLE as the breaks have gone.. is WINNING.. In the 4th quarter..
This is fine.. Faith in Budin forever..
See... Not even close to a flip..Budin 100 DIME.. Automatic