<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Buzzsaw:
OK, Pat. I'll bet you that you made up that crap about me selling picks just to earn some kind of rx brownie points when I was pointing out that Royal was in trouble.
You send your dime to Shrink and I'll send my two dimes.
Buzz this is a very old debating technique you use and it needs to be upgraded, seriously. Unless you have something to hide try sticking to topics instead of focusing on a mistake from long ago. Reminds me of a book I am reading. In it the guy is accussed of murdering 3 co-eds, raping them first and in one of them cut off her arms and legs when he was done. Unfortunately for her she lived. His defense lawyers are trying to give him life instead of the chair but he won't admit to the armed robbery charge. He openly admits he butchered the one girl, raped and murdered the others but HELL NO I did not have a gun when I robbed that bank. I'll plea bargain out on the rest and I admit robbing the bank but I was not armed!! Ends up he gets the chair instead of life over a petty issue he would not acknowledge. Pretty silly stuff but some people will do anything to either not recognize or refuse to look at the big picture. Like the guy in the book if you don't learn to face up to questions and concerns from people your site is heading for the electric chair as well.
Since you are making a HUGE case of me saying you sell plays I admit vaguely remembering making that mistake once. LOL. It was like I thought you were the Buzz Daly guy who sold plays I think, you said you weren't and I said good enough, apologized and we moved on. I never hear about it as it was nothing until you need to grope on something to show that someone is out to get you. That way people won't listen you hope. This was never an on going allegation or ever an issue at all. Come on Buzz, you are better than this. Whether or not you sold plays makes no difference to me either way, I don't like touts particularly but if you were one that would be the least of your worries. Once more before you put the tap shoes on and call me out for mispelling your name or anything to get off subject,
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You claim on your front page of your site you don't take money from books. I maintain you make money by at a minimum...
A - Charging for URL links.
B - Referral fees for click throughs.
C - Putting players that signup through his site on a sheet.
Never seen you deny it because I don't think you can. If it's true why for the LOVE OF GOD would a site that should be trying to booster the integrity of the off-shore industry put that on the front page of their site about not taking a dollar from these books? And don't hand me the read the fine print back on page 43, it's misleading and completely unnecessary Buzz even if you do that. As many have said we don't care he makes money but it's insulting that he even try and pass himself off this way. Every other watchdog site admits it, until you do you have no credibility in my eyes. Instead of crying about if I confused you with someone who sold picks 2 years ago answer this Buzz.
The Blue Marlin thing was a complete disgrace. You threw out a blanket statement and when this book went down almost ran over ushers in the lobby charging to the forums about how you called it. The boasting of how this was the one you were talking about and how you knew it to the day has barely even slowed. One of two things happened here and they both speak poorly of you in my mind.
If this was the book and you knew why in hell would you not have spoken up? Don't give me the I was saving the players shit. All of them got stiffed and only because of Sting and the work here at the RX did we save any of them by putting them in other books. You sitting on this information helped no one but Reggie as players continued to send money to him as they didn't know any better. You showed no remorse for sitting on this information and had the nerve to chide posters about we should have followed the alphabetical ratings of your book, if we didn't we deserved it. In fact you were even over here laughing at the poster Drunk because he sent money in the time frame where you say you knew they were going out of business but decided to sit on it. Some defend you for that but to me that is pathetic, you boast nonstop about how you are so much better than the other watchdog sites but didn't have the balls to speak up when you did have information. The absolute thrill of you "calling one" to use in your postings was almost unbelievable to me.
The other explanation for Blue Marlin that folks like Freddy at MW and many others believe is that you had no idea it was this book. You threw out a blanket statement and hoped for the best, when a book went down you claimed it was the one. You never said a name so who knows the truth? Judging by the absolute glee you had at being right I almost believe this, hell I think this one is better than remaining quiet and watching people get screwed over. If this story is true this would reveal what sort of guy you are, joyfully taking credit for something you never once spoke of by name and then resorting to lying about it. All so you can run in here later and tell us how connected you are? As I said either option makes you look pitiful in your role as a watchdog John.
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Grade changes not reflective of performance of the book but instead "private deals" you broker. You took a shit book who you admitted has a history of screwing posters over and adjusted the grade upwards. A bottom barrel book and put them in your average category as part of a "private deal". Are you kidding John? You claim to be the best thing around yet peddle these grades around like candy if you can get someone a pay-out? The way I understand this disaster was you said you wanted to get someone paid so you changed the ratings as a way to bribe the book?!! What about the poor suckers who come to your site looking for an honest rating? You laughed at folks who got stiffed in the Blue Marlin fiasco and gloated they should have checked your ratings but how would we know if it was a sincere grade or part of a private deal for someone to get paid? In case you can't figure it for yourself the grades as a bare minimum can't be for sell if you truly want to be unbiased. Which leads me to....
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The CRIS loyalty point theft. A player who everyone acknowledges (even the book) followed every rule and bet many times over the qualifications had his money stolen. I forget all the excuses but the last one I got was he was a "wiseguy" so we were forced to stiff him. The player had run something like 1/2 million bucks through the book and was up less than 5k if I remember correctly. Some wiseguy huh? Besides all that as we all know the book admits they didn't even have the wiseguy clause in effect at the time! So if he was that shouldn't have mattered anyway, there was no excuse for this to go down, NONE. Not only you didn't speak up for the player you applauded the move by the book to steal the guys money. Right or wrong? I won't get nasty here but two facts emerged to us all. CRIS pays you on that site where you don't take dollar one (according to you) and it leaked out about Micky wining and dining you in Las Vegas shortly before your decision. In case anyone doesn't know Micky is the main man at CRIS. Regardless of what went on there how can you just defend the theft of the guys money at all? This was the first indication to me the man who swears on the front page he's not interested in dollar one may in fact be interested in little but.....
I have to bone the wife before she leaves for work but will finish this later. Haven't been to your site in a while but also wonder how you defend the links. At one time a book like Olympic which we all know is a top book wouldn't be spelled out so players could get to it easily, it was Oly for example. Why? Because they don't pay you like the other books who are spelled out in full. Again it would be no big deal if you didn't make such a fuss that you do not take money from sportsbooks. How can you say that!!?? A site designed to protect players yet steer away from the Greek because he won't pay you? I am not even sure if this is still current but add this to list if it is, whats the purpose of that Buzz if it isn't about the $$$$. It's surely not putting the players first.
I want to note in closing that I actually like Buzz and feel he could be sitting on a good thing if he stopped playing games. Be straight with people and no one would care about most this stuff. I am just scraping the barrel here, there is a lot of stuff that needs to be said for another day. I never call SBR out for the actual rating of his books like others do, that job is tough and though there is some awful grades assigned I cut him some slack there. The reason is I am not trying to look for reasons to bash him, none of us are! It's just the drastic reduction of the crediblity on his site is almost alarming. Mo and them with the VIP connection I don't know to be true so I don't even mention that stuff either. I haven't seen anyone research things as diligently and put two and two together as well as Mo has in the past but I'm just touching on things that have bothered me. Others have their own questions but all Buzz does is avoid this? I know I am outspoken and it offends some people John but how about for once answering some of this stuff and leave out the insults. Leave out the tapdancing too, if I said you sold plays and that was wrong I apologized for that long ago. Let's knock off the games for once and be straight, hell I would love to return as a fan of SBR like I used to be. At one time you did good work and I thought highly of you. These days I don't know what to think when you avoid real topics that need to be addressed. You need a new defense instead of trying to discredit the messenger everytime. I have never understood some will work 10 timesd as hard to live a lie as it would just take to get things squared away. Look forward to your responses Buzz, thanks for listening.