Say Something Good About Barman Thread


Aug 6, 2006
I'll start --

His son looks in the mirror everyday and gleams, "Thank God I got my looks from mom!"

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
I'll start --

His son looks in the mirror everyday and gleams, "Thank God I got my looks from mom!"

(I will grade each submission for Form, Creativity, Intelligence and of course Cleavage)

Scott's post above is one with which few people who know me and who know Barman Jr could disagree.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
very witty......seems some of the righties dont his each his own

Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ap
Jul 5, 2006
Great guy love reading his posts. Does alot of stuff for his community. Surprised you started a thread scotty. Usually you just show up to call people jew haters.

Dr. Is IN
Nov 1, 2004
Is not as ugly as I thought he was, But he can Def use my services to fix his "grill"

barman...i have a side bet going with GTC8 about georgia

and I remember you stating that Obama was going to easily win Fla

So do you want to put up??

Even though McCain is behind I'll take NO odds...just straight up wager

You pick the amount and such....and lets have a gentleman's wager???

I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
(I will grade each submission for Form, Creativity, Intelligence and of course Cleavage)

Well our dear fellow bonged-out sandbox play pal is wise in at least one matter.....

Choosing to be a professional weedwhacker in the state of FL can't be anything less than prosperous. Bermuda grows like a mutherfukker down there! Good choice.

Kinda glad he toned down the use of dialectic too. Pretty witty for a stoner.

:nohead:.....this one's for the old boy:


:shocked: :toast: :103631605


May 16, 2006
Love the dude, he may not have the money and the gift of good spelling that TRS has, but he some good ol fashion wholesome family values that you stinky republicans could learn from. Hell if you followed in his footsteps your family might start to love you again and your wife might even have sex with you without having to purge and bathe in bleach afterwards. And last off all, thank god he isnt a kunt of a Jew like ScottL.
Last edited:

New member
Sep 20, 2004
He's the one whose avatar is closer to a true likeness of himself than any other poster.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
boy, i said boy, he's about as sharp as a bowlin ball

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
My buddy BM is a fan of the stinky sticky icky greeeeeen bud.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Hes hung like a horse.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Hell if you followed in his footsteps your family might start to love you again and your wife might even have sex with you without having to purge and bathe in bleach afterwards.


Dr. Is IN
Nov 1, 2004
Is not as ugly as I thought he was, But he can Def use my services to fix his "grill"

barman...i have a side bet going with GTC8 about georgia

and I remember you stating that Obama was going to easily win Fla

So do you want to put up??

Even though McCain is behind I'll take NO odds...just straight up wager

You pick the amount and such....and lets have a gentleman's wager???

just wanted to you can "put up"

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
In quick response to the above, per my promise to grade Replies in this thread.

First off, you all are tied for Equally Fine Cleavage

To STEAK & JUDGE W, I'm just doing what I can to learn from you two Masters and I continue to look forward to SheBar and I realizing our long term vision of being at least parttime residents of CR/Central America ASAP.

R DUKE offers kind observations and continues to get a fairly automatic +Rating on his posts due simply to his super cool moniker.

To JOEL - The weekends can often bring out the rare grumpy side of my therefore take anything I post on Sat/Sun with that in mind and remember at the end of the day nothing I post will ever cost you a real life dime.

As for any notion that I predicted a big OBAMA win in Florida, you may have misread something I wrote (or maybe it was on a weekend?...heh).

In fact I would be surprised if Obama does not win Florida, but I also confess that I do not have sufficient trust in the vote count process to place a real $$ wager on the outcome. Let's just let those chips fall where they may and perhaps in coming days we'll find a way to make friendly wager between TB Lightning and the Atlanta Thrashers (or Magic and Hawks).


CUSSIN' IT reaches into his golf bag of cyber tricks to pull out the ol "Giant Titties" pic which thereby assures he will receive favorable review from me and also helps assure I will slice my next tee shot into the trees.

PUNTER lives in North Texas so is virtually failsafe that I'll have much with which to disagree. He's on my ever-expanding "Buy a Beer" card to be crossed off next time I make it down into that Sundance Square on a party weekend

NES has a good eye for my good points depsite his being one of several here who somehow get skewed up trading posts with SCOTT L....who btw is someone I give a good score most days because he Gets It with regard to what is really going on here in the PoliticoPub of a freaking SPORTS HANDICAPPING WEBSITE


BACK to Cuss for a bonus note....Indeed..wacking weeds and blowing leaves certainly carries a rather pedestrian image with regard to making $$$, but in the state of Florida, for the one man (with occasional hired help) owner operator it puts me in the top 10% of wage earners (when figured on an hourly rate) in the USA.

But let's just keep that between us girls, on accounta it just might maybe sorta possibly be that I don't keep Super Detailed Records for the friendly folks of the IRS.

That's what the monthly job with the non-profit org DrugSense (a whopping $16K per year) is for.


Fellow Floridian PARSONS another PPub member who has comfortably come to terms with the reality that after the real world work of Sports Capping/Wagering is done, this here PPub is for Cartoon Purposes only. Anyone who fails to realize it is going to be burning the antacid pills and/or blowing up in profane violence and suddenly waking up across the street at EOG creating Politics Topics read by about five people.....(cough...JOE...)


Good time to offer up a friendly wave to JOEY C...who in a friendly post yesterday at EOG told me,

"hey chance I'll come back to the RxForum after Christmas because all the good posters are leaving there and comng here. Besides I have three different ghost IDs at the Rx and can post ANYTIME I WANT"

I of course immediately felt put into my place and thought to myself, WOW..Mark is sure a smart guy to have so many internet ghosts. Maybe someday I can move up from FuckFace to be as cool as him.

Being as I figure he'll see this here post eventually, the preceding 100 words were posted In His Honor.

Recent National Guard enlistee and protector of all things in the Georgia mountains BASEHEAD and I have had more than a few differing perceptions about United States foreign policy priorities.

But every time we start to growl to hard at each other, one or both of us fires up the ol' Peace Pipe on our end and next thing you know, we've forgotten what the argument was about.

Here's to HEAD staying safe regardless of his station assignment home or abroad so he can keep financial dubes like me educated on ways to better invest my hard earned leaf blowin' money in coming months and years.

And I can't talk about Sensible Investment advice without wondering where my Cyber Haberdashery Adviser DAWOOF DADDY is at.....How am I supposed to know the proper color sandals to wear in my next posted gay pic here at the Rx if you don't get in at least once or twice a month?

Don't make me turn to JUDGE WAPNER for advice on proper dress.

FLETCH, I think you meant to write "ANT" instead of "HORSE", but it's cool because I know those letters are close to each other on your keyboard so mistakes are understandable.

As for JOHNNY MAC....You astutely note that more days than not, it's not about the words...It's about whether or not you suddenly notice your foot is tappin' all on it's own

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