TOO MANY UNANSWERED questions regarding the events of 9-11 and ONCE AGAIN the SHEEP of America are willing to bend over like they did regarding the CIA / MOB knocking off JFK and believe the bullshit theory that Oswald was the lone gunman
I find it amazing that folks CONSIDERED INTELLIGENT bash others for asking questions that would make the normal person go "Hmmmmmmmm" ....
Bush's whole life - from the Coke busts to going AWOL from the Champagne Group to the 850K Insider Trading gig as a Board Member at Harken Energy to the Lies regarding Iraq to the bullshit Ports Deal with a country that funded brother Neil (yeah, fucking Neil Bush of the
Silverado S&L Scandal ) software company to the outing of Joseph Wilsons wife - has been built on outright lies and unless you masturbate to Limbaugh on a daily basis, one has to be concerned with Bush having controls of this plane ... and having Scarface Cheney as Co-Pilot is one comforting thought as that MF is as corrupt as it gets and Mr "Charity" loots Halliburtons Retirement Pensions as CEO to the tune of 50k per employee
Fuck this shit... I would rather be a "Liberal" than a DITTOHEAD who honors the words of Anti American scum like Hannity and Coulter