Ron Paul For President!


New member
Mar 29, 2007
Ron Paul beat the notorious Digg bury brigade to feature on the main page of the social networking giant this afternoon, with the story about his appearance in Austin receiving over a thousand Diggs within hours of its release. is a news ranking website that is many times bigger than most major newspaper websites and the Drudge Report. Users vote to Digg up stories to the main page or bury them. Digg's ranking system is subject to the whim of a notorious "Bury Brigade" that obsessively votes down anti-establishment political content, leading many like Wired News to attack the concept that Digg is some kind of online democracy.

Prison Planet is routinely targeted by the bury brigade and 99 per cent of our stories are immediately censored, but the sheer popularity of Ron Paul at the moment ensured that today's story was pushed right to the top and is currently enjoying maximum exposure.

This means that thousands of new people are reading about Ron Paul's message, continuing a viral trend that led to the Texas Congressman being ranked amongst the most popular search terms on Yahoo, Google, Technorati and You Tube.

Ron Paul is currently the number one searched for item on, even beating mainstay Paris Hilton.

The establishment are in panic mode over how quickly the Ron Paul snowball is gaining momentum and have repeatedly tried to smear and attack the Congressman, but these tactics are backfiring as more and more people resonate with Paul's message of limited government and bringing the troops home.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
From a highly popular conservative blog...

Ron Paul Supporters Spamming Our Poll Again - Paul Removed

I warned them. I’m going to be removing Ron Paul’s name from any further LGF straw polls, because his supporters are deliberately spamming our polls to make it appear as if Paul has more support than he does. Be aware that his results in the poll immediately preceding are not legitimate.

They aren’t “cheating,” as in voting multiple times, but they have sent out emails and posted the link to our poll at several spots on the web, urging people to go vote for Paul. The end result is the same—the poll results are skewed, and it’s not an accurate measure.

Internet polls are not scientific anyway, but when the gaming is this obvious I’m not going to let it slide, or to let our poll be misused by supporters of a man who, in my opinion, is nuts.

Even if they weren’t doing this pathetic maneuver to artificially pump up Paul’s support, I’d very seriously consider removing him anyway, because I found his remarks last night about 9/11 insulting and dangerous, and highly offensive. But make no mistake, he’s not being removed simply because I disagree with him—he’s off the LGF poll because I don’t want my site being used to falsely inflate his popularity. Ron Paul’s supporters are becoming notorious for sleazy, essentially stupid tactics like this.


Silly Internet Poll Spamming, the Sequel

Since the loons are continuing to bay at the moon and insist Ron Paul really does have massive support (and I removed him from the poll because he was “winning” and I’m a neocon fascist Hitler) I spent more time on this than it’s worth and did some analysis of the vote records in our database—and there is ample evidence of cheating. There are repeated episodes of multiple votes in short timeframes from university networks, often the same university over and over, with about enough time between them to disconnect and refresh the IP address. There are also lots of votes from dialup accounts; the same dialup networks over and over, at intervals that are about right for hanging up and redialing to get a new IP address. And I can actually see the point at which the stacking began, when the votes for Ron Paul suddenly started piling up.

Is this proof of cheating? No, but I don’t have to prove it. It’s just a silly internet poll, and this tempest in a teapot shows how desperate the Paul campaign is to get noticed.

But at the risk of repeating myself, just because it’s an unscientific, unverifiable, ultimately meaningless internet poll, that doesn’t mean I’m going to stand by and watch as people blatantly stack the results.

Here’s an explanation of some of the methods used for Stacking Internet Polls.

The Ron Paul campaign, meanwhile, has shown that they don’t plan on doing the right thing by asking their followers not to cheat on internet polls. They’re getting so much publicity by acting like idiots and creating this weird facade of a campaign, who can blame them?


Like I've been saying...the lefty anti-war nuts are spamming the net and these TV polls to make it appear Ron Paul is more popular than he actually is.

Trust me, he isn't even on the radar.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
I have lots of more. Just say the word -- his supporters are pissing off tons of webmasters. :lolBIG:

So let me get this straight...

We're entering the slowest political season of the year, nobody gives a shit about the primaries at this stage (this goes for ALL candidates in both parties), hardly anyone in the general public has been watching the debates....but...

But wait...

Here comes Ron Paul (coincidently, the anti-war boy wonder), who's not only the hottest political, no, no....he's the hottest shit in cyberspace, edging out Paris Hilton!! Wow! I!!

Sooooo...what else is new in kookville?

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Not so fast Josie. Hes a viable candidate. Hes the voice of reason. That always brings out the moonbats. The people have locked on him and hes very much on the radar screen. The people may have found a way out of Bush's Neocon mess, and if hes elected they are history. So is their plan to enslave Americans with an endless 100 year propaganda. The money we pay taxes for might actually stay in the country instead of going overseas to payoff corrupt regimes and buy weapons of war for profits that go into the pockets of scumbags like Wolfohalfwitz, chen-chen-Cheney, and bastard boy Bush.
This Oil driven war against the bogeyman hiding under your bed is losing its meaning with so many blunders being made. The people are sick tired of being terrorized by this weak ineffectual Administration that is overloaded with totally incompetent I dont recall dunderheads, mendacious morons who think they are not going to pay at the polls for what theve done to this once great country, and will do anything to get the weight of the smirking monkey off their backs. This Country needs a new direction, and Ron Paul has elegantly dictated what that direction should be. Now, will the MSM media continue to ignore this juggernaut gaining momentum, or is the Iron Curtain still going to stay up. I say to you and your band of scared wet your pants types to tear down this wall and join us for a new dawn without the damm bullshit being served up 24/7. Or get your second false flag 9/11 going because thats about all you are going to have left. Michael Moores's future Oscar winning SICKO will get the people even more hungry for blood as not all are aware of how the Govt treats its Vets. Now all will see that this is what happens when you listen to money loving con men lying through their teeth to the American people for 7 years.

Vote 2008 President RON PAUL


New member
Mar 29, 2007
that's just it, it's not just kooksville, it's the most searched subject on the web. come on you have to admit that he has some kind of buzz. it's ok to admit it.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
As of 9:59 a.m. ET today, Congressman Ron Paul has the most YouTube subscribers of all presidential candidates -- Republican and Democrat.

Paul - 5,679
Obama - 5,678
Clinton - 2,998
Edwards - 2,750
Romney - 1,977
Kucinich - 1,685
Giuliani - 1,370
McCain - 1,233
Gravel - 824
Richardson - 756
Biden - 582
Hunter - 381
Dodd - 221
Huckabee - 187
Tancredo - 166
Brownback - 86
Gilmore - 40.

Ron Paul 2008 YouTube Channel

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
<TABLE height=846 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=796 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width=1> </TD><TD vAlign=top width=446>
<TABLE width=443 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=437 height=86><!--start-->Ron Paul Goes On The Offensive In Austin
Slams rival candidates as establishment shills, attacks GOP factions who tried to bar him from debates, exposes New World Order and military-industrial complex</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE width=445 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=397 height=56>Paul Joseph Watson & Aaron Dykes
Prison Planet
Monday, May 21, 2007
</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width=17><SCRIPT language="">reddit_url=''</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language="">reddit_title='Ron Paul Goes On The Offensive In Austin'</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=javascript src=""></SCRIPT><IFRAME src="" frameBorder=0 width=52 scrolling=no height=80></IFRAME></TD><TD vAlign=bottom width=17>
<SCRIPT language="" type=text/javascript>digg_url = '';digg_title = 'Ron Paul Goes On The Offensive In Austin';digg_bodytext = 'During a campaign stop in Austin Texas this weekend, Presidential candidate Ron Paul called for bringing home U.S. troops and an end to a welfare state that benefits only big business at the expense of the poor and the middle class, while attacking his rival candidates as establishment shills who are out of touch with the sentiment of the American people.';digg_topic = 'politics';</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language="" src="" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><IFRAME src="" frameBorder=0 width=52 scrolling=no height=80></IFRAME>​
During a campaign stop in Austin Texas this weekend, Presidential candidate Ron Paul called for bringing home U.S. troops and an end to a welfare state that benefits only big business at the expense of the poor and the middle class, while attacking his rival candidates as establishment shills who are out of touch with the sentiment of the American people.
The Texas Congressman also slammed the New World Order, the North American Union and the move towards global government which is being implemented partly by the erosion of U.S. sovereignty and the Bush administration's suicidal immigration policy.
"I think even our first President Bush said that the New World Order was in tune and that's what they were working for. The U.N. is part of that government. They're working right now very significantly for a North American Union - that's why there are a lot of people in Washington right now who don't care too much about our borders. They have a philosophic belief that national sovereignty is not important. It's also the reason that I have made very strong suggestion that we need not be in the United Nations for our national security," Congressman Paul said.
<!--end--><SCRIPT type=text/javascript><!--google_ad_client = "pub-0849512753345323";google_ad_width = 336;google_ad_height = 280;google_ad_format = "336x280_as";google_ad_type = "text_image";//2007-05-08: prison planet articlegoogle_ad_channel = "5090512274";google_color_border = "FFFFFF";google_color_bg = "FFFFFF";google_color_link = "000000";google_color_text = "000000";google_color_url = "000000";//--></SCRIPT><SCRIPT src="" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><IFRAME name=google_ads_frame marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src="" frameBorder=0 width=336 scrolling=no height=280 allowTransparency></IFRAME><!--start-->
During the event, Paul called for the troops to be brought home and chastised the Democrats for failing to offer any alternatives for the catastrophe in Iraq.
"As a physician, I was always taught, if you give the wrong diagnosis, the wrong treatment, just doing more of the same does nothing to help the patient," Paul said.
The Congressman cited the legacy of the founding fathers in warning against becoming involved in foreign entanglements.
"The founders were absolutely right on this issue-- that if you talk with people and make friends with people and trade with people, we're much better off than trying to impose our will on them," said Paul.
"This actually did not start with this administration nor the previous administration. This has been smoldering for about 100 years. It was Woodrow Wilson that said 'We as Americans will make the world safe for democracy.' And look what's happened since World War I," added the Congressman.

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This is a clip from the event as Ron Paul takes questions from the media. For the full Ron Paul speech in high quality, subscribe at Prison </P>The presidential candidate also laughed off the suggestion from Neo-Cons that he should have run as a Democrat, citing his record as the most conservative member of the House as an example of how warped the partisan political spectrum had become.
The Congressman found it telling that some factions of the GOP were trying to bar the most Constitutional-orientated candidate from even taking part in future televised debates. This followed a move which was later dropped on behalf of the Michigan branch of the Republican Party to bar Paul from future events.
The Internet leader in activist media - Prison Get access to hundreds of special video reports, audio interviews, books and documentary films. Subscribers also get instant access to our hugely popular forum where you can network with like-minded people, meet up and get active! Click here to subscribe.
"Isn't it interesting that the establishment figures that the one who most defends the Constitution has to be eliminated from the debates - what's going on in this country?" asked Paul.
Elaborating, Paul attacked his rival candidates for being establishment shills with policies sympathetic only to the elite and contrary to the sentiment of the majority of American citizens, adding that they had only "dug themselves into a hole" by refusing to acknowledge the fact that 70% oppose the war.
The Congressman also sounded off on the welfare state, stating that while some welfare, mostly crumbs, goes to the poor, most welfare actually goes to "the military industrial complex and to bankers," a problem he would address as President.

New member
Oct 27, 2006
A true American hero. Been a BIG fan for several years.

This guy knows what is really going on. I hope he keeps most of it to himself, or else he will be branded a kook by the corporate controlled media shills.

RP doesn't have much of a shot of winning. (like someone said not enough $) - but on the outside chance he does he will be assasinated within a year in office. Guaranteed.

If he was running as an independent or Libertarian he would all but assure a Democratic victory, acting as a spoiler ala Perot in 92.

"Here we go again"
Jul 1, 2006
Ron Paul is exposing Neo-Con liberalism for what it is and reminding Republican voters of the principles that the party was founded on. Ron Paul all the way.

I personally will pass on the pro illegal immigration, pro gun control, let's abolish the constitution when leaving the borders wide open fake conservatives.

Ron Paul 2008.

Using Proxy IP from Europe
Oct 28, 2006
No money ?

He already raised 500.000 dollars without even trying.

There's gonna be a mountain of dough raining Paul's way, you're gonna see his ads everywhere, just wait.

New member
Oct 27, 2006
No money ?

He already raised 500.000 dollars without even trying.

There's gonna be a mountain of dough raining Paul's way, you're gonna see his ads everywhere, just wait.

500K will buy about 3 days worth of TV ads in November....he's gonna need more like 300 mil.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
So, who will his base be?

It seems like I might agree with him a some issues, but it appears as if he'll piss of both conservatives and liberals.

That might be a good thing, but it won't win an election.

He'll need serious :money8:

Where will that be coming from?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I agree his downfall will be money. As long as the populace is more or less comfortable, guys like him have no chance. Only hope for him is a severe economic depression that lasts at least 5 years. But if that happens then I'll probably run and then that'll be why he wouldn't have a chance :happyass:
Last edited:

role player
Sep 20, 2004
It will be interesting to see who last longer Gravel (D) or Paul (L). Both have about an equal shot at winning and both are Europanzies.

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