Ray Allen


Nov 27, 2005
Please do not forget what these f'ng goons did to Louisville's Brandon Jenkins the other night...late in the game...

Fat-Assed-McFields scratched his cornea...after the play was over and Jenkins was on the floor...

Not as violent as this was tonight...but this is twice that these M-F-R's have done serious damage to the oppositions eyes...

The entire Syracuse team should wear goggles tommorrow night... with flesh eating bacteria laced across the outside lenses...that would turn Krauser's hands into Sour Kraut real quick...

New member
Mar 15, 2005
TonyMar said:
Please do not forget what these f'ng goons did to Louisville's Brandon Jenkins the other night...late in the game...

Fat-Assed-McFields scratched his cornea...after the play was over and Jenkins was on the floor...

Not as violent as this was tonight...but this is twice that these M-F-R's have done serious damage to the oppositions eyes...

The entire Syracuse team should wear goggles tommorrow night... with flesh eating bacteria laced across the outside lenses...that would turn Krauser's hands into Sour Kraut real quick...

Your a MORON :finger: Why dont you just go back to your cave that you were in for the last month, noone missed your inane comments around here.

Nov 27, 2005

Have a great weekend...

F-U too

Glad you noticed that I was not here...Tell your lady I said hello...Hope that Summer's Eve took care of that problem...

Best of luck asswipe...

New member
Mar 15, 2005
TonyMar said:

Have a great weekend...

F-U too

Glad you noticed that I was not here...Tell your lady I said hello...Hope that Summer's Eve took care of that problem...

Best of luck asswipe...

Damn your just as funny as you are stupid. If you think for one minute that Krauser did that on purpose then there is no sense talking to a moronic knucklehead like you. As for your other Pitt EyeGougers post, again NOT FUNNY. Just plain stupidity on your part.

As for me knowing you were gone all I had to do was search for your recent post. ASSWIPE !!!

Nov 27, 2005
letgetiton said:
Damn your just as funny as you are stupid. If you think for one minute that Krauser did that on purpose then there is no sense talking to a moronic knucklehead like you. As for your other Pitt EyeGougers post, again NOT FUNNY. Just plain stupidity on your part.

As for me knowing you were gone all I had to do was search for your recent post. ASSWIPE !!!

What? Are you 12?13? What? Where did I say it was on purpose...I said this is twice these fools have injured another players optics...Coincidence...that is all...But you can bet that the 'Cuse will wipe the Garden floor with their asses tomorrow night...

And I suggest the same for you...please hygiene is important...you should take that to heart....

Again...Best of Luck Rectum-Plug

New member
Mar 15, 2005
TonyMar said:
What? Are you 12?13? What? Where did I say it was on purpose...I said this is twice these fools have injured another players optics...Coincidence...that is all...But you can bet that the 'Cuse will wipe the Garden floor with their asses tomorrow night...

And I suggest the same for you...please hygiene is important...you should take that to heart....

Again...Best of Luck Rectum-Plug

DUMBFUCK, listen to me, your a moron so I am gonna try to help you out here. DO NOT BET Syracuse tomorrow night. I always try to help those in need and your obviously in need since your not funny in the least bit.

You may not have come out and said that it was done on purpose but in 2 different threads you go rambling about Pitt Eyegougers. Then you proceed to insult Krauser for the accident. Your not worth my time.

Just remember take PITT tomorrow night. No need to thank me, just take the money you win on Pitt and go back to comedy school cause Lord knows you need all the help you can get in trying to be funny.

Nov 27, 2005
Lets Bet...


You like to gamble big mouth?

I have a wager for you...

Pinny does not have the line on that game as of yet...

But when the opening number comes out how about I take the Orange and you take Pitt...and the bet is that the loser NEVER posts here again...

Do you have any balls? We could actually place money on the thing...But I get the feeling this would be worth more than actual money...

Of course after you lose you could come back as a ghost poster...Such as..."GetItOnWithMySelf" or something of that nature...

Regardless...I will accept this wager...it is a bet if you have the testicles...

Speaking of need...IF you do not accept this wager...YOU WILL NEED TO GROW A SET...

Nov 27, 2005

What the hell is taking you so long?

Pretty simple wager...that is unless you are lacking the mental capacity to understand it...

I do not care what the line is...Pitt will be the favorite...I will take the points...

You are so sure of Pitt...this seems pretty easy to me...Unless you are spineless and do not want to actually wager on this game...

New member
Mar 15, 2005
TonyMar said:

What the hell is taking you so long?

Pretty simple wager...that is unless you are lacking the mental capacity to understand it...

I do not care what the line is...Pitt will be the favorite...I will take the points...

You are so sure of Pitt...this seems pretty easy to me...Unless you are spineless and do not want to actually wager on this game...

Your a tool. I guess mommy sent you to bed. Sorry to disappoint you but I dont sit around waiting for assholes like you to post replies to threads. As for your wager, you must really be fucking stupid if you think I am going to make a wager before I see the line. Yes, I do think Pitt wins the game but I am not going to go crazy and lay more than 4 points on that game.

So here is the deal if Pinny opens at 3.5 or less then I will take you up on your wager. 4 or more then its no bet.

Enjoy your cartoons in the morning and I will check back tomorrow to confirm this wager.

Now if the line is 4 or more then I will propose a new wager to you Mr. Big Shot. We pick 5 games on the board on Saturday. NBA, NHL, NCAA BB or Arena Football. You can wager up to 5 units on every game. Whoever posts first the other guy CAN NOT use any of those games in his plays.

P.S. We both know your going to ghost post under another name when you lose so this is all for naught. Just calling your bluff since you want to look like the big bad tough guy on here.

Nov 27, 2005
letgetiton said:
Your a tool. I guess mommy sent you to bed. Sorry to disappoint you but I dont sit around waiting for assholes like you to post replies to threads. As for your wager, you must really be fucking stupid if you think I am going to make a wager before I see the line. Yes, I do think Pitt wins the game but I am not going to go crazy and lay more than 4 points on that game.

So here is the deal if Pinny opens at 3.5 or less then I will take you up on your wager. 4 or more then its no bet.

Enjoy your cartoons in the morning and I will check back tomorrow to confirm this wager.

Now if the line is 4 or more then I will propose a new wager to you Mr. Big Shot. We pick 5 games on the board on Saturday. NBA, NHL, NCAA BB or Arena Football. You can wager up to 5 units on every game. Whoever posts first the other guy CAN NOT use any of those games in his plays.

P.S. We both know your going to ghost post under another name when you lose so this is all for naught. Just calling your bluff since you want to look like the big bad tough guy on here.

Crazy? First off fella you sounded pretty damned certain that Pitt would roll the 'Cuse...so the line according to you was insignificant. Second, tomorrow morning...after I watch cartoons... I will be returning your lady her bra and panties...

Closing...Screw you and your spineless-gutless-excuse making-BS...

"If the opening line is 4 or more"...well the BET IS ON RIGHT NOW...I will take the bet at +3.5...You see we will make our own line you P.O.S. So I have the Orange at +3.5 and U get Pitt. Do not worry about 4 or more...we will just adjust seeing as Pitt is going to win and everyone should take Pitt...

Lastly...ask any of the moderators here to investigate me right now...I DO NOT GHOST POST NOW AND NEVER HAVE....no alias' here you F'ng C-sucker...

After this wager...win or lose...I will live up to my end of the bargain...and if it is possible the moderators can ban the IP address for the loser...LOSER NEVER POSTS HERE...PERIOD.

The bet is on...line is 3.5...best of luck...

Go Orange

New member
Mar 15, 2005
TonyMar said:
Crazy? First off fella you sounded pretty damned certain that Pitt would roll the 'Cuse...so the line according to you was insignificant. Second, tomorrow morning...after I watch cartoons... I will be returning your lady her bra and panties...

Closing...Screw you and your spineless-gutless-excuse making-BS...

"If the opening line is 4 or more"...well the BET IS ON RIGHT NOW...I will take the bet at +3.5...You see we will make our own line you P.O.S. So I have the Orange at +3.5 and U get Pitt. Do not worry about 4 or more...we will just adjust seeing as Pitt is going to win and everyone should take Pitt...

Lastly...ask any of the moderators here to investigate me right now...I DO NOT GHOST POST NOW AND NEVER HAVE....no alias' here you F'ng C-sucker...

After this wager...win or lose...I will live up to my end of the bargain...and if it is possible the moderators can ban the IP address for the loser...LOSER NEVER POSTS HERE...PERIOD.

The bet is on...line is 3.5...best of luck...

Go Orange

Your obviously a fucking amateur bettor. Why the fuck would I make a bet on something without knowing what the line is. PITT WILL WIN THIS GAME. I see the line is set at 6 which is way to many points in my opinion. Syracuse had a great run but its over tonight.

You fucking homo, your lame ass lines are just so damn funny. Why dont you grow the fuck up and for once use your peanut brain to think about something. You said the Orange will wipe the floor up on Saturday against Pitt. To me that implies and obviously I am right that you think Syracuse will win this game OUTRIGHT. Now you chirp you want 3.5 points. Listen big mouth you got the Orange STRIAGHT UP WITH NO POINTS if you want this bet. Why do you need 3.5 points if they are going to wipe up the floor. Your a fucking retard. As for making a big deal about posting on an internet site, GO GET A FUCKING LIFE. Who gives a rats ass if you or I ever post on here again.

So the bet is Syracuse Pick em. Do you have the balls ASSHOLE?

COME ON TICK TICK TICK WERE ARE YOU!!! Damn so now I know what it is like to sound like an asswipe. I am done wasting my time with a kid like you. I have way more important things to do than go back and forth with a punk ass kid like you. Go out and ride your bike and get some fresh air. No doubt your one of the many obese kids in America who doesnt get the proper exercise and sits in front of his computer all day.

PITT WILL WIN THIS GAME. 6 Points is way to many.

New member
Mar 15, 2005
Tony, I will tell you what. I will make this simple as all hell for you.

If Pitt loses this game tonight, I will ask the mods to ban my IP address from this site. Regardless of the outcome you can keep posting on this site.

I will put my posting rights on the line with Pitt to win this game. No way Syracuse wins, they probably will cover the 6 but I see the run ending tonight.

Like I said, I could care less if you ever post again. You mean jack shit to me whether your posting or not. So once again keep on posting your silly crap and I will let you know what I think of this game after it is over.

I hate being mean to kids and not letting you post would be tortue for you. So you dont have to worry about not posting anymore.

gerhart got hosed
Oct 2, 2004
letgetiton- forget this guy. Just ignore and continue to post. Guys with big egos put there posting rights on the line out of stupidity and hatred. Just ignore him and move on. I have seen some good input from you and have never heard of this other knucklehead.

New member
Oct 1, 2005
hey fat tone,..thanks for the heads up,...saw ur post awhile ago and kinda kept up on it,..seems like a few feudin,..but none the less,...it seems like a pre-view to the sunday episode to the sopranoes,.......yeah that basketball can be very dangerous sport,........them there eyeballs dont just stay in automatically,........well,....take care fat tony!!:dancefool

Nov 27, 2005
letgetiton said:
Tony, I will tell you what. I will make this simple as all hell for you.

If Pitt loses this game tonight, I will ask the mods to ban my IP address from this site. Regardless of the outcome you can keep posting on this site.

I will put my posting rights on the line with Pitt to win this game. No way Syracuse wins, they probably will cover the 6 but I see the run ending tonight.

Like I said, I could care less if you ever post again. You mean jack shit to me whether your posting or not. So once again keep on posting your silly crap and I will let you know what I think of this game after it is over.

I hate being mean to kids and not letting you post would be tortue for you. So you dont have to worry about not posting anymore.

Simply amazing how asinine you are...In YOUR OWN words:

"So here is the deal if Pinny opens at 3.5 or less then I will take you up on your wager. 4 or more then its no bet."

I said fine...we will make a line of 3.5 to accomodate YOU...I GET THE BAD LINE MADE JUST FOR YOU...NOW you start whining and crying about how I want the Orange SU...AND U GET PITT SU...WRONG...I get the points ASSWIPE. You seem to lack the mental capacity to understand what you-yourself post...NOW You start changing things and whine and cry and boo F'NG hoo U damn baby...you call me a child? WELL IT IS CLEAR...YOU ARE AN INFANTILE LIAR.

You said 3.5 and it's a bet...I said fine...3.5 it is...I WANTED THE WAGER AND GAVE U THE BREAK AS I GET THE BAD LINE...You were the 1st with the bravado...YOUR WORDS:

"DUMBFUCK, listen to me, your a moron so I am gonna try to help you out here. DO NOT BET Syracuse tomorrow night." "Just remember take PITT tomorrow night."

Now you change the bet...ITS SU...WTF?????? IT WAS NEVER SU...3.5 OR LESS. You want to be a martyr here...NO DEAL. You said 3.5 or less and its on...Your name is "LetGetItOn"...so ITS ON. I am the one with the bad number. You get the great break...Seeing as you say Pitt ends the Orange's run tonight...

You show your level of intelligence with these words:

"I hate being mean to kids and not letting you post would be tortue for you. So you dont have to worry about not posting anymore." "No doubt your one of the many obese kids in America who doesnt get the proper exercise and sits in front of his computer all day.

YOU F'NG FOOL...YOU YOURSELF SAID THAT I HAVE NOT POSTED HERE IN A LONG TIME. How is that torture for me? It would be TORTURE FOR U not to post here son. Previously mentioning that I "crawled out of my cave" to post here...What kind of moron says that then states that I sit in front of my PC all day and post post post...BS. The stupidity flows like a river out of your brain.

Winning SU was never the wager...You said 3.5 or less...So NOW you are a Hypocritical liar as you try and weezle out of taking Pitt-3.5...THERE IS NO MONEY AT STAKE HERE...Just INTEGRITY vs INTEGRITY. The BAD LINE GOES AGAINST ME...The WAGER WAS LOSER AT A LINE OF 3.5 IS OUTTA HERE...THAT IS THE DAMN BET...NEVER SU...maybe you should check out those voices in your head...BECAUSE IT WAS 3.5...

Very interested to see if you are a coward and continue to back away from the bet like some damned stiff...

Nov 27, 2005
Kruser6 said:
How did a thread about Ray's eye turn into this?

Because LetGetItOn did not like the fact that I mentioned Louisville's Brandon Jenkins getting his cornea scratched by McFields in the 1st game.

He also did not like my references to the Pitt EyeGougers...Or the simple fact that Pitt has had two incidents in this tournament where an opposing player had an eye injury that knocked him out of the game...So I proposed a wager for the game tonight...No Cash involved...and now he has weezled out of it. Lying and saying it is SU and not with a line.

He is an apparent stiff...

You know something about stiffs Kruser...However in your case...there was money involved with Palmer...This wager was about Integrity.

Either way the Orange should all wear goggles tonight...what if McNamara got poked in the eye? The game would be finished at that point...

New member
Mar 15, 2005
Listen here you mother fucker and you better listen real good now because I am only responding to you here this last time. DO NOT EVER CALL ME A STIFF YOU LOW LIFE FUCKING ******. You have made nothing but stupid ass fucking post for the last 18 hours and it was all in fun but you have crossed the line. Your a fuckin little punk ass bitch kid who doesnt know when to shut the fuck up.

I let your sorry ass off the hook by giving you a no way to lose propostition. Your the asshole who said that Syracuse is going to wipe Pitt off the floor therefore why the fuck do you need any points. In saying that, I told you not to take Syracuse but to take Pitt to win this game NEVER mentioning the spread in that post. I guess your amateur bookie doesnt take money line plays or you would know what I am talking about. You come back acting like the tough shit with the loser doesnt post anymore and then playing tough guy cause I didnt respond before mommy sent you to bed.

I responded and told you that I am not going to make a wager without knowing what the line is. See I am a gambler who knows what the fuck he is doing. I make the original bet with you before the line comes out and I am fried because no way will I be taking Pitt -6 in this game. I told you I wouldnt go higher than -3.5 to bet Pitt. I offered an alternative bet if the line was 4 or higher but obviously that was to complicted for your pea brain to handle. Did I ever say that I would take the bet you proposed, the answer is NO. I responded to you by saying if the line was -3.5 or less your on, if not we could do it another way. Now you say I weasled out of the bet. SHOW ME WHERE THE FUCK I SAID I WOULD TAKE THE BET. Plain as day I told you we have a bet if the line is 3.5 or less and NO BET if 4 or more. Cant get any simpler than that, but I forgot your a stupid fuck and have a hard time comprehending things. Go back and read what I said.

Winning a game and covering a spread are 2 totally different things, which I really dont feel like explaining to you know. Again you posted that Syracuse will wipe Pitt off the floor, so why do you want points now.

Tell you what I will do for you sorry candy ass. I will give you Syracuse +6 for bragging rights. What this means is if Syracuse covers the 6 you can keep yapping all you want. If Pitt covers I can keep yapping all I want. You dont have to quit posting here. If Syracuse wins outright, then I will quit posting here and the mods can ban my IP.

Now I put up, so shut the fuck up little boy. You want to play with the big boys and try to be a tough guy, not on my time your not. You have nothing to lose in this wager. I am showing you how a man plays by putting it all on the line against nothing for you. Your the stiff who all of a sudden wants points when the team is suppossedly going to win striaght up. Now go back and play with someone else because I am really tired of your shit.

Here is the final bet. Tony Mar got Syracuse +6 for bragging rights. Letgetiton has Pitt -6 for bragging rights. Letgetiton has Pitt Moneyline for posting rights. Your posting rights arent affected at all. Like I said several times before NOBDOY around here gives a rats ass if you ever post again.

Good Luck!!!!

Nov 27, 2005
Congrats to the Big East Champion 'Cuse!!!

You attacked me and started this whole thing because you did not like what I said about Pitt. In the end...You lost.

You changed everything midstream to suit yourself. I back up everything up 100%.

Regardless...The Orange beat your Pitt EyeGougers...and not only did I beat you...I cashed two tickets on this game. First half bet and the MLINE...both for 5 bucks...I PUT MY MONEY WHERE MY MOUTH IS ASSWIPE.

Ticket # 15545187
Risk/Win : 550/500
Result: WIN
[1539] 1H SYRACUSE +4-110

Ticket # 15545186
Risk/Win : 500/1275
Result: WIN
[539] SYRACUSE +255



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