Railbird on aliens...


New member
Apr 21, 2002
"The are not freindlys. They are satanic fallen angels that preganated the daughters of men 6,000 years ago. One of the reasons for the flood. This time around which is the last days of this planet they will be excused of kidnapping Christians when the rapture occurs."

I don't know what to say.

I'm all about low expectations
Feb 3, 2006
and this cat is considered "sharp"... never been more proud to be a square

New member
Nov 12, 2007
Railbird is the dumbest person on this forum surpassing btj which is a hard thing to do.

*Knocks on railbirds head* Mc fly there are no such thing as aliens.

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
"The are not freindlys. They are satanic fallen angels that preganated the daughters of men 6,000 years ago. One of the reasons for the flood. This time around which is the last days of this planet they will be excused of kidnapping Christians when the rapture occurs."

I don't know what to say.

accused not excused. But I can see how bizzare if you didnt know the truth. Truth stranger than fiction most the time.

Rx junior
Sep 21, 2005
railbird is on to something but before he can truely understand what happened he must discard is traditional christian beliefs...the "christians" wont be the only people going to heaven....and their are good aliens that has come to this earth as well as the evil ones railbird refers to....moses, mohammad, and jesus are examples of good aliens....the creator is above them all and has sent numerous messengers to earth to help people find their way...JESUS IS NOT GOD!

aliens came down and had affairs with the daughters of men...this is true...it explains various wonders such as stone hendge and the pyramids...it also makes far more sense than the darwin theory...still cant find the "missing link"...the link between the neaderthalls and the human isnt evolution!...the aliens had affairs with these 'cave women' and their superior children wiped out the neanderthalls and thus we have a missing link.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/K6ykZgpZAkQ&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/K6ykZgpZAkQ&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

New member
May 23, 2005
We are the aliens...or Martian hybrids...maybe.

Rail is either nuts or pulling our leg.:ohno: In any case, satanic fallen angels?:Carcajada:

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
Text: I Thessalonians 2:9-12
Unexplained things:
There are many things on this earth (megaliths, pyramids, the heads on Easter Island, perfectly round stones some bigger than man is tall, iron poles that never rust, the drawing at Nazacas in Peru, etc.) And off this earth (Mars face and city) that are unusual and unexplainable by our normal way of thinking. Yet, these things demand an answer that fits very well into what the Bible records. Always remember that there is much we don’t understand and most probably never will be able to explain with all certainty. However, as a Christian, I feel a need to explain to the best of my ability with help from God’s Word what these unusual things are. For my own faith and belief I need to be able to place such unusual unexplained things on earth as well as in space with some logic into the order of God’s things. To simply say, "I don’t believe such things exist is foolish." Because some thing is there, we can often see them, feel them, and even see their remains. And the world tries to explain these things in ways that leaves God completely out of it, which is unacceptable.
The question is "what?" To say , "Such things are from hundreds of millions of years ago " blows the Word of God away. The Bible records only about 6,000 years since Adam and Eve were created. I believe that God’s Word, if it is to be believed, must allow some kind of explanation.
The question is "when?" To say, "I don’t understand" and leave it at that is to close one’s mind to new ways of glorifying God.
The question is "how?" God never intended for us to stop thinking, but to think with a view towards faith and with a spiritual end in mind.
The "what’s", "when’s", and "how’s" can be answered if we will look into God’s Word with a new openness. And through it all our faith will not be shaken, but fortified and made ready to endure the never ending questions of an unbelieving world.
The angelical world includes the entire solar system:
To understand the real existence of the world before ours is to blow just about every orthodoxy wide open. Yet, there are too many things in the heavens and on this earth that we cannot explain in any reasonable way. What we have chosen to do is ignore these unexplainable mysteries. To attempt to explain them is to reach beyond our present belief structure.
In the early 1970's NASA sent the Viking 1 space craft to Mars to photograph the planet. Two of those fly by’s revealed a human looking face staring upward into space along with several monuments that look very much like the pyramids of earth. What are these structures? Are they real? Where did they come from? Who made them? Does this prove that the Bible is wrong and can no longer be believed? Many fear that if the face on Mars is determined to be human like, then the Christian religion is doomed. That is exactly what Satan desires to do.
In my opinion there is a logical, reasonable answer for the face and pyramids on Mars. An answer that fits very well into what the Bible records.
Satan’s great civilization of angels:
Lucifer (Satan) was created to lead the angelic hierarchy, ruling over physical civilizations of angels on many planets in our solar system before God recreated everything (Genesis 1:3-2:25). He and the other angels were stewards of creation, building civilizations on the terrestrial planets of our solar system designed to glorify God and His Word.
Satan’s original name was Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12) which means "O shining star, son of morning ". We know that Lucifer was the most beautiful and greatest angel that God ever created. He "sealed the measure" of perfection and beauty of all creation (Ezekiel 28:12). His nature reflected the glory of God, thus his name "shining".
The actual Hebrew words "O shining star" mean "bright, clear sounding or shining" and "boastful and pride". And the Hebrew words "son of morning" means "son of dawning, or earliest, of first". So the correct interpretation of Lucifer is "O clear sounding, boasting son from the beginning". Or what we all understand Lucifer and Satan to be - the boasting angel. This portrays a much clearer picture of this rebellious angel whose realm was destroyed by God.
When Satan rebelled (Isaiah 14:13-14) God destroyed his realm, his literal dwelling places. According to scripture this destruction was swift and decisive. There was a fifth planet between Mars and Jupiter named Rahab (meaning boaster and pride) which God obliterated:
"The pillars of heaven tremble, and are astonished at His (God’s) rebuke. He stirs up the sea with His power, and by His understanding He breaks up the storm. By His Spirit He adorned the heavens; His hand pierced the fleeing serpent (Satan)" (Job 26:11-13).
"You (God) have broken Rahab in pieces, as one who is slain; You have scattered Your enemies with Your mighty arm" (Psalm 89:10 also see Psalm 87:4).
"Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord! Awake as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Are You not the arm that cut Rahab apart, and wounded the serpent (Satan)?" (Isaiah 51:9).
Are not these scriptures speaking of a time before man when God put down Satan’s rebellion? If so, then what is Rahab? For sure it was "broke in pieces" and "cut apart" by God has He destroyed Lucifer’s (Satan’s) rebellion. Could Rahab been Lucifer’s headquarters? Could that headquarters been on a planet which now the asteroid belt?
This could be two different planets or the same one. These names along with Mars are called the "stones of fire" and were capable of supporting some form of life. These were the seat of Satan’s civilization (Ezekiel 28:14-18). And it was a great civilization of angelic beings. It is here that the scripture tells us he reigned over a literal material kingdom known as "Eden the garden of gems and stones" (Ezekiel 28:13).
Before the creation of Adam, the civilization of angels existed and created habitations on the terrestrial planets Rahab, Mars, Earth, and maybe the moon. Throughout scripture there is a consistent reference to the first dwelling places of some of the ancient sons (angels) of God (II Peter 2:4 and Jude 6).
The rebellion of Satan plunged all of creation into a state of corruption, where before it was perfect and glorified (Romans 8:20). God brought fire out of Satan’s midst and the planet Rahab exploded, sending planetesimal and asteroid size pieces of itself into the orbits of the interior terrestrial worlds (Mars and Earth). The present asteroid belt is all that is left of Satan’s planet. Scientist have stated for a long time that the asteroid belt must have been a planet which was destroyed millenniums ago. Present studies have concluded that these asteroids show evidence that they once possessed an atmosphere and water. Presently only planets contain these two elements. Because this planet was totally destroyed, could it be that this was actually Lucifers head quarters.
The force of the explosion destroyed the angelic habitation on Mars and left it a lifeless planet. We presently can see the remains in the Cydonia faces and city. The face on Mars, represents an angelic or cherubim wearing a headdress. Satan is referred to as the "cherub that covers" (Ezekiel 28:14 and 16). Could this face been that of Satan? It is interesting to note that it seems to have the same type of headdress as worn by the Egyptians and Mayan royalty. Further more, the face on Mars is half cherubim and half lion. Just as the Sphinx is half cherubim and half lion.
Even Earth was effected by this destruction. Earth was placed in a deep freeze. "And the earth had become (was something else before) without form and void (to lie waste, desolation, empty, in vain, wilderness, nothing, confusion) and darkness (absence of light and heat) was upon the face of the deep (bringing a sudden deep freeze)" (Genesis 1:2).
Jeremiah’s (4:23-26) description must be of the world before Adam. He looked into the ages before Adam and described the destruction of the earth and heavens. "There were no men, (descendants of Adam), yet there were cities which had been obliterated." The inhabitants of these cities were in fact the angelic host and their leader was Satan, before this rebellion.
Isaiah (34:11) tells us of a earth that was a "line of confusion and stones of emptiness".
Peter (II Peter 3:5-) also describes "the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flood with water".This couldn’t be Noah’s flood, because every mountain was covered by twenty-two and one-half feet of water (Genesis 7:19-20).
God’s original creation must have been perfect:
God created the entire universe, which was a perfect universe (Genesis 1:1). Even the Morning (Day) Star and sons of God (angles) shouted (sung) with joy over the creation (Job 38:7). They would not rejoice over a creation of confusion. God would not nor could He create chaos. God is not the author of confusion (I Corinthians 14:33). He would not create confusion out of nothing. He would create order and harmony (Isaiah 45:18). Yet, that is exactly what Genesis tells us. The earth "became formless and void" (Genesis 1:1). To become something means it was something different before. Genesis tells us that earth was "laid to waste". Some kind of cosmic cataclysmic event took place in the distant past that we have little record of. But what? God’s judgment and destruction of the earth and heavens before the re-creation of earth and the creation of man. When God decided to recreate, this time with humans, He choose planet Earth because it was best suited for mankind. A new creation for a new beginning (Genesis 1:3+). The purpose of the creation of the human race was so they should rule the earth under God.
Signs on the earth and in the heavens:
Mars has been setting there ever since in its silence as a reminder to the angels, both fallen and holy, of God’s power and pureness. Now, that reminder has come to light to humans as well. And there is a reason. God is preparing to bring all things to an end.
Present fallen angel activity:
Satan and his fallen angels still have dominion over the earth and the planet areas. Satan is called: Lord of the High Places, Lord of those who quickly fly (in high places), Prince of the Powers of the Air, and obviously Prince of the Powers behind flying crafts in the high places. The Bible explains where Satan currently resides and connects him with forces in the atmosphere. Paul tells us "we wrestle with wicked spirits in high places", literally "in the heavens" or "in the aerial regions" (Ephesians 6:12). He is also called "the prince of the power of the air" which literally means "the prince of the aerial host". The Satanic confederation has its seat in the atmosphere heaven in the spaces above around our world.
Many of the strange things that happen are caused by these fallen angelic intelligents. The creation of crop circle, the UFO sighting, etc.
Satan’s deception and lie:
After the rapture God will permit a huge deception (lie) to come upon the world. All people everywhere will believe this deception with all their hearts. There will be a manifestation of the powers of darkness on this earth as Satan, the fallen angels, and the demons perform "signs and lying wonders (miracles)" with the goal of deceiving mankind.
Satan and his host of fallen angels are subverting creation by twisting the truth in their attempt "to be like the Most High". Which has always been Satan’s goal (Isaiah 14:12-14). There will be open contact with extra-dimensional beings (fallen angels and demons). The revelation that such ancient civilizations, like the discovered Mars face, will prove that intelligent life, other than man, really do exists in the universe.
They will make many godless claims and have the false miracles and technology to back them up. It will be claimed that these extraterrestrials and other advanced beings (aliens) evolved long ago. They (not God) are the ones that created us through genetic engineering (manipulation). They are the ones responsible not only for our design (seeded earth with life), but also have guided our species through history by giving us our great religious leaders (Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed). That in fact, they are the god of the Bible! They will tell us that we are now ready for the next evolutionary leap to become equal with them and to be as gods.
There will be all kinds of evidence to proof their claim. Proof of some kind that there is life in space. With the so-called discovery of Martian life in the form of alleged three billion year old microbes the ground work has been laid. It is only a very small logical leap from those that subscribe to the theory of evolution that three billion years would be plenty of time for intelligence to evolve from these germs and plenty of time for them to be far past us on the evolutionary scale.
The world has been setup to receive this lie of UFO’s and beings from other worlds:
1. The academic world has already removed God from the scene with it’s many theories on evolution.
2. Television and movies have popularized space themes and contact with other races for years (Star Wars, etc).
3. The unceasing reports of UFO sightings and alien abductions.
4. Erik Von Danicken’s many books concerning alien gods (Chariots of the gods, etc.).
5. The occultists (psychics, mediums, etc.) Frequently speaking about our friendly space brothers who wish to help mankind with their superior knowledge and technology.
6. The spiritism (channeling) of ancient spirits.
7. The supposed discovery of microscopic bacteria (life) on a rock from Mars.
8. The discovery of ice on the moon and the possibility of life on one of Jupiter’s moons.
9. The supposed discoveries of other planet systems in far away galaxies.
The whole idea of the existence of extra-terrestrial life has been steadily gaining credence. Recent polls report that as many as half the population of the United States believe there to be other intelligent life out in space. U.S. News & World Report (April 7, 1997) article "Witches, magic, ordinary folks" states, "Just because a belief in magic seems more implausible than a belief in God, and belief in space aliens more implausible still, you don’t have the luxury of saying that the act of believing in one is fundamentally different from the act of believing in another. And the witches seemed pretty normal to me."
What will not be understood is that these extraterrestrials (extra-dimensional) and the rebellious sons of God (fallen angels) are one and the same. They are not creators of the human race, but perverts of God’s creations. This coming deception will literally be doctrines of devils openly presented to the world. Such miracles and lies will bring the anti-christ to power. But the power that bring him to light will be the power of Satan and hell.
The lie will work and mankind will be totally deceived (II Thessalonians 2:11). Please understand that Satan will not deny the existence of other "gods". He will admit they exist (he can’t deny the truth that God does exist), but he will declare himself the greatest among them all.
As in Noah’s days:
Satan’s influence was so great that one-third of the created angels sided with him in the rebellion (Revelation 12:4). Many years after Satan’s kingdoms were devastated, during the days of Noah, many of these same rebellious angels co-inhabited with women to try and pollute the human race and stop the Messiah from coming (Genesis 6:4). "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man" (Luke 17:26). According to Genesis (6:2) the "sons of God " or fallen angels took wives of the"daughter of men" and gave birth to "giants" or Nephilim (Genesis 6:4). Naphal (to fall) or the fallen ones was rendered "earth-born" in the Greek Septuagint. Jesus told us that "angels don’t marry in heaven" (Matthew 22:30), but apparently they are capable of much mischief with earthlings.
The offsprings of this kind of unit (angels and human women) were powerful. Part human and part angel. They are the Heros of Mythology (Hercules, Zeus, etc) and maybe created the mythical Atlantis. Remember that it took Noah almost one hundred years to build the Ark (Genesis 5:32 & 6:6). A long enough time for such powerful giants to do a lot of marvelous things. Because they do not have souls, like humans, they have become the demons under Satan’s control. There is no other explanation for where demons come from. God has to return soon - He has no choice.
This effort to co-inhabit with humans was part of Satan’s strategy to corrupt the line of Adam in order to prevent the fulfillment of the Messianic redemption. Noah was apparently unique in that his genealogy was still uncorrupted. This act by the fallen angels was so terrible that God consigned them (those involved) to the pit of darkness in the unseen world (Tartarus) bound and held in chains until the day God will gather them for judgment (II Peter 2:4 and Jude 6-7). Other factions of the rebellious angels continue to exist with the ability to traveling in the atmosphere (UFO’s) of the earth and among the terrestrial planets.
God’s prophecy:
The increased sightings of UFO’s and aliens speak of an increase in demonic involvement with mankind and a precursor to the end-times? The Holy Spirit is presently withholding the revealing of the man of sin and is holding back the evil in this world. With the rapture the church will be removed and the working of the Holy Spirit through the church will also be removed. The restraining influence of the Spirit filled, praying, interceding Church will not longer be here. The Restrainer (Holy Spirit) may be restraining far more than we have any suspicion of (II Thessalonians 2:7-8).
Along with all the deceptions and satanic miracles, God will send a strong delusion so that the lost will believe the lie. The purpose of the great delusion that will come upon the world will be to allow the lost to be deceived and perish. Since the lost have rejected the truth they will be given a lie to believe with all their hearts.
This is only a possible scenario. I don’t claim any special knowledge, wisdom, or anything. But given the current attitudes and trends in society as a whole, right now this seems to make the best sense. Look up and be prepared - Jesus is coming soon

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