Question from AmateurSleuth to Intuition BET


Certifiably Crazy
posted 01-28-03 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Intuition BET:
Now I understand what your trying to do.

And BLACK kids in the ghetto are at home with no parent because the parents are out selling drugs and getting high...should we go door to door to save these kids from there screwed up parents????

Give me a break.

I lost ALL respect for you DUDE!

Go PISS somewhere else.

I'd really, really like to leave this alone, but my conscience won't let me!!

I hardly know where to start. Why is it black kids that you use here? Last I checked, there are more white people doing drugs etc., since the black population is only about 12%!!

What's up with you? BEING BLACK IS NOT A CRIME Or is it? Is it not okay for black people to breathe the same air that you do?


Fixing yourself is more than enough work for any one person!!

You are like an annoying bug that won't go away... because you don't understand...

WHY do you feel "YOU" have to stand up for all minorities??? And you do it in such a childish and defensive way. And your not even qualified to do it as you have too much ANGER in you that you put on others.

I wasn't putting down blacks, colored people or Negroes! Or anyone.
I wasn't saying "BLACK PEOPLE DO DRUGS"
Like they are the only ones doing them.

I was suggesting a BETTER cause to the GENERAL instead of looking for "freezing old people."

Kids are living short lives in the town I grew up in (LA) because DRUGS have their parents all messed-up and the kids have to fend for themselves ALONE in a ghetto that's filled with "crazed crack gangsters" that will shoot at you if you look at them the wrong way.

And a large number of parents are on heavy drugs that are HARD for them to get off of so the kids are on their own and some start doing drugs at young ages because the parent are not their.

But I was ONLY talking about the kids that have screwed-up parents on drugs. And unless things have changed since I've been here in Curacao...there ain't no white people in the GHETTO.

My family and myself have worked with these kids and tried to help them over the years, and I know their struggle first hand.
So who are you to tell me anything about minorities or especially blacks???

Your so eager to "jump the gun" and say I'm BAD because I said something about BLACKS.
You made you the racist police???

Go read my post..I said "to save these kids"

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> And BLACK kids in the ghetto are at home with no parent because the parents are out selling drugs and getting high...should we go door to door "to save these kids" from there screwed up parents? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I'd really, really like to leave this alone, but my conscience won't let me!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm sure it's more than just your conscience

You wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> What's up with you? BEING BLACK IS NOT A CRIME Or is it? Is it not okay for black people to breathe the same air that you do? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How dare you say something like that to me. I know more about the struggle of the black man than you ever will.

I don't think you are even black. or a minority.

And if you are black your mother was white, which means your not 100%.

Ever here of the song...
Elvis - In the Ghetto ? (it's my young wife's FAVORITE song on her new ELVIS CD)
"Elvis - In the Ghetto"
-- That's what it's all about...trying to help that situation and not doing the B.S. RACIAL POLICE that you are doing which DOES NOTHING but anger whites and create MORE RACISM

Please go out and buy a copy of the new ELVIS CD and listen to In the Ghetto
And STOP all of your ANGER!

I have nothing more to say to you so don't expect a reply to your post.

Good Luck!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Intuition BET:
...which DOES NOTHING but anger whites and create MORE RACISM...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Int, You've been at this forum since Oct/02. In that time you have made your mark as a bombastic bully, and been somewhat successful in your efforts. However, I am not one who is impressed with your wit.

Regardless of how you choose to hold your mouth, your comments are abhorrent and rascist. (racism\n.\Racism is essentially a conscious or unconscious belief in the inherent superiority of one race over another\others and thereby the right by that race to use power to dominate.)

Racism is not limited by race, color, creed or national origin. Lots of black people are racist against their own people, it's called being "color struck"!

The time is over for people of color to have to apologize to anyone for who they are!!

Upsetting white people seems to be a concern for you (and Blue), but it's time, and past time, for "white people" to be "upset" by the acts perpetrated against people of color who work hard every day to make this country great!! People whose ancestors have given blood and shed blood for this country!!

They do not need your approval! No one has to ask your permission to do or say a damn thing anywhere or at any time. You are the master of noone, not even yourself. You have no "domain" to rule. Certainly not me, and certainly not here. (You just got here!)

Just step back, and get the hell outta the way.


Fixing yourself is more than enough work for any one person!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
do you get the "warm fuzzies" when you chastise someone who in YOUR view is racist.

who made you the expert on race relations?

get down from your pulpit and take a look in the mirror, maybe you are the one with some guilt.

slugster i am

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Hell yeah, it's my opinion, and why shouldn't I speak it? Int has no problem posting all over the board what his opinions are? Do I have less right to express what I have to say?

Must I tell you that I could care less what you think! Like you're the arbiter of something. Who are you to decide anything about me? I am telling you what I have to say, like it or not. Defending this deadbeat is a waste of your time.

This is your sacred "Rubber Room"!! I can say what I want in here, flames and all, right? Or is that only for the "people with penises".

You guys are beginning to make me think I am in the midst of a group of misogynists. Can that be the case?


Fixing yourself is more than enough work for any one person!!

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