what's dangerous are the people in the white house RIGHT now
Imo and all honesty it is way too early to assess the Biden Administration one way or the other.
I am not going to debate the issue, but imo at the moment anyways there are too many unwarranted, irrational fears bordering on paranoia out there.
Maybe because I am older and have been through the change of Administrations many times, but I believe for most people including me
life will go on with the usual ups and downs which everyone experiences.
And believe it or not, I would say the same even if Trump was elected.
And I know it is bit selfish, but for me and at my age, I am a lot more concerned about my own personal health(it is very good right now),
and for my younger family and financial security for them(again very good at the moment).
Also, if you have noticed, I haven't posted one solitary thing in the Political Forum since January 6, the reason being that in spite
of the claims to the contrary made in the IVU Thread, like it or not, the Biden/Harris Administration is in control until 2024, meaning that I regard
that Forum as essentially a total waste of time to debate, bitch, complain, etc. about every single day as some folks do.
Imo the best course of action is for everyone to hope and pray the Biden does well for the sake of yourself, your family, the country and the world!!