she is typical of the modern left wing liberal women who thinks that white men of european decent are the origin of the worlds ills. very misguided thinking.
i would not be surprised to see a "save the whales" bumper sticker on her car possibly a "greenpeace' sticker and definately a "keep abortion legal" sticker.
in other words: i want to protect the animals and plants, but fuvk the people.
she also has led a pampered life in which she has not been exposed to any forced integration in work or school, and also feels guilt about this.
in her mind it is much better for your children to be the subject of social experimentation.
a creed that she lives by would read: "do as i say, not as i do"
lizzy is not getting enough good sex in my opinion. the pent up anger is the telltale here.
lizzy,let me know if i am close. bet'cha i am