Price per Head - the #1 Bookie Betting Website Provider


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Jan 9, 2009
Are you a bookie and want the best software solution? Contact me at and I'll hook you up.

If you are new to the price per head concept, let me explain:

What is Price per Head?

Price per head is a system where offshore bookies rent software and services to on-shore bookies. The offshore bookie will process all transactions between the agent and the player. The agent and player can then check all plays, results and see the totals.

Generally, the offshore book will provide the per head agent with a website, an agent log in and customer log ins. The agent can use his agent log in to check all plays made by customers. Customers can log in to check what plays they have made, check results and put in new plays.

The software and systems are located offshore, generally in Costa Rica, Panama, Curacao, Antigua, Dominican Republic among others. There are currently a few million customers in the US who use betting systems provided by offshore price per player agents operations.

Why is it important for bookies?

As anyone who has taken bets on their phone or in a notebook will tell you, that get's old REALLY quick. I mean, you are going to be getting constant text messages before the game. Some guys will say they sent the text message early, despite it being registered as after kick off time. They will fight you over the settlement amounts. You won't have time to enjoy a meal with your family if something even remotely interesting is happening on TV. Basically you become a slave to your business.

And that is not to mention the risk. Having every bet you take recorded in a notebook or on your cell phone is just inviting trouble.

Plus, with price per head you get to offer your customers so much more than just regular betting options. Aside from opening up thousands of games which you couldn't possibly cover, it opens up the option to take on all types of prop bets. These are really good at getting the true squares to pony up a little more each season.

Most good per head shops will also offer a racebook, with plenty of tracks covered. If they are really good, they will have a dedicated horses guy who will stay on top on all movements, ensuring your safety and your bottom line.

Another thing you get to offer is casino - I've always been amazed at how much I make from my casino players. Guys who will get $1000, I know I'll only be keeping a small percentage, but when they play casino, I keep pretty much anything they start playing with. I really love the live casino options. Many players don't trust risking their money to what they see as essentially a video game. However if they can see the cards being shuffled and dealt live, particularly my VIPS, they really increase the amount and frequency with which they play. One of my guys told me he reduced his casino visits from once per week to once per month thanks to the extra's my new per head provider had.

It's hard to overstate just how much of a dramatic impact these bookie website providers can have on your business.

When did this start?

Bookies looking for others to take their bets for them has a very long history as long as bets have been taken. In New York of the 1970's I remember call centers the plenty of college kids writing action on flash paper. Then in the 90s with the movement into Antigua, the concept started to come up but informally.

Big bookies would start their own offshore call centers. Then when not so big bookies got wind of it, they wanted in. So the larger bookies in the 90's would provide websites and the same things we do, but also take a percentage of the action. This meant that only the most profitable bookies would afford to use these services.

I remember back when NASA sports existed, it wasn't uncommon for a non-commission deal to involve a $35/head fee. And it didn't include casino, horses, live betting, poker, live casino, lottery, pools or any of the other percs currently offered. You also couldn't move your lines or really... do anything without picking up the phone and dealing with one of their agent support guys.

Over the years these services have gone down dramatically in prices. Now a days you can find some for as little as free. We strongly don't recommend those. Remember, everyone has to make money somehow, I'd hate to think how the free ones are making their money.

Realistically, you don't want to pay more than $15/head if you are getting a ton of bells and whistles. You can go down to $5 if you are looking for some bare bones systems and have a decent number of players. However, we strongly recommend you don't use places that charge less. You do get what you pay for. We've had agents contact us because the reporting was all switched around from their last place, or their player data was lost and everyone was claiming they won't shit they didn't. It can become a real mess real quick.

What should I look for when shopping for a pay per head shop?

The first thing we need to consider is your position:

For a small time bookie with few players and small plays - If you have a low number of players and low volume, then we suggest you look for the cheaper solutions. You can't bleed a stone. If you want to pay for high end solutions, you should really have some decent players to make it worth your while. Otherwise you just spend all you make on the price per head solutions.

For large guys with larger volume - Especially if you have a large number of players under you, your ability to negotiate is greatly increased. You should really use this ability. Remember some books just don't want new customers too badly, and this will show when they negotiate. But smaller shops can really use the numbers, so they might bend over backwards to fit you in. This is the type of shop you want. Someone who will do everything in their power to make you happy.

In the end, it is your money, so why would you accept one of the less competitive shops not giving you everything you want? Just keep emailing until you find the right fit.

We expect most agents with less than 20 players to be paying around $10/head - anything above that in terms of players and you should definitively get a custom quote. Also, make sure they cover fees for depositing, those can really add up.

Do I have to pay for every account I give out?

Absolutely not. If that was the case, very few bookmakers would have the margins needed to pay for these services. You are only charged for accounts if a player has placed at least 1 bet during that week.

If you have lots of players that place only one bet, one thing I have done and it works well is to let players know that if they place on only one bet during a week, I'll charge them a $10 fee. They can either place no bets, or 2 and more and I won't charge them.

Basically, I pass on the costs to my customers.

How do I pay?

Now a days the #1 best way to move money for this is to pay with bitcoin. I strongly suggest you get an account with one of the major exchanges, but don't send the bitcoin directly to your headshop provider. Instead move the money into a blockchain account and from there pay any expenses you want. The reason is that some exchanges have been blocking customers who buy bitcoin and then send them to known betting sites.

Want to get started? HMU today and get 2 weeks free.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
How is your season going?

Are you being protected by your per head shop? Do they keep good information security practices?

This is an important question no matter what you do and who you do it with. But for bookie agents who use price per head sportsbook software services? Doubly so.

So let's go over some important things to consider when looking at a per head shop:

1- SSL
If you visit your banking page, you will see a green lock on the top of your browser (internet explorer, firefox, chrome) - this is because the page is secure. It means the information when transmitted is transmitted securely. Some price per head sportsbooks don't use an SSL, thereby putting agent info at risk of anyone with the know how to intercept your communication.

2- In house emailing
Do you use emails? Are they on hotmail? gmail? yahoo? aol? Then they aren't secure. That is why top pay per head service providers offer free in-house email systems that allow for secure communications. These systems are hosted in house by the price per head site, therefore they can ensure the information is truly secure.

3- Do they take credit cards
Sounds convenient no? You can use your credit card to pay for the fees. However, this is a terrible idea that puts both the agent and the per head shop in danger. The best way to pay is via bitcoin, money order or cash. Anything else is not smart.

4- Sites that use whatsapp or skype
These are not safe, not at all. If your provider is using these they don't understand information security and if they don't understand it, you are in danger.

So... go with the pros. Go with us. HMU and we'll give you 2 free weeks!

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Today we decided to take a stand a make a donation to - It seems like a really cool organization that is helping to make going to the game more affordable for the average joe. I think if we think of the long term aspect of sports, this is going to be important.

Additionally, we signed up 3 new agents today. So it's been a nice day so far.

If you are interested in joining a price per head sportsbook that really cares, HMU. We are truly heads and shoulders above the competition.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Contact me today for a very special 3 weeks free - We are putting out this promotion because we have been found to be the #1 Price per head sportsbook by

We just released a re-design of our bookie messaging system. Now you can more easily export and import messages as well as make annotations to messages so that you can remember what players are talking about, or make a note on the tone of a customer.

We are also working on a few new features suggested to us by our pay per head agents. If you want any special bookie website features, let us know and we'll develop them for you!

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Price per Head Bookie websites

The price per head website is the URL your players will use to find you. It will be something like

Once your players log in, they will be able to play on any of the betting options that major offshore sportsbooks offer. This allows local bookie agents to operate on a level playing field. As the price per head provider we charge a weekly fee, or the 'price per head'.

Since is a legitimate and high quality operator, we only charge for accounts that were active during a week. If you are wondering what we mean by active, we mean a player who has logged in AND placed a wager.

As a bookie you need to be careful about how active players get counted. Some guys will charge even if a player logged in within the last month. That is obviously going to cost way more.

Additionally, with us you pay the same if your player came in and placed one wager or if he came in placed 1000.

Keeping control of your price per head site

This is a very important topic many pay per head sportsbook companies will not mention to the agents. And that is the domains. If you own the domain, then you can move from one provider to the next without the player really noticing.

This puts almost all the power squarely in the hands of the agent.

The only warning is that you need to be careful what information you use to register the domain and pay for it.

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