"I only read academic papers"
"I listen to really, REALLY smart people"
"I'm not a leftie"
It's amazing how any thread can turn in to a birther thread at any moment.
It's amazing how the left blames guns and law-abiding citizens and not the real problem, which can easily be seen in your own post (#26).
And yes, the fraud is ineligible and would fail a simple background check. If there was a non-political way of addressing this constitutional crisis, he wouldn't be president.
I'm more afraid of the young white suburban kid who can't get chicks or played too many violent video games and wants to end his life and take people with him than gangbangers.
Like all bad things, it all started in the 1960s.
We simply didn't have all these socially-engineered problems in a once traditional, VERY conservative America.
Completely disagree on the cause being 1960s social engineering. I personally believe it's the result of technological advancements such as the Internet, social media, video games, computer games, the news media, etc. So much romanticizing violence, you're going to get some crazy kids who act out on it. Look at those 12 year old girls who brought their friend in to the woods and stabbed her 19 times because of some fictitious online character. And I recall couple of these school shooters who idolized the Columbine kids who started it all. Kind of a rebellion of the losers.
is wYou got fringe left who want crazy strict gun bans and you got fringe right who want RPGs legalized. Until both fringes chill the fuck out, there will be no rational discussion on the issue, unfortunately. Something needs to change, but common sense on both sides has left the fucking building.
You're playing your semantics games again. The entire context of the article was on these mass shootings.
"The United States does not have a monopoly on crazy people. It's not the only country that has psychosis," he said. "And yet we kill each other in these mass shootings at rates that are exponentially higher than anyone else. Well, what's the difference? The difference is that these guys can stack up a bunch of ammunition in their houses, and that's sort of par for the course."
And the article you just posted was from 2012.The President gave this speech in 2014.