Post #5,000


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Thoughts and Observations from 2 Years of Posting and 2 Years of Lurking at

-As much as we are all angry at the potential legislation being passed, I have to admit one thing: Gambling brings out the worst in people. If you want to see what I mean, just visit an ace-ace thread after he loses one weekend. There is some ugliness in this world, and I'd say gambling brings out and catalyzes some of that ugliness.

- There may not be a classier guy than oldmanTED. Class isn't an act that you put on. It's what you do at all times. It's what you do when nobody is watching. The guy has character. It's easy to set up shop behind a computer screen and let some poor bastard on the other end feel your wrath - you'll probably never meet him. But even behind closed doors, oldmanTed is all class. I've never seen this guy show a hint of the dark side. Maybe he beats his wife, snorts a line and then comes on here and says "Be well". But I doubt it. Big ups to oldmanTizzle. Fo shizzle.

-Speaking of class: what's with gamblers and the following words: sharp and class. If you're sharp and you have class, I don't think there is a better compliment one gambler can give to another. On the flip side, you can call someone a cocksucker and tell them that you fornicated with his grandmother, but your ass better not call him a "square". He may get angry.

-Funniest Signature: Omnivorous Frog. Love him or hate him, he makes some good posts. But the funniest is when he rips someone a new anus, and then at the end of the post, right after he calls you a liar and a sheep, you have this little guy waving at you like it's all okay and he meant it in a good way: :howdy:

-Speaking of funny...Skinsraj. He's not just putting on some show for everyone. Even when you e-mail this guy privately, he is hilarious. We were talking serious in e-mails back and forth and he says something along the lines to me of:
"Thanks a lot for helping me with this. By the way I have an erection right now. Do what you will with that information."

-I've realized that West Coasters are completely mentally and physically wacked out and flustered by the apparent East Coast Bias. Usually, it clouds their judgement. As an example, when I open a thread of Railbird or Winkyduck, I already know before I open it, they picked a west coast team over an east coast team. It happens everytime, regardless of the game or spread.

-This face....:smoking: is probably the funniest stupid animation face on this message board, only when it is used in the context of some poster talking about his wife.

-It's incredible what the words "Good luck" mean to a gambler. You can absolutely insult somebody, but if you say good luck at the end, they really dont care anymore what you said. Especially when mixed with the below icon:

-People think this icon....:toast: mixed with a "Good Luck"....makes everything better.

"Fuck you you asshole. I hope you die. Fucking prick. Anyways...

Good luck...:toast: "

-Coldweather may be the most underrated capper in certain sports. Yes he usually takes the dog, bla bla. But when he takes favorites, you know that play is money. On a side note: Coldweather is either very patient or mentally retarded. Can you imagine posting the same EXACT POST OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER 4,000 times? I couldnt do it.
"In-depth forensic analysis. I take them because they are tall. Clapping fans. Insert dancing men:dancefool :dancefool ." By the 3rd time making the same post, I would say to myself..."Holy shit bro I am bored. I feel like Ive done this before 4,000 times. Holy shit....I have." We all get a kick out of his posts, but can you imagine actually physically POSTING the same thing everyday?

- I think people should have more fun on here. We are all gambling and a few of us do this for a living, but for the most part we do this to supplement income and because it's a fun hobby. I dont think people should be ripped for bumping their threads, and having a party in their own threads and celebrating. As long as they dont clutter up the forum with it by making multiple threads. When I hit big plays, I am excited. I'm amped. And sometimes I like to share my excitement with other sports bettors that I can relate to, because my grandmother and my girlfriend just dont give 3 fucks whether or not I win a bet. (Not that you do either, but at least you can relate)

- I am convinced there is not one poster on this board that enjoys gambling and making friends more than Gyno. He seems like the type of guy that he would sit in a sportsbook all day long, and he would know every person in there before he left it. And he would be the happiest man on the earth. And the only reason he would leave it is to probably snap a bong rip.

- According to bash pictures, there are apparently some good looking women gambling on sports like billsfan and xpanda. That makes me take back everything I said about roxy, and I admit that she probably is a smoking hot blonde.........No I made that up. I know 3 Ginas and they are all unattractive and have penises. What a coincidence.

Great forum. Let's make some CASH.

Fuck all of you. :howdy:
Jan 19, 2006
Congrats on #5000 bro. Another Boxslayer classic.

This part had me laughing for 5 mins right now..

It's incredible what the words "Good luck" mean to a gambler. You can absolutely insult somebody, but if you say good luck at the end, they really dont care anymore what you said. Especially when mixed with the below icon:

-People think this icon....:toast: mixed with a "Good Luck"....makes everything better.

"Fuck you you asshole. I hope you die. Fucking prick. Anyways...

Good luck...:toast: "

Drop Dead cocksucker.. :toast: Good Luck... GL..

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
shut up! fcuking attention whore!!!:missingte :missingte :missingte

great post box, you are definetly one of the up and coming cappers with a huge amount of potential, always good analysis and thoughts in your threads. gl and hope the next 5k are just as informative as the last 5k.

Sep 20, 2004
:howdy: Box you are one of a kind! take that as a compliment!

Funny take on those west-coasters! :lolBIG:

Congrats on #5K:suomi:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I have to lie down now, just found out I am completely and physically wacked out and they sell a pill for that on the east coast?

I'm all about low expectations
Feb 3, 2006
Box, you are one of the sharpest posters on here, whether you're makin a dumbass thread in the rr that cracks everyone up or writing up an analysis of a game, i always enjoy the read...

btw, this guy says FUCK YOU:pope:

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Thanks for the kind words man...I still need to shoot you an email back about my upcoming projects and stuff. And my upcoming erections. I'll do so soon, don't you worry.

I hope you die. :toast:

Can't forget this guy, he's my boy...:modemman:

By the way, I give you props because you have mastered the art of using the pope roof-raise. I can't tell you how many times I've laughed at your posts simply because of a well-placed pope. You need to write a How-To on it, for future generations of RXers.

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
As a former RR degenerate (I was exiled and only allowed to post in the RR along with some others that no longer post here), I would like to congratulate you. This is my first post in about 2 years at this site but I occasionally lurk over to laugh at the RR antics. You, SkinsRaj and the rest of the crew have kept up my former home nicely. Keep holding it down, you fucktards are funny.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
5,000 posts???? What a gigantic loser. I mean I have been at the RX for probably 2 years longer than you and you have doubled me up. I remember telling you about the RX a long, long, long, long time ago and you telling me what a homo I was. Now you make the top 5 posters of the week. BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Love the jab at Coldweather. I mean Coldweather. Just makes posts and plays and doesnt mess with anyone or hurt anyone and you take a jab at him. You are gonna have Harry Caray come out from under his ass and attack you like a pitbull. My advice to you is post a picture of a cock and he will be preoccupied for several months. :modemman:

Didnt even make mention of Mr. Newlywed, and Master L.

My 5 K is gonna be explosive. Definitely gonna get a few panties on here in a wad. Fireworks will be set off. In fact if I get drunk enough this weekend I may let loose.

Box thanks for the post you are definitely one of the most overrated posters on here.

Good Luck on your plays :toast:

Go Grizz!!!
Oct 8, 2005
Rawpimple said:
My 5 K is gonna be explosive. Definitely gonna get a few panties on here in a wad. Fireworks will be set off. In fact if I get drunk enough this weekend I may let loose.

Box thanks for the post you are definitely one of the most overrated posters on here.

Good Luck on your plays :toast:

You are so full of shit. You say you are the king of the rubber room. Prove it bitch.

Best Wishes...........:howdy:

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
I didnt jab at Coldweather. I love the guy. All I said is I couldnt personally make the same post everyday. Thats just me. Didnt say he was a scumbag, or a whore, or a bitch, or heaven forbid.........a square.

As for me being a loser....I learned from you. If it werent for you I would of never got into gambling.

When you were 12 and I was 6, you rolled out a craps table on me, you were teaching me about odds on the passline and how the big 6 was a sucker bet, and of course you were the fuckin bank and you used to take my allowance. "7 out....damn...."

Then you encouraged me to do multi hands in blackjack, until we had them spread out across the entire floor. Of course you were the dealer.

If it werent for you, I would have never of gotten involved with gambling. But at the same time, you also made me a better gambler so I didnt keep losing my alowance to you. I dont think any 11 year old should read all of John Patricks advanced craps and How to count Cards. But I had to so I could beat the house - you.

Of course, the one thing I always knew more was sports....even when I was 11 and you were 17, I was still picking winners against the spread vs. you, and nothing has changed today.


New member
Oct 21, 2004
did rawpimple also show you how to masturbate using his hand on your penis?

Yes -500
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