Pete Rose JR...Press Release...


Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
I m done arguing with the Steammaker....... No point...Only pisses posters off..I am not a basher to anyone else, I just get mad when I KNOW that some people are following this guy and losing their shirts and he still promises them winners....I do ask Steammaker to keep his ego in check as he is down a sizeable # of units..BUT he does contribute to the RX in a positive way most of the time,and has some good overnight opinions... The first week that SM was here he was telling everyone how "pro" he was and how square evryone else is..Regardless whether you believe me or not, I am one of the 5 % of bettors who actually WIN..There are many who I talk to on MSN who post here that will vouch for that.. So the way I see it is that I have 1700+ posts and some chump with 4 posts comes to a place where I frequent and in one of his first posts tells me I m a square...Thats dumb..You wouldnt go into a bar, and start telling the regulars how tough and smart you are..Chances are pretty good that you'll get your teeth kicked in...

On the topic of your record dissappearing....GAY...not cool..put your real record up and show what you have done this season..

I would never bash anyone who loses money or picks on the RX, I m not like that. The ONLY reason I bust your nuts is because of your egotistical attitude towards many posters...I said in the beginning when you where winning that you played too many games and that this was a recipe for disaster..NOBODY listened, just thought I was being a diick...NOPE... wasnt trying to be a diick, just saying it the way I saw it..Anyways STEAMMAKER, i have said my piece and I am done giving you grief. I honestly hope you turn your record around and win back some money..It would be nice to see you have a strong finish for the end of the NBA season for all of your time invested, trying to help people out..Just try and keep the modesty in check a bit....I have seen that you have done well this season in picking NCAA hockey so hopefully the same people who were following you in NBA where following as well for hockey....Best of luck for the end of your season and for bases also..PEACE


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Good Pete ! I think both you and Steam mean well. Steam gets carried away with number of bets, but that can work if numbers ( odds) are tits on ! His hockey is good, doesn't quite make up for NBA deficit. I think MLB will be good for him, he did call NBA O/N moves well, and that's probably as far as most followed him.

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